• 即使可以版本控制系统加入触发机制,完成诸如失败构建通知这样功能值得太多功夫

    Even if your source control system has triggers you can hook into, building out the other features such as broken build notifications isn't worth the effort.


  • 名称设置continuousbuild. email . to,并将设置为用来发送构建通知的电子邮件地址然后单击Apply

    Set name to continuousbuild.email.to and set the value to the email address you want to use to send build notifications and click Apply.


  • 构建通知(build-notification系统使用Twitter需要创建一个 Twitter帐户然后注册客户应用程序

    To use Twitter for your build-notification system, you need to create a Twitter account and then register the client application.


  • 因为系统测试及时地收到了构建存在所需功能通知,所以他们能够尽可能执行应用程序测试

    Because system test received timely notification that the required functionality was in a build, they were able to perform application testing as soon as possible.


  • 针对性可以采取措施发送反馈构建问题通知团队成员方法

    Targeting feedback to people that can take action is one of the better ways to inform team members of build problems.


  • 已定义第一CLUSSDR管道并且队列管理器成功地加入集群中时,立即通知其他储存库存在构建通信的管道。

    When the first CLUSSDR channel is defined and the queue manager successfully joins the cluster, it will immediately be informed of the other repository and build channels to communicate with it.


  • 意味着诸如指示灯这样的日常设备用于通知我们构建失败

    This means that every day devices such as lights can be used to notify us of a build failure.


  • 构建成功失败通知敏捷团队关键通信因素

    Notification of the success or failure of this build is a key communication factor in agile teams.


  • 通知大家构建已经就绪。

    Notify everyone the build is ready.


  • 作为这个流程一部分设计师可以构建电子邮件通知里程碑升级确保流程可以按时推进。

    As part of the definition of this process, designers can build in e-mail notifications, milestones, and escalation points to ensure that the process progresses in a timely manner.


  • 可以使用即时消息IM)将构建状态通知项目成员

    You can use instant messages (or IMs) to notify project members of the status of the build too.


  • 部署完成时,部署管理人员通知构建管理人员。

    The deployment manager notifies the build manager when the deployment is complete.


  • 放弃变更,仍可以保持程序完整。而且,测试用例失败变更引发错误时,自动化构建通知

    You fully integrate when you drop changes, and the automated build notifies you when a test case fails or a change induces errors.


  • 名称设置continuousbuild. email . from,将设置为回复电子邮件地址其设置构建服务器通知然后单击Apply。

    Set name to continuousbuild.email.from and set the value to the reply email address you want to set for build server notifications and click Apply.


  • ApacheAnt内置邮件任务可以所提供一系列用户发送电子邮件通知他们构建过程完成状态

    The built-in mail task in Apache Ant can send email to a supplied list of users to notify them of the completion of the build process.


  • 需要添加一个BuildLogger作为侦听器这样就可以接收构建过程中发出事件通知

    You need to add a BuildLogger and add it as a listener so it will receive notification of events that happen during the build.


  • 通过访问指向CruiseControlWeb应用程序URL或者接收电子邮件通知可以任何时候查看构建结果

    You can view the build results anytime by visiting a URL to the CruiseControl Web application or by receiving E-mail notifications.


  • 最后,体会一下Hudson(一种出色的CI服务器)如何问题发生时发出通知最终帮助快速地构建可靠软件

    Finally, you'll see for yourself how Hudson, truly a best-of-breed CI server, informs you of issues as they arise, ultimately enabling you to build reliable software more quickly.


  • 现在需要构建作为通知侦听器Web服务端点

    Now, you need to build the Web service endpoint that will act as the notification listener.


  • Hudson许多有意思的特性例如运行分布式构建(一些电脑上同时进行)能力广泛使用RSS(例如通知)的能力等等

    Hudson has many interesting features, such as the ability to run distributed builds (on several computers simultaneously), a wide use of RSS feeds (e.g. for notifications), and more.


  • 下一步定义构建过程接受事件通知侦听器。

    Next, define listeners that are notified of events during the build process.


  • 通过发送一个Twitter帐户构建完成更新信息,团队可以即时通知项目开发人员测试人员构建已完成。

    By Posting updates of build completions to a Twitter account, your team can notify project developers and testers of the availability of the new build immediately.


  • 构件管理人员向开发团队通知构建流程状态

    The build manager notifies the development team of the status of the build process


  • 开发人员测试人员任何项目兴趣的人员都可以订阅(关注”)Twitter帐户以便构建完成时收到即时通知

    Developers, testers, and anyone who is interested in the project can subscribe (or "follow") the Twitter account to be notified instantly when the build completes.


  • 部分中我们构建JDBCInboundInterface调用接收通知组件

    In this section, we'll build the components that are notified when the JDBCInboundInterface is invoked.


  • 接收到此类通知时,如果最新构建当前时间之前已经运行分钟,在Buildserver托管的RuleTeam Server实例触发一个构建

    When such notification is received, if the latest build was run more than three minutes before the current time, a new build is triggered on the Rule Team Server instance hosted by build Server.


  • 手边RSS阅读器指向提要发生新的构建事件,rss提要更新时,就会得到相应通知

    Simply point your handy RSS reader to this feed and when a new build event occurs, and the RSS feed is updated, bingo, you'll be notified. Figure 3 shows the RSS feed as displayed in an RSS reader.


  • 解决方案构建破碎立即通知开发人员,并以最高优先级尽快修复破碎构建

    Solution: Developers are immediately notified upon a build breakage and make it a top priority to fix a broken build.


  • 我们通过有效通信来使这些问题最小化团队成员构建使用迁移模型发出通知

    We minimize these problems with effective communication: Team members announce when they build a new model requiring a migration.


  • 一旦更改破坏构建服务器就会通知每个开发人员

    This server notifies each developer whenever a change breaks the build.


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