• 日本,接下来人们关心的死者悼念以及重新开始生活

    In Japan, the focus will be on honoring the dead, and moving on with life.


  • 可能的话家庭成员得到严酷宽慰——认领死者予以哀悼,这是个铭记逝去亲人仪式,一个重建他们生活的起点。在缅甸,光顾飓风遇难者尸体的只有鸟群。

    Families, where possible, are receiving the grim comfort of a body to grieve over; a ritual to mark the passing of a loved one; a point from which to try to rebuild what remains of their lives.


  • 当地居民救援队伍倒塌房屋残骸中间仔细搜寻死者同时,搜寻一些零碎物品,使幸存者帐篷在寒冷室外生活能够方便一些。

    Residents and rescue teams picked through the wreckage of collapsed homes, looking for the dead or for bits and pieces to make life in tents or in the cold outdoors a little easier.


  • 死者生前扶养的劳动能力,还应当支付生活

    Living expenses shall be paid to the person who is maintained by the aggrieved before his or her decease and without ability to work.


  • 造成死亡,并应当支付丧葬死者生前扶养的人必要生活费用

    If the victim dies, the infringe shall also pay the funeral expenses, the necessary living expenses of the deceased's dependents and other such expenses.


  • 乔伊斯死者描绘了都柏林中下层市民死气沉沉、麻木疲软、无所作为、行同死尸生活状态及其最终结局

    The dead by Joyce describes the life state that is depressing, paralyzing, tiring, idle and living dead of the middle - and lower-class citizens in Dublin and the ultimate ending.


  • 幽灵远古时期,人们认为幽灵是生活地下世界死者灵魂

    Shades: Throughout ancient history, Shades meant the spirit of a dead person, residing in the underworld.


  • 幽灵远古时期,人们认为幽灵是生活地下世界死者灵魂。 翑。

    Shades: : Throughout ancient history, Shades meant the spirit of a dead person, residing in the underworld.


  • 鬼魂远古时代,人们认为鬼魂是生活地下世界死者魂魄。

    Shades: Throughout ancient history, Shades meant the spirit of a dead person, residing in the underworld.


  • 死者认为日常生活具有重要的影响力

    The dead were believed to have great power over daily events.


  • 然而,在佛陀早期生活之中,我们看到布施僧侣食物死者神灵赞颂

    However as early as the latter part of the Buddhas life we see the shift of accent from the offering of requisites to monks to the transferring of merits thus accrued to the dead or to the deities.


  • 人们生活死者生者以及子孙后代所订立契约中。 做出这一尝试性思考价值在于我们明白后辈对我们生活所产生的影响。

    People live in a compact between the dead, the living and the unborn, and the value of the thought experiment is that it reminds us of the power posterity holds over our lives.


  • 我们慨叹那些死者的同时,我们知道,那些存活者生活下去

    While we are lamenting for those who have died, we know that those who survived will still carry on.


  • 活着的努力幸福地生活就是死者最好安慰

    Those who are alive striving to live a happy life is the best consolation to the deceased.


  • 活着努力幸福地生活就是死者最好安慰。

    Those of us who are alive striving to live a happy life is the best way to honor the deceased.


  • 多么美丽啊静静的日夜着,山间草地,在屋顶生活,在死者坟墓

    How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead!


  • 世界上让人好奇墓地:他不仅仅死者墓穴,还是活人生活的地方。

    This is the most curious cemetery in the world: not only a city of the dead, but of the living.


  • 动物是否会安慰濒死同伴,是否会显露死者悲伤,这可能取决于它们生活的地理环境及是否有同情心

    WHETHER animals comfort dying comrades and show signs of grieving for the dead may depend on where they live, as well as on how compassionate they are.


  • 远古时期,人们认为幽灵生活地下世界死者灵魂

    Throughout ancient history, Shades meant the spirit of a dead person, residing in the underworld.


  • 可能正是因为农耕民族极端注重现世生活务实态度墓场实际上变成了无人管理死者公共空间

    Possibly because of the practical manners of agriculture national which extremely value the real life, the grave turns to be the public space of death without management in fact.


  • 人们相信了纸钱一个世界生活死者收到更多

    It was generally believed that, by burning paper money, the living could assure the departed of an income in the next world.


  • 死者,生者犹我们唯有更好活着利用我们活着机会好好生活

    The deceased passed away, still living in, we can only live better, take advantage of our chance of living a good life;


  • 卡罗尔理解杰克rosso秘密保持幸福的生活远离死者岛屿

    Carol understands Jack Rosso's secret and keeps it, living a happier life away from the dead man's island.


  • 卡罗尔理解杰克rosso秘密保持幸福的生活远离死者岛屿

    Carol understands Jack Rosso's secret and keeps it, living a happier life away from the dead man's island.


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