• 模仿加热采用发光二极管模仿地暖加热模块的任务的停。

    Simulation heating light-emitting diodes light and dark by the simulated the ground heating module start-stop work.


  • 斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊像模像样模仿爸爸

    Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.


  • 那些使他人互动变得愉快品质尽可能模仿并且机器看起来迷人的随和的。

    Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, and easygoing.


  • 来自于它们颜色环境反射颜色补充了,就是为什么它们能够如此精确模仿颜色。

    The colors from the color sacks are supplemented with colors that are reflected from the environment, and that's how they are able to mimic colors with such precision.


  • 个人急于达成一致意见时,他们可能无意识采取相同姿势好像模仿对方

    When two people are keen to agree with each other, they would likely, though unconsciously, adopt the same posture as if in imitation of each other.


  • 学生自由模仿微笑时他们判断售货员行为的影响。

    When the students were free to mimic the smiles, their judgments were not affected by what the salesclerk was doing.


  • 许多文化人只是机械模仿听上去令人印象深刻说辞

    Many literary academics simply parrot a set of impressive-sounding phrases.


  • 滑稽模仿托尼布莱尔

    He does an imitation of Tony Blair.


  • 滑稽模仿南方口音

    He mimicked her southern accent.


  • 滑稽模仿汤姆汉克斯

    He did his impression of Tom Hanks.


  • 一部夸张模仿其他电影的影片。

    It is a movie that spoofs other movies.


  • 模仿伦敦东区的口音拿腔拿调说话。

    She speaks in this ridiculous mockney accent.


  • 这间卧室精确复制原来房间,模仿之细甚至连墙纸的图案和梳妆台上都一模一样。

    The bedroom was an exact replica of the original, perfect right down to the patterns on the wallpaper and the hairbrushes on the dressing table.


  • 一种微妙同辈压力我们无意识模仿我们每天看到行为

    This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.


  • 呆呆站在那儿不动孩子们围着跑,一边模仿一边大笑;他们他喊叫让他尝试抓住他们;但他没有

    He stood still stupidly while the boys ran round him, mimicking and laughing; they shouted to him to try and catch them; but he did not move.


  • 因此所有这些有助于社区形成一种从众态度也可以明白为什么这种谦逊的、非常朴素的风格英格兰农村如此广泛模仿

    So all these help to create an attitude of conformity in the community, and you can see why a modest, a very plain style would have become so widely imitated throughout rural New England.


  • 我们倾向下意识模仿我们喜欢动作

    We all tend to subconsciously copy the gestures of people we like.


  • 然而科学家发现太阳可以人类大猩猩一样模仿面部表情

    However, scientists found that sun bears can copy facial expression as well as humans and gorillas.


  • 孩子自然而然模仿所以重要看到在阅读享受书籍报纸杂志不是只顾着看屏幕

    Your child will naturally copy you so it is important that you are seen reading and enjoying books newspapers and magazines rather than just absorbed in screens.


  • 假设观众仅是被动去看然后不假思索模仿演出里态度行为

    It's assumed the viewer just passively watches it and then unthinkingly apes the attitudes and behavior on the show.


  • 不知不觉模仿往往设计配方

    Unknowing imitation is almost a recipe for bad design.


  • 位迈克杰克逊的模仿逗得他们咯咯笑,他戴着耳机滑稽模仿麦克,好像并不为给别人看。

    On Saturday, they giggled at a Michael Jackson imitator wearing headphones and doing a comically poor imitation of the artist, seemingly for himself.


  • 意味着在进行数据库编程可以最大限度模仿自己习惯环境

    That means you can most closely mimic the environment you're already used to when it comes to database programming.


  • 他们特别模仿有效动作忽略无效动作。

    They typically mimic the actions that work and ignore the ones that don't.


  • 跑步中,应该下意识模仿这种步法避免脚跟的情况。

    Mimic this by consciously avoiding landing on your heels as you run.


  • 滑稽模仿那个政客举止

    He travestied the politician's manner.


  • 移植测试中,为了更好模仿客户如何使用软件,要将客户架构移植您的测试环境中。

    In transplant testing, client artifacts are transplanted into your test environment in an effort to better mimic how the clients are using your software.


  • 我们周围情绪态度厌倦感动作哪怕是不易察觉的,都会被我们本能模仿

    We instinctively mimic, even to a small extent, the mood, manners, yawns and actions of the people around us.


  • 系统管理员提供测试环境相关管理任务确保尽可能接近模仿生产环境。

    System administrators provide the associated administration of the test environments to ensure that they mimic production as closely as possible.


  • 研究表明如果朋友眉毛或者交叉手臂,很可能不假思索模仿姿势

    If your friend scratches her eyebrow or crosses her arms, studies suggest, odds are you'll unthinkingly mimic the gesture.


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