• 报道称意大利银行联合信贷行长请求欧洲央行接受更为宽泛的抵押

    The boss of UniCredit, an Italian bank, has reportedly asked the ECB to accept a broader range of collateral.


  • 空置公寓可能佛罗里达华尔街重新包装了为这些公寓提供资金抵押贷款但是最先受到次贷危机重创的却是欧洲银行

    THE empty condos may have been in Florida and the mortgages that financed them repackaged on Wall Street, but it was banks in Europe that got hit first by the subprime crisis.


  • 在全球银行深陷美国次级抵押贷款的泥潭之际,由于欧洲银行自身信用风险评价方式相同,使投资者平添了更多困扰

    As Banks globally grapple with souring investments tied to U.S. subprime mortgages, Europe's Banks have added to the problems for investors because they differ in how they value their credit exposure.


  • 不良抵押贷款正在使很多欧洲银行走向破产。

    The bad mortgages are contributing to forcing many European Banks into bankruptcy.


  • 欧洲央行还可以坚持要求抵押物应欧元收益作为支持此举可以限制银行利用央行的资金欧元区提供贷款

    The ECB could insist that collateral is backed by income streams in euros, which would curb Banks from using its funds to finance loans made outside the euro area.


  • 联邦住房金融所谓不当销售抵押证券美国欧洲银行提起诉讼,欧美银行股价受到了冲击。

    Share prices in American and European Banks also came under pressure after the Federal Housing Finance Agency filed lawsuits for the alleged mis-selling of mortgage-backed securities.


  • 银行和其他债权方将会避免这样欧洲央行(ECB)已经说明充足违约债务不能用于中央银行抵押但是自愿性贷款可以作为央行的抵押物。

    Second, the ECB has indicated that restructured debt that is the result of a default will not be eligible as collateral at the central bank while new loans that are voluntarily made will be.


  • 一些银行不得不采用昂贵流动性互换”工具,提供欧洲央行所要求的抵押

    Some Banks are having to indulge in expensive "liquidity swaps" in order to get the right kind of collateral to offer the ECB.


  • 如果说证券市场哨兵角色上犯了错,希腊主权债务当成了德国的,欧洲央行在取得抵押借贷银行犯了这个错误。

    And if bond markets failed in their vigilante role by treating Greek sovereign debt as if it were German, the ECB did just the same when it came to the collateral it accepted for lending to Banks.


  • 第四欧洲央行作为储备抵押持有爱尔兰银行债券也将遭受损失。

    And fourth, the European Central bank would take losses on its reserves of Irish bank bonds and those that it is holding as collateral.


  • 第二欧洲中央银行应该引导商业银行寻找达成快速的一致意见从而拒绝接受债券作为抵押

    Second, the ECB could induce commercial banks to seek a swift agreement by refusing to acceptoldbonds as collateral.


  • 欧洲那些银行的体质是否健全令人担忧,一路西班牙加哈(Cajas de Ahorros;储蓄窗口)银行德国的斯巴卡(Sparkassen储蓄)银行再到英国房屋抵押贷款协会。

    There are similar worries about the health of European banks that are too small to save, from Spanish cajas to German Sparkassen and British building societies.


  • 最大客户一些欧洲银行美国投资银行,这些大客户购买CDS免遭各种债务头寸违约风险,这些债务头寸包括住房抵押贷款企业贷款汇集

    Its biggest customers, European Banks and United States investment Banks, bought the swaps to insure against defaults on a variety of debt holdings, including pools of mortgages and corporate loans.


  • 欧洲中央银行ECB宣布2011年1月1日起,使用低评级资产作为抵押ECB贷款的银行面临新的折扣率

    The European Central Bank announced a new set of discounts it will apply from January 1st 2011 when accepting low-quality assets as collateral from banks.


  • 中央银行美联储欧洲央行已经提供无限制流动性抵押品。

    Central Banks such as the Fed and the ECB already provide unlimited liquidity against collateral.


  • 美国销帐可以银行抵押贷款2%,欧洲英国几乎是0

    Write-offs are running at around 2% of banks' secured loans in America but close to zero in the euro zone and Britain.


  • 美国销帐可以银行抵押贷款2%,欧洲英国几乎是0

    Write-offs are running at around 2% of banks' secured loans in America but close to zero in the euro zone and Britain.


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