• 真正就是最好保护更不用说家里外面饭馆吃的饭要少200卡路里

    Cooking real food is the best defense, not to mention that any meal you're likely to eat at home contains about 200 fewer calories than one you would eat in a restaurant.


  • 不用说你了!

    Then, much more, thee!


  • 如果时常防毒软件进行升级保障能收取电子邮件不用说钱包了

    If updated frequently, it will protect your email access-not to mention your wallet.


  • 对于普通用户来说确实很难权衡这两种方式那种划算不用说还要购买并维护一个服务器

    For casual users, it can be difficult to justify the cost, not to mention that you have to maintain a server as well.


  • 不要自抬高自己地位,根本不配称作精灵不用说你早就为了这个邪恶的目的而遗忘他们!

    Do not dignify yourself by thinking that you are even worthy of being call a blood elf, much less the race you forsake for that foul role!


  • 很高兴已经意识理解这些很满意成绩这个班级脱颖而出不用说你的一些同学已经失去正确立场。

    I'm glad you can already begin to understand this, and I appreciate you're taking a stand in class, even though it lost you the good opinion of your classmates.


  • 此时此刻手上成千上万不同品种细菌不用说牙齿牙龈眼睛鼻子了。 这些细菌既不是暂住者也不是寄宿者。

    Right now, there are millions of bacteria from hundreds of different species happily residing on your hands, not to mention your teeth, gums, eyes and ears.


  • 妈妈们要么短发但是仍然会去理发染色头发造型(不用说),货车频率还高。

    You may keep your hair short, but you still get it cut, and colored, and blown out -- not to mention the obligatory mani-pedi -- with far greater frequency than the minivan gets an oil change.


  • 小时超过30twitter会使关注的页面上没有别人消息使用移动设备的话,也可能会丢消息(不用说短信)。

    Twittering 30-plus times an hour pushes other people's messages off followers' homepages, and sends mobiles into convulsive twit-fits (to say nothing of excessive SMS charges).


  • 现在知道通用汽车为什么推出昂贵土星便宜凯迪拉克了吧,更不用说该公司旗下其他品牌所犯下的种种错误。

    Now you know why General Motors has introduced expensive Saturns and cheap Cadillacs.


  • 如果不信任一同工作不用说重要的一点-积极地行动向他们证明信任,那么真的还应该他们一同工作吗?

    If you don't trust the people you work with — and most importantly, actively demonstrate that trust through your actionsshould you really be working with them at all?


  • 知道他们如何运行不用说改变他们的运行方式了。

    You don't know how they work, nor can you change how they work.


  • 理想努力投入的时候,失去了机会路径不用说打击了自信

    When you drive hard toward one ideal, you miss opportunities and paths, not to mention hurting your confidence.


  • 如果琢磨受约束自由漫游的行星,想到它附近没有能够提供热量能量恒星……即便我们太阳系,都会炙热核心更不用说那些寒冷的地方。”

    "If you think about free-floating planets, there's no nearby star that can produce heat and energy... but even in our solar system, there are [externally frigid worlds] that have hot cores," he said.


  • 即使剧本一个近乎伟大的想法,也不能保证的事中获得什么,不用说的想法中获得报酬了。

    Even if you have the next great idea for a screenplay, you're not guaranteed to get anything made, let alone get paid for your idea.


  • 如果了医院,是因为的身体出了问题——甚至连自己得了什么病都不清楚,不用说能否治愈

    If you're in hospital it's because something's wrong with you - and you might not even know exactly what it is, let alone whether it's treatable.


  • 如果甘油三脂指数超过130,即使密度脂蛋白数值比较低,也有患心脏疾病的危险不用说较低的高密度脂蛋白数值了。

    You're at risk despite a low LDL if your triglycerides are over 130, not to mention a low HDL, he said.


  • 自己意味着必须保持前进学习提高自己因为仍然提高空间(不用说还有追赶)。

    Thinking you're better means you have to keep pushing, learning and improving because there is still room for improvement (not to mention there is a huge bear running behind you).


  • 运用这个账号可以保持iPhone服务器时时同步不用说iCloud好友的设备互动了。

    You can then use this account to keep your iPhone in sync with the server, not to mention with all of your iCloud friendly devices.


  • 如果facebook平台正在维护无法访问上边的朋友不用说如果出现永久故障

    You can't access your friends on facebook if the platform is down for maintenance, let alone if it goes down permanently!


  • 知道什么意思结婚第一任何夫妻来说很难不用说两个来自不同文化背景了。

    Yeah, I know what you mean. The first year of any marriage is difficult for all couples, not to mention two people from different cultures.


  • 停车泊位帮忙联络艺术家可以在所有事宜上提供帮助,作为报偿得到一张免费野营食物(不用说使用被大奖提名节日厕所)。

    Help with everything from car-parking to artist liaison, and in return you'll get a free camping ticket and food (not to mention the use of award-nominated festival loos).


  • 现在仅仅3此刻识字不用说理解我接下来想在封信所说的话了。

    You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can't read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter.


  • 不用说这笔买卖对于作为画家妻子,在她职业生涯上意味着什么

    Not to mention, how much this sale would, mean to your wife's career as an artist.


  • 不要总是自己借口那样永远停留开始阶段不用说成功减肥了。

    Don't always find excuses for yourself, so that you never will only stay in didn't start stage, let alone successful weight.


  • 不要总是自己借口那样永远停留开始阶段不用说成功减肥了。

    Don't always find excuses for yourself, so that you never will only stay in didn't start stage, let alone successful weight.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定