• 由于承诺欧元他们心爱德国马克一样纪律进行管理,德国人才得以宽心,而且他们厌倦所有欧洲计划掏钱

    Its people were assured that the euro would be run with the same discipline as their beloved Deutsch mark and they are sick of paying for all of Europe's new schemes.


  • 1973年,关于固定汇率布雷顿森林体系崩溃以后德国马克成为欧洲大陆基准货币

    After the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1973 the Deutschmark emerged as the benchmark currency in continental Europe.


  • 人民保证,欧元运作方式与其喜爱德国马克一样他们讨厌所有欧洲计划埋单

    Its people were assured that the euro would be run with the same discipline as their beloved Deutschmark and they are sick of paying for all of Europe's new schemes.


  • 比尔驻守欧洲士兵。1942年至1944年间,他总共马克·西妮写了一百多这样的信。

    One of hundreds of letters that Bill Neff, a soldier stationed in Europe, sent to Maxine King from 1942 to 1944.


  • 马克.科拉切克“科希2013项目主管人,这个项目的任务是希望通过游说科希策命名欧洲文化中心。

    “We want to be an incubator for young artists, ” said Marek Kolarcik, project manager of Kosice 2013, a public task force lobbying to have the city named a European Capital of Culture.


  • 苏格兰研究小组带头人马克姆•迈克·里奥博士(MalcolmMacleaod)欧洲每年有1000人于中风有2000左右的病人能逃过这一落下残疾

    Dr Malcolm Macleaod, who heads the Scottish team, said that 1, 000 Europeans die from stroke every year, while around 2, 000 survive but are disabled.


  • (不确定)另外,周日清晨早些时候欧洲酒店钢琴兰迪组柯博格,Facebook(与其兄长马克联合创立创造性口碑营销经理”高歌了《传教士之子》《温柔杀手》。

    and, in the early hours of Sunday morning in the Hotel Europe's piano bar,Randi Zuckerberg, thedirector of creative and buzz marketing” at Facebook(co-founded by her brother Mark).


  • 马克其2006年版本附上了后记,就此问题加以解释然而欧洲的问题却越发深重起来,远不只欧洲怀疑主义那么单纯。

    Yet as he explains in an epilogue added in 2006, the problems of the EU run deeper than just coping with Euroscepticism.


  • 欧洲怀疑主义过去十年里有所抬头,而今,马克完这本书12欧盟成员国也出现了这种思潮。

    Euroscepticism has increased over the past decade, and is now found even in the 12 countries that have joined the EU since Mr Mak first wrote his book.


  • 荷兰记者历史学家戈特·马克任职于《新鹿特丹商业报》,于世纪最后一年中游历欧洲大陆。

    A Dutch journalist and historian, Geert Mak, spent the last year of the 20th century traveling around the continent for his newspaper, NRC Handelsblad.


  • 欧洲百万大乐”彩票欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部默里附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫多罗瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元

    The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115, 436, 126 euros.


  • 马克·迈尔斯很多卡车这些卡车欧洲各种货物运往不同地方

    Mark Miles has many trucks. They drive all over Europe taking different things to different places.


  • 马克莱莱和俱乐部的合同还剩下相信蓝军在下个赛季将会欧洲赛场上很大作为。

    Makelele, who has one year remaining on his contract, believes the Blues have the talent available to make another run in Europe next season.


  • 很多欧洲俱乐部都在观望马克莱莱情况并且已经准备好将带离斯坦福

    A number of clubs across Europe are monitoring Makelele's position and are ready to offer him a route out of Stamford Bridge.


  • 比利时商人纳热尔马克创办,布置有豪华家具列车成为欧洲社会奢华象征

    Developed by the Belgian businessman Georges Nagelmackers, its luxuriously furnished cars became the symbol of glamour for European society.


  • 我们开心普里·马克集团敦豪信任,并把敦豪作为欧洲业务扩展合作伙伴

    We are pleased that Primark continues relying on DHL Supply Chain as its partner to support the expansion of its business in Europe.


  • 此外还有创造一个特殊中央组织欧洲执行考验奖励证书除了马克

    In addition, there is talk of creating a special central European organization to perform tests and award certificates besides the mark.


  • 随着时间推移,火车出现改变了之前菜鸟旅行者欧洲旅行的踪迹马克吐温死了吗?

    Over time, the first-timer traveler's trails across Europe have swayed back 'n 'forth, with changes ushered in by the advent of trains, Mark Twain, is't he dead?


  • 文章首先通过马克哲学创立之前欧洲哲学思想中具有代表意义几种实践范畴进行的批判考察指明理论困境

    Firstly, through the creation of Marxist philosophy before the European philosophy has significance on behalf of several areas of praxis critical inspection, pointing out the plight of his theory.


  • 荷兰记者历史学家戈特·马克任职于《新鹿特丹商业》,于上世纪最后一年中游历欧洲大陆

    Dutch journalist and historian, Geert Mak, spent the last year of the 20th century traveling around the continent for his newspaper, NRC Handelsblad.


  • 克劳德马克莱莱进入首发,因为欧洲赛场上经验球队是不可忽视的,表现出色的埃被放在右路代替小赖特

    The European experience of Claude Makelele was never likely to be wasted so that meant a more advanced role for Essien with Shaun Wright-Phillips left out altogether.


  • 但是现在马克莱莱,这名33岁的老将,决定全力帮助法国队征战2008欧洲杯资格赛,然后在正赛前退出

    But now Makelele, 33, has decided to commit himself to getting France qualified for Euro 2008 and then call it a day before the finals.


  • 克劳德·马克莱莱入选2008欧洲杯预选赛对阵格鲁吉亚意大利法国队阵容

    Claude Makelele has been included in the France squad to play Euro 2008 qualifiers against Georgia and Italy.


  • 克劳德·马克莱莱入选2008欧洲杯预选赛对阵格鲁吉亚意大利法国队阵容

    Claude Makelele has been included in the France squad to play Euro 2008 qualifiers against Georgia and Italy.


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