• 然而一个不无矛盾现象是,欧洲亚洲电影业最大成功表现美国对它们的模仿

    Nevertheless, it is one of the paradoxes of the European and Asian cinema that its greatest success was in spawning American imitations.


  • 并且现在依然认为管理者应当对此投入最大关注因为这样现象危害团队其他成员,并且,久而久之,这种不稳定因素造成的风险甚至会蔓延到整个公司。

    And yes I believe management should most definitely care because of the impact it can have on the rest of the team, and the risk this dynamic builds up over time to the organization.


  • 现象将使EMC更加坚定的条道路上前进,成长为能够达到最大程度。

    This move puts EMC solidly on this path and could become the biggest single thing it has ever done.


  • 迄今为止,能量研究人员面临最大挑战观测到的现象理论紧密联系起来。

    So far, one of the biggest challenges for dark energy researchers is marrying observations to theory.


  • 最小的系外行星太阳最近最大相距最远天文学家这一现象感兴趣,因为类似放大了的太阳系外部

    The smallest exoplanet is closest to the sun and the largest is the farthest away, which is interesting to astronomers because it resembles a scaled up version of the outer part of the Solar System.


  • 这种称为“近地点月球最大程度接近地球的现象十八发生一次

    This phenomenon of extreme proximity, known as' maximal perigee, 'only occurs once every 18 years.


  • 另外了解如何通过各种编辑器最大工作空间减少工作空间中的杂乱现象以及如何使用过滤选项过滤不必要的工件

    In addition, you will learn how to reduce clutter in the work space by maximizing the work space in various editors and how to use the filtering options to filter out unnecessary artifacts.


  • 脱钩2.0一个范围更小现象只适用一部分规模最大,举债最少新兴经济体

    Decoupling 2.0 is a narrower phenomenon, confined to a few of the biggest, and least indebted, emerging economies.


  • 2006年,严重褪色现象袭击澳大利亚大堡礁南部——世界上最大珊瑚礁系统

    In 2006, severe bleaching struck the southern part of Australia's Great Barrier reef, the largest coral reef system in the world.


  • 此次地震震中位于南岛最大城市赖斯特彻奇以西30公里处,多地均震感,一些居民报告有房屋倒塌电力中断现象

    The quake, which hit 30km west of the southern city of Christchurch, shook a wide area, with some residents saying buildings had collapsed and power was severed.


  • 此次报道称最大难题就是MBA课程还是继续忽视了全球化现象

    The biggest problem, according to the report, is that MBA programmes still don't place enough emphasis on globalisation.


  • 暴雨之后引擎不易启动最为常见现象这种毛病最大原因由于点火系统受潮产生漏电

    After the storm, the engine is not easy to start is the most common phenomenon, the biggest reason is due to the ignition system caused by moisture leakage.


  • 蜗壳内部流动现象十分复杂损失最大元件之一

    The complex internal flow has made volute to be one of the component costing most loss.


  • 新的降雪迫使德国法兰克福机场官员星期二暂停几个小时航班导致德国这个最大航空枢纽出现旅客滞留现象

    Fresh snowfall forced officials at Germany's Frankfurt airport to suspend flights for several hours Tuesday, causing backups at the country's largest hub for air travel.


  • 初次矛盾问题进行交涉时,歪曲事实现象发生录音价值此时可谓最大

    The first time to deal with the problem of contradiction, the phenomenon of distortion of the facts do not occur frequently, recording value at this time can be described as the largest.


  • 新的降雪迫使德国法兰克福机场官员星期二暂停几个小时航班导致德国这个最大航空枢纽出现旅客滞留现象

    Fresh snowfall forced officials at Germanys Frankfurt airport to suspend flights for several hours Tuesday, causing backups at the countrys largest hub for air travel.


  • 关联维数最大平均值之比值可以用来判断液压是否存在爬行现象

    The ratio of the maximum difference and the average value of correlative dimension can be used to decide whether creeping phenomenon of hydraulic cylinder exists.


  • 性质超出体育比赛成为目前全球影响最大一种社会文化现象

    It also goes beyond the nature of sports has become the world's most influential cultural phenomena of a social.


  • 支架单元结构均匀,可使得支架受力应力分布均匀有效避免应力集中现象应力最大明显减小;

    If the structural element of the stent is symmetrical, the uniform stress appears by force, furthermore, the stress concentration is avoided effectively, and the maximum stress decreases obviously.


  • 但是一种现象开始发生13世纪主要西方文艺复兴时期这种现象引发人类历史上最大身份危机这种现象便是现代性。

    But a phenomenon started in the 13th century, mainly in the Renaissance, in the West, that caused the biggest identity crisis in the history of humankind. This phenomenon is modernity.


  • 波普拉瓦:“我们市场真正公司,世界上最大的公司,我们这里埃克森雪佛龙康菲、道达尔,真是独一无二现象

    We have on our market real majors, the biggest companies globally, " he said. "We have here Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Total - this is kind of unique, really.


  • 在没有足够证据支持情况下发表新闻报道这一现象成为了现在新闻界最大问题

    Still more problematic have been the cases where the news coverage has run ahead of the evidence.


  • 为了揭示锈蚀钢筋力学性能退化现象本质,锈后钢筋最大截面损失率表征力学性能的变化。

    The maximum loss ratio of sectional area is used, instead of the loss ratio in weight, to express the mechanical properties of corroded reinforcement.


  • 由于碳纤维屈服现象,故达到最大荷载时碳纤维布应力确定加固后受剪承载力的关键参数

    With no yielding up to its fracture strength of CFRP, the stress of CFRP at the maximum shear loading is found to be the key parameters in determining shear strength of the columns.


  • 结果表明:在一定合理的参数条件这种相互作用可以使台风切向风速最大增加,显示出台风增强现象

    The results show that the interaction can intensify the maximum tangential velocity of typhoon under the condition of certain parameter ranges.


  • 结果表明:在一定合理的参数条件这种相互作用可以使台风切向风速最大增加,显示出台风增强现象

    The results show that the interaction can intensify the maximum tangential velocity of typhoon under the condition of certain parameter ranges.


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