• 萨科奇先生甚至外国竞争者收购法国铝业公司-普基集团重新复活。

    Mr Sarkozy would even like to resurrect pechiney, a French aluminium firm taken over by a succession of foreign rivals, which cut managerial jobs in France and changed its name.


  • 时钟报响11点时,普基约翰逊——星期天临时清洁工走进了病房把掉生命给养系统的电源插头以便吸尘器的插头插上。

    Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner.


  • 答应了太太临时照看孩子。

    I promised to babysit for Mrs. Plunkett.


  • 后卫:塞尔吉奥·拉莫斯(皇马),阿尔瓦罗·阿贝·罗阿(皇马),卡莱斯·约尔(巴塞罗那),拉尔皮克(巴塞罗那),劳尔·阿尔比奥尔(皇马)豪尔迪·阿尔巴(巴伦西亚)。

    Defenders: Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid), Alvaro Arbeloa (Real Madrid), Carles Puyol (Barcelona), Gerard Pique (Barcelona), Raul Albiol (Real Madrid), Jordi Alba (Valencia).


  • 与此同时几乎每一个撤离母亲大多数母亲担心他们健康会因那次事故受到影响。

    At the same time, almost every evacuee mother and most of the Kiev mothers worried that their health had been affected by the accident.


  • 随着勒日复一日发现越来越多的行星我们希望监测它们清楚出究竟颗行星是个特例,还是所有炽热的木星类行星非常?”

    "As Kepler discovers more and more planets by the day, we can hopefully scan through those and work out if this is unique or if all hot Jupiters are very dark," Kipping said.


  • 通过史诗,我们得以了解古希腊神话诸如眼巨人克洛斯的故事。

    It is through his epic poems that many became familiar with classical Greek myths, such as sirens and the Cyclops.


  • 内心杀手也许著名小说,先前被斯泰西·翻拍次,它描述了一个表面温顺实则精神变态的小镇警长

    Filmed once before with Stacy Keach, The Killer Inside Me is perhaps Thompson's best known book, telling the story of a seemingly innocuous smalltown sheriff who hides a psychopathic secret.


  • 计划包括机器人提取资源以及部署燃料仓库”,在人类返回月球使用这些

    Spudis' plan involves "robotic resource extraction and the deployment of space-based fuel depots" using water from the moon before any humans return to its surface.


  • 然而赛季开始之际,雷德·特纳用了上赛季的首发搭档杰梅恩·迪福彼特·克劳奇,中介在第67分钟时候替补上声。

    But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a 67 th minute substitute.


  • 1811年,名叫大卫·白人商人山脉北部发现一串长14英寸8英寸脚印

    In 1811, David Thompson, a white trader, was in the north Rocky Mountains when he spotted a set of massive 14 by 8-inch footprints.


  • 科罗拉多州山脉(西)遍布卵石的陡峭峡谷流向大平原()。

    Northern Colorado's Big Thompson River flows from the Rocky Mountains (west) to the Great Plains (east) through a steep-walled, boulder-strewn canyon.


  • 同样计划杰伊·马修斯写一本好书中的项目,已经得到学校好评如潮,使得低收入家庭学生命运转身

    Likewise, the KIPP program, the subject of a fine book by Jay Mathews, has attracted rave reviews for schools that turn low-income students' lives around.


  • 阅读蛇头》时,只能希望夫能足够的哈古德的观点,充满了里斯文章中适当调剂一下。

    Reading “The Snakehead,” I could only wish that Keefe had more Hapgood in him to season his abundance of Riis.


  • 当年切尔诺贝利爆炸时候就已经居住类似妇女群体相比许多撤离者的创伤后压力心理障碍症忧郁症是他们的倍。

    Compared with a similar group of women who lived in Kiev when Chernobyl exploded, twice as many evacuees had post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression at both interviews.


  • 塞伊·特曼埃莉诺·毕晓,让30幼儿园小朋友和30名教师猜测一个罐子里东西哪些糖果,哪些又是药片

    Casey Gittelman and Eleanor Bishop asked 30 kindergarteners and 30 teachers to guess which items in a cabinet were candies, and which were medicine.


  • 火烈鸟聚集希腊南部拉夫·里欧新奥斯沿岸休整觅食。

    Flamingos gather on the coast of Nea Kios, in Nafplio, southern Greece.


  • 纽约·西瓦·萨尔大学约翰·麦克莱里编辑过米尔·诺尔的作品集,他米尔·诺尔是一个低调优雅大师

    John McCleary of Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, who has edited Milnor's collected works, calls Milnor a master of understated elegance.


  • 了不久,甚至不能自己走路了。经常不得不西的医生诊所

    After a while, she could no longer walk on her own and frequently had to go to the doctor's office in Poughkeepsie, she said.


  • 参见麦克·包埃兰·科尔沁,詹姆斯·布洛克马努·卡林哈特的不可能失败

    Michael Boylan-Kolchin, James Bullock and Manoj Kaplinghat, "Too Big to Fail?"


  • 而且可能很快就会发现第1000个外星世界因为任务已经提供数百候选行星并等待进一步观察确认

    And the 1,000th world could be discovered surprisingly soon, as the space-based Kepler mission has already offered up hundreds of planet candidates that await further observation and confirmation.


  • 而且可能很快就会发现第1000个外星世界因为任务已经提供数百候选行星并等待进一步观察确认

    And the 1, 000th world could be discovered surprisingly soon, as the space-based Kepler mission has already offered up hundreds of planet candidates that await further observation and confirmation.


  • 公元前2615年左右,几任法老相继统治埃及,法老建造了有史以来最大金字塔——大金字塔,称为胡夫金字塔。

    There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu.


  • TrES - 2b甚至可能代表一类全新行星——平和同事希望可能性进行测试。到目前为止,开已经太阳系发现了几百颗行星。

    TrES-2b may even represent a whole new class of exoplanet-a possibility Kipping and company hope to put to the test with Kepler, which has so far detected hundreds of planets outside our solar system.


  • 格的试验证明,弗朗西斯·博雷(Francis Beaupre)设计实验降落伞最为极端情况依然起作用。

    Kittinger's test proved that an experimental parachute, designed by Francis Beaupre, would hold up under the most extreme conditions.


  • 幸运是,还有许多反例,例如印度软件公司Wipro的阿齐姆•莱姆(AzimPremji)。

    Fortunately, there are many counter-examples, such as Azim Premji of Wipro, the Indian software company.


  • 以及其他他们这般人物应该提到这里维里随意的把历史人物文学人物混为一谈了,旧约,李维,鲁塔克,以及色诺芬的时候。

    And others of their kind: it should be noted that Machiavelli mixes historical and literary figures somewhat indiscriminately here from his readings of the Old Testament, Livy, Plutarch, and Xenophon.


  • 11之后,1997年,切尔诺贝利大灾难发生已经时隔19年,同事乌克兰其他的专家一起采访了那些当年重新定居撤离的人。

    Eleven years later, in 1997, and then again 19 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe, I and my colleagues, together with researchers in Ukraine, interviewed evacuees who were resettled in Kiev.


  • 加里迪克曾经切尔西(Chelsea)、波西(Poughkeepsie以及佛罗里达(Florida)居住过,他们认为生活路上的那一段时光最为快乐

    Gary and Dick have lived in Chelsea, Poughkeepsie and Florida, but they were happiest describing their life on the road.


  • 费舍尔任用保罗·里斯勒(Paul Pressler)替换·保罗迪斯尼前任主管,时尚领域毫无经验

    The Fishers replaced Mr Drexler with Paul Pressler, a former Disney executive without any experience in fashion.


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