• 搜寻路由只须检查最前面一小资料,借此辨识封包的目的地。

    Routing table searches require only a look at a short string of data in the initial part of the packet, the header that tells a packet where to go.


  • 几乎不能想象当时的痛苦恐怖”,这是来自Timperley《卫报》其中的段资料

    "You can scarcely imagine the anguish and terror," wrote one informant quoted by Timperley in the Guardian.


  • 所有资料信息不是透露就是发布两大关键事实已经在很时间广为流传。

    Of all the snippets of information either leaked or announced, two key facts have been widely known for longest.


  • 下面摘录其中一(建议阅读完整翻译版本(请参见参考资料)):“真的旅行者没有固定计划没有意向中的目的地。”

    Here's an excerpt I encourage you to read the entire translation see Resources : "a good traveler has no fixed plans and isn't intent upon arriving."


  • 候选方案包括这样︰「XML签名……没有规范地指定如何金钥个人社会团体关联,也没有指定正在引用签名资料含意

    The candidate contains this passage: "The XML Signature ... does not normatively specify how keys are associated with persons or institutions, nor the meaning of the data being referenced and signed.


  • 根据现有资料不足以确定者以及与之相对经过长一间隔时间后再次接种疫苗者的不良反应发生率

    Current data are insufficient to define the incidence of adverse events in primary vaccinees as opposed to individuals re-vaccinated after a long interval.


  • 注册使用我们服务时,世行就设置了一个cookie,即储存电脑硬盘上的一小代码,它可以您管理订阅的出版物在线资料

    When you register for one of our services, the World Bank sets a cookie, a small bit of code stored on your computer's hard drive that enables you to manage your subscriptions and online profile.


  • 作为Google净化计划第一一部分,计划执行人员销毁所有有版权Google搜寻了的资料

    As a part of Purge's first phase, executives will destroy all copyrighted materials that cannot be searched by Google.


  • 尽管BlogSphere已经有一时间没有更新了,并且缺少诸如评论广告阻塞之类最新特性但是它的确可以实现推荐资料的阻塞。

    While BlogSphere hasn't been updated in a while and lacks some of the latest features like comment spam blocking, it does do referral blocking.


  • XMLSchema 1.0DatatypesRecommendation参见参考资料指定duration 数据类型一个半类型(partially orderedtype),表示一个时间

    The duration datatype specified in the XML Schema 1.0 Datatypes Recommendation (see Resources) is a partially ordered type that represents a period of time.


  • 执行即时(Just -in - time,JIT)编译之前现代JVM通常会运行代码时间(常常是纯解释式运行),从而收集剖析信息(参见参考资料)。

    Modern JVMs typically let code run for a while (usually purely interpreted) in order to gather profiling information before doing Just-in-time (JIT) compilation (see Resources).


  • 保留资料他们经过第一学习阅读

    But before retaining information, they have to go through the first stage of learning, which is reading.


  • 这个生物此次本土生物保护项目第二发现八个新的甲壳物种中的一个,由于之前完全没有任何资料,科学家将其暂时命名为“Ascidicolasecundus”。

    Tentatively named Ascidicola secundus, the animal is one of eight crustacean species found during the second phase of the Korean indigenous species project.


  • 内容产生传输其他复杂的,实际上没有太多资料贡献也正常。

    Content generation and transmission is considerably more involved than the other phases, so it's no wonder that not very many actually contribute to this phase.


  • 本文应用多元统计方法利用地震属性并辅以钻井测井资料对某地区某层砂岩厚度孔隙率进行了横向预测

    The horizontal prediction of thickness and porosity of a sand member in a region was made by applying multivariate statistical method to seismic attribute, drilling and logging data.


  • 联合调查组使用这些资料制作了一动画视频显示涉案发射车经过路线

    Thee JIT used these to produce an animated video showing the route taken by the launcher.


  • 滑坡床土料取得室内大量试验资料基础上86公里滑坡进行了各种方案的电算分析进一步验证成因机理分析的正确。

    On the basis of a lot of test data for the slop bedsoil indoor, calculated various plans to 86km land- slide by computer and further testified the analysis of the mechanism and reason.


  • 本文利用测井钻井CO同位素资料研究了核二沉积时期沉积环境分布、砂展布以及沉积演化规律

    Sedimentary environment and its evolution, distribution of sedimentary facies and sand bodies are discussed on the base of the data of log, drilling and c, o isotope.


  • 这个题目选定之前时间内,笔者查阅了大量文献资料试图金鱼网络文化这个概念予以明确的定义。

    Before this topic was selected, the author read a lot of literatures. trying to give the clearly concept of "the Internet culture of goldfish".


  • 背景资料概述:已经证实TDR保存活动度可能能防止相邻异常负荷

    Summary of Background Data. TDR has been shown to preserve motion and possibly prevent abnormal loading at the adjacent level.


  • 然后西江航道桂梧)2004年船舶运行资料基础,对船舶到船规律进行了分析计算航道通过能力,进一步验证前述理论。

    Then on the base of Xijiang(Guiwu part) waterway data in 2004, analyze the randomicities of daily ship flows and calculate the waterway capacity at this waterway.


  • 目的分析并总结22胸椎多节骨折患者临床资料后路手术疗效

    Objective To analyse the clinical data and results of surgical treatment by posterior approach for multiple thoracic fractures in 22 cases.


  • 大地电磁资料处理方法大多数都是记录傅氏变换,构成功率张量阻抗元素

    Most magnetotelluric data processing methods make the Fourier transform of a segment record to get a power spectrum then to solve for tensor impedance element.


  • 目的视神经减压术提供动脉颅内和眶内解剖学资料

    Objective: to provide anatomic data of ophthalmic artery for the decompression of optic nerve.


  • 美国稳定器多姿结构丰富资料特别稳定器的整体结构扶正结构上借鉴价值

    However, the American stabilizer has the varied style and the plentiful information, especially, there is much reference worth in their integration construction and thee style of stabilized section.


  • 基本规则给出起初问到研究问题相关所有资料

    The basic rule in this section is to give all data relevant to the research question initially asked.


  • 通过清水河试验路基裂缝详细调查资料分析了裂缝产生的原因裂缝进行了分类

    Based on detailed investigation information of subgrade in Qingshuihe experimental section, the occurrence reason of cracking and classification of the cracking are studied.


  • 地震资料处理过程中,为了提高目的反射同相轴分辨率通常采用积的方法。

    Deconvolution has been usually adopted in the process of seismic data processing in order to improve resolution in reflection event of objective interval.


  • 地震资料处理过程中,为了提高目的反射同相轴分辨率通常采用积的方法。

    Deconvolution has been usually adopted in the process of seismic data processing in order to improve resolution in reflection event of objective interval.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定