• 日本无法维持南亚印度尼西亚马来西亚这两个欧洲殖民地油田供给海上运输线

    Japan could not sustain its maritime supply lines to South Asia and the oilfields of Indonesia and Malaysia, both former European colonies.


  • 而言之,欧洲企业问题在于,一线希望总有满天乌云相伴

    The problem for European business, in short, is that silver linings come with dark clouds attached.


  • 舷窗外,迦太基号拨开浪,欧洲逐渐消失在地平线

    Out the portholes, Europe slipped over the horizon and the Carthage hit open water.


  • 同时,其他国家公司尤其是欧洲公司正在生产线转移美国

    At the same time, companies from other countries, especially European firms, are moving production to America.


  • 如今欧洲通货膨胀率已经超过欧洲央行警戒线几乎英格兰央行目标两倍,加息的压力倍增。

    With inflation now above the European Central Bank's comfort zone and almost double the Bank of England's target, pressure to raise interest rates is growing.


  • 手机可以通过传统电源线充电瑞典上市三星,这款手机很快就将在欧洲亚洲其他地区上市

    The phone, which can also be charged with a traditional plug-in cord, is initially available in Sweden; Samsung said it will quickly roll it out elsewhere in Europe and Asia.


  • 由于投资者看到了控制欧洲债务危机第一线真正希望全球金融市场周一大幅上扬

    Financial markets rallied around the globe Monday as investors saw the first glimpse of real hope for containing the European debt crisis.


  • 欧洲对于使用GDS解除管制和规定的实施使代理商很可能变得有些凌乱连接多个GDS以便覆盖所有产品线

    Deregulation of GDS in Europe will mean that agencies will probably need to be promiscuous and connect to multiple GDS to cover the entire product range.


  • 抱歉弄错了,空客组装线但是欧洲有时也挺蠢的。

    Sorry my mistake it is an Airbus assembly line. But the Europeans are just as stupiid sometimes.


  • 一部历史文化小说,时间线横跨个世纪的欧洲。是一本不错的旅行读物。 。

    People eof the Book takes place mostly in Europe over several centuries, and would be great reading for a cross-Atlantic flight.


  • 有些国家如美国日本欧洲的一些国家方面处于领先地位使用卫星电话线光缆传输介质取得了成功

    The USA, Japan and European countries have taken the superior position in this field, as they are using satellite, telephone line and cable as communication media and obtained successful results.


  • 如果智利西班牙通话,用无线越过安第斯山脉加勒比海纽约中转,电缆通过大西洋然后通过电话线欧洲大陆马德里

    A call from Chile to Spain had to be radioed over the Andes and the Caribbean to New York, across the Atlantic by cable, and over telephone wires through Europe to Madrid.


  • 介绍了M - BUS线线一种用于远程仪表读取数据欧洲标准,主要用于耗能测量仪表

    The M-BUS, the two wire bus, is the European standard for remote instrument data readout system. It mainly used for energy consumption meters.


  • 目前电子动力方向盘线刹车已经一些欧洲车型上被采用,在这个系统中已经削减了相当机械部件液压泵等。

    At present, electronic power steering and brake-by-wire has a number of European models have been used in this system has been reduced a lot of mechanical parts such as hydraulic pumps and so on.


  • 核心提示:中国成都市中心新世界百货发现美国或者欧洲任意一个二线城市看到的那种时尚服装

    In the New World Department Store of CBD Chengdu China, you will find that fast fashion clothing which you can see in any second-tier cities in the United States or Europe.


  • BUS欧洲标准的2线线,主要用于耗能测量仪表。

    The M-BUS is an European standard for remote transmission of energy consumption data.


  • 不仅引进欧洲设备而且引进意大利设计师、样板师、甚至设备维修师来加盟产品的改进,同时输送公司线员工驻外受训

    We imports not only European facilities and Italian designers but also facility maintenance men. We also send our staff abroad for training.


  • 我们每个时期代理经营最高档产品,是欧洲线品牌专业代理商。我们代理多个世界顶级品牌,专门将国外真正的一线品牌介绍中国。

    Regarded as agent for importation and sales for those famous high-grade European Sanitary products, Coming Jason has always been committed to continually offering qualified senior brands.


  • 欧洲勒斯劳线进口提供优秀的弦乐团高度熟练技工低音弦乐nordiska独家工厂

    European Roslau wire is imported to provide the finest strings and highly skilled craftsmen wind the bass strings by hand at Nordiska's exclusive factory.


  • 欧元符号希腊语字母第五字厄普西隆E条平行线结合,分别象征欧洲文明欧洲欧元稳定

    The glyph is "a combination of the Greek epsilon, as a sign of the weight of European civilization; an E for Europe; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro".


  • 他们明显定位消费者市场特别是欧洲美国的市场,对于生产线来说很令人兴奋

    Er, but then obviously they take rate on the consumer market place, particularly in Europe and then here in the U. S. er, has been, you know, pretty exciting for the product line.


  • 原本成为统一典范欧洲然而应付欧元区财政危机这个跟头上,欧洲央行正在不得不线作战

    It is meant to be an example of European unity, but in response to the euro zone's fiscal crisis the European Central Bank (ECB) is having a fight in several national fronts.


  • 公司东南亚欧洲美国非洲线拥有优势运价

    Our company can offer superiority transportation charges in the line such as South Korea, Southeast Asia, Japan, US, Europe, Africa and so on.


  • 有些国家如美国日本欧洲的一些国家方面处于领先地位使用卫星电话线光缆等传输介质,并取得了成功。

    The USA, Japan and European countries have taken the superior position in this field, as they are using satellite, telephone line and ca


  • 成形设备采购欧洲德国精密德玛注塑机。 全自动无尘涂装设备生产线及相关丝印、移印,线立配套设备。

    The company has 200 persons, mainly engages in films, communication, top of front line electron ect advanced technological products European Germany producing high precise Demag mould poured machine.


  • 成形设备采购欧洲德国精密德玛注塑机。 全自动无尘涂装设备生产线及相关丝印、移印,线立配套设备。

    The company has 200 persons, mainly engages in films, communication, top of front line electron ect advanced technological products European Germany producing high precise Demag mould poured machine.


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