• 斯图加特是公认世界汽车首都梅赛德斯-奔驰保时捷博物馆值得同时,它也是德国最大酿酒工业区之一

    Recognized as a global car capital—both the Mercedes-Benz and Porsche museums are worth a visitStuttgart also is part of one of Germany’s largest wine growing regions.


  • 过去首都地产价格已经涨了汽车增加了一倍,之前75年都更多公司开始了他们的生意。

    The past five years have seen property prices quadruple in the capital, the number of cars double and more companies started than in the previous 75 years.


  • 1994年,名骑着马儿,面颊红润的都柏林儿童,因象征现代爱尔兰,而成为1994年9月份封面照。虽然当时该国首都汽车避让马车

    Representing modern Ireland in 1994, three ruddy-cheeked Dublin children are featured with a pony at a time when cars still dodged horse-drawn carts in the country's capital.


  • 此文讲述俄罗斯乔治亚汽车拉力大赛经过一部分地方,准确的说,卡尔梅克共和国及其首都埃里斯特。

    In this article we are going to tell you about one part of the big auto race from Russia to Georgia, to be more precise, about the Republic of Kalmykia and its capital – Elista.


  • 巴西首都巴西利亚,最初缓解汽车交通而不断拓展的市中心现在到处是连自行车买不起贫民

    In the Brazilian capital of Brasilia, for instance, the sprawling urban center was designed for easy car transport but now teems with slum dwellers too poor to afford even bicycles.


  • 福特探索者或是丰田塔科马这样的新型大排量汽车频现街道更多车辆每日陷于首都拥堵道路之中。

    New, oversized cars such as the Ford Explorer and Toyota Tacoma ply the streets but, like other vehicles are caught in the daily traffic jams that snake through the capital.


  • 墨西哥合纵首都墨西哥城国家边缘,国家的大部分领土都为郊区,所以担心仅仅以规划工业限制汽车驾驶来降低空气污染时远远不够的。

    He fears that in the state of Mexico, which borders the capital and contains most of its suburbs, regulation of industry and checks on motorists are weaker.


  • 伊拉克首都巴格达发生汽车爆炸袭击事件,造成至少4死亡还有许多此次爆炸受伤

    At least four people have been killed in a car bomb attack in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Many others were wounded in the blast.


  • 5月27日巴基斯坦首都拉合尔发生的一起汽车爆炸事件至少23名人丧命。此次爆炸摧毁了三军情报局大楼(ISI)。

    AT LEAST 23 people died in Pakistan on Wednesday May 27th when a car bomb exploded in Lahore, damaging buildings used by the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, the ISI.


  • 也门官员英国也门首都萨那大使馆的汽车遭到火箭袭击,造成受伤同时一名枪手首都郊外打死了能源设施工作的一名法国男子

    Yemeni officials say a rocket attack on a British embassy vehicle in Sana 'a has wounded several people, while a gunman has killed a French man working at an energy facility outside the capital.


  • 首都拥挤的六里桥汽车开始的中文之,我在这儿一张承德的车票。

    I begin my own battle in the thronging Liu Li Qiao bus station in the capital, where I am buying a ticket to Chengde.


  • 首都黎波里居民们武器空中汽车喇叭,把街道水泄不通。

    In Tripoli, the capital, residents fired weapons into the air and blasted their car horns, crowding the streets.


  • 伊拉克首都巴格达发生强力汽车爆炸目标很明显外国使馆

    The Iraqi capital Baghdad has been shaken by three powerful suicide car bombings, apparently aimed at foreign embassies.


  • 爆炸袭击了准备驶向乌干达首都坎帕拉辆公共汽车

    The blast hit a bus about to set off for the Ugandan capital Kampala.


  • 叙利亚首都大马士革发生汽车炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少17死亡,14受伤。目前还清楚这次爆炸针对目标谁。

    A car bomb has exploded in the Syrian capital, Damascus, killing at least 17 people and wounding 14 others. The target of the blast was not immediately clear.


  • 首都之外英格兰第二城市伯明翰警察正在调查谋杀案,案中名男子汽车撞死

    Outside the capital, in England's second-largest city of Birmingham, police launched a murder investigation into the deaths of three men hit by a car.


  • 北京中国首都一个历史名城有许多著名建筑。底特律汽车工业闻名吗?

    Beijing, the capital of China. It's an historic city noted for its many famous buildings. and Detroit is famous for its automobile industrial, right?


  • 星期一家人汽车驱车从50英里外的卡拉斯前往首都

    But on Monday, he and his brother packed their families into a car and set off from the town of Khalis for the 50-mile drive to the capital.


  • 参赛者自行选择路线蒙古首都乌兰巴托他们汽车引擎不能超过1.2公升不能有全球定位系统

    Ralliers can choose their own route to the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, but their cars must have an engine no larger than 1.2 litersand no GPS.


  • 爆炸发生准备夜间内罗毕开往乌干达首都坎帕拉公共汽车旁边

    The explosion happened beside a bus which was about to set off for an overnight journey from Nairobi to the Ugandan capital Kampala.


  • 去往马拉维首都利隆圭的路上,当我们汽车从路边的那些孩子身边飞驰而过时,不能确定他们正在什么

    I couldn't quite make out what the children by the side of the road were doing as our car shot past them on the way to Malawian capital Lilongwe.


  • 去年北京建立了一个计划安装10个郊区县首都周围汽车露营地。

    And last year, Beijing created a plan to install vehicle campsites in 10 suburban areas and counties around the capital.


  • 官方中国首都北京附近长达100公里堵车长龙可能持续9月中旬。这次大堵车已经成为揭示中国汽车热阴暗面一个符号

    A 100-kilometer traffic jam near the Chinese capital that officials say could last until mid-September has become a symbol of the dark side of China's love affair with the automobile.


  • 张照片拍摄20世纪20年代海德公园,照片可以看出汽车首都泛滥尽管使用

    This photo taken at Hyde Park in the 1920s shows the proliferation of the automobile in the capital, although horses were still used.


  • 多数汽车制造厂位于东海岸罗勇,因此它们没有受到首都曼谷动荡局势直接影响

    Most auto plants are located in the eastern seaboard province of Rayong and haven't been directly affected by the unrest, which has centered on the capital Bangkok.


  • 王巍首都出租汽车公司的司机。

    My name is Wang Wei. I am from the Capital Taxi Company.


  • 萨瓦一家搭乘长途汽车阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯来到巴西里约热内卢

    Sava, a bus ride from Buenos Aires, Argentina came to Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil.


  • 116日,韩国太白山脉、首都汉城以东271公里处司机正在冒雪汽车加防滑链

    A South Korean driver puts chains on his car under the snow in Taebaek mountain, 271 kilometers east of Seoul, 16 January 2005.


  • 七月十五日早晨8:30,走出车臣首都格罗兹尼公寓时,她被绑白色拉达汽车中。

    On July 15th at 8.30am, as she left her flat in Grozny, Natalia Estemirova was forced into a white Lada.


  • 建议一路公共汽车首都大厦

    I suggest you take No. 1 bus to the Capital Building.


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