• 然而,就经常发生那样,其它鬣狗显然听到濒死水牛叫声,开始四面八方出现

    However, as oftenhappens, other hyenas apparently heard the cries of the dying buffalo, andstarted appearing from all directions.


  • 听到瑞安报告提到一些事情以及孩子们遭受的痛苦,显然沮丧。

    He was very visibly upset to hear of some of the things that are told in the Ryan Report and how the children had suffered.


  • 时候似乎闷闷不乐,若有所思;他听到你们玩闹,显然自己没什么玩的。

    He looked so wistful as he went away, hearing the frolic and evidently having none of his own.


  • 年轻服务员听到他情绪激动反反复复地:“房子里!”显然这位外国人已经发疯

    "There is an old book in my room!" was what the two startled young attendants heard this apparently crazed foreigner say, excitedly and repeatedly.


  • 这位作者显然努力创作一个精巧概论教堂会众封信大声读出来时,听到一句话

    This author is obviously working to make an elaborate introductory sentence that's the first thing that's heard in this congregation who's hearing this letter read out loud.


  • 显然有效倾听者需要听到不仅仅是对方所说出来的话,这些不足够

    Obviousely, effective listeners need to hear, but simply hearing words is insufficient for listening.


  • 明白一周会见一次之后他们显然了一口气,听到—“也不再需要了”,他们简直如释重负了。

    They were all obviously relieved when they realized that they would see me only once a week. And they were still more relieved when I said - "it won't be necessary any more."


  • 显然,格拉拉他们很近,几乎可以听到他们夫妻吵架声音(这时他们婚姻中间阶段)。

    Galella was apparently so close, he could hear the couple arguing (they were in the midst of their first marriage at the time).


  • 显然对于这个食谱幽默一小下下,我可不是在开玩笑那些就是听到75%以上的广告基本配料

    Obviously I was having a little fun with that recipe, but I’m not kidding; those are the basic ingredients for at least 75% of the commercials I hear!


  • 可以肯定听到瑞安报告那些得知那些孩子如何受到虐待时,显然非常地生气。” 迪阿尔穆德·马丁大主教说道

    "He was very visibly upset, I would say, to hear of some of the things that are told in the Ryan Report and how the children had suffered," said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


  • 显然纸质订阅者对专营公司有价值关于把电子版价格与纸质订阅联系在一起恐怕没听到过这种说法。

    Obviously, the print subscribers are very, very valuable to the franchise, but I can’t remember a single disucssion where we linked the digital price point to our print subscriptions.


  • 显然纸质订阅者对专营公司有价值关于把电子版价格与纸质订阅联系在一起恐怕听到过这种说法。

    Obviously, the print subscribers are very, very valuable to the franchise, but I can't remember a single disucssion where we linked the digital price point to our print subscriptions.


  • 显然不会,只有当一次一次又一次的听到的时候才

    Of course not, you would have to hear it over-and-over-and-over-again.


  • 显然这样一部连续剧中,能够听到大量医学术语科学术语。

    Obviously in a series like this one, you hear a lot of medical and scientific terminology.


  • 显然,没有理由攻击人类得到听到命令没有完全回到随行位置严厉的纠正

    Obviously unwarranted human aggression would receive a stronger correction than not getting completely into heel position when asked.


  • 西显然告诉概算听到指示应付有关问题。

    West apparently told a budget estimates hearing that Iemma instructed him to tackle the issue.


  • 非常的特别显然上场的时候你们听到发生的事情。

    It was pretty special and obviously when I came on you heard what happened.


  • 听到车道上吱吱车轮便忽地站起身来,接着又坐下因为马车显然屋后院子里去了。

    She rose suddenly from her chair at the sound of creaking wheels in the driveway and then sank down again as they went on around the house to the back yard.


  • 7月7日前一周听到关于一笔进账消息也许会花一点,但是显然你得到的花掉的要

    News of a commission, bonus, advance, or other chunk of cash may come your way July 7, plus or minus one week. You may have to write a check too, but it appears more money will flow in than goes out.


  • 一个瘦弱猴子一样出现了,它显然是因为听到火炉边谈话的声音跑来的。

    A feeble creature like a monkey was there, drawn thither by the sound of voices at the fire.


  • 马卢达不是唯一的高兴的男人,皮萨罗下半场德罗巴替换下场时候听到一阵阵欢呼,显然人们他这天的工作表示满意。

    'I think we played very good, first half we were complicated but in the second half we knew we had to win the game and we did everything we could, ' said the Peruvian hitman.


  • 马卢达不是唯一的高兴的男人,皮萨罗下半场德罗巴替换下场时候听到一阵阵欢呼,显然人们他这天的工作表示满意。

    'I think we played very good, first half we were complicated but in the second half we knew we had to win the game and we did everything we could, ' said the Peruvian hitman.


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