• 因而似乎受试者受疲劳度在影响实验结果,而非睡眠记忆强化作用

    So it seems that exhaustion at the time of testing may be responsible for the results, not memory consolidation during sleep.


  • 因而处理上述(4)(5)可能需要创建自定义代码

    Consequently, you may need to create custom code to deal with items (4) and (5) above.


  • 网络变得更大个体的相关性降低说道因而人们将会根据他们自己的兴趣爱好安排他们的活动

    As the network gets larger it becomes less relevant to individuals, she said, so people want to organize their experience according to their own interests.


  • 伙伴链接部署捆绑在一起,因而可以改变流程结构条件下替换服务供应者

    Partner links are bound at deployment time, therefore service providers can be substituted without changing the process structure.


  • 床上用手机打字会为让精神振奋(句话不确定),因而拔掉设备电源准备睡觉,却发现入睡更难了。

    Typing in bed can wind you up, so when you do unplug, it will be harder to fall asleep, Knutson says.


  • 如果使用pznload,由于任何遇到困难请遵循下面替代方法

    If you have trouble using pznload for any reason, follow the alternative below.


  • 停止吸烟尼古丁受体不再启动因而你无法得到你习惯得到的那么多多巴胺。

    When you stop smoking, and your nicotine receptors stop being activated.


  • 他们清醒生活会因而受到损害

    Their waking life suffers.


  • 因而早晨我们牛奶心里,牛奶他的吸引力远大于他对牛奶排斥力

    So that when he brought us our morning goblets of milk the forces of attraction in his mind would be greater than those of repulsion.


  • 但是上传聚会照片它们标上朋友名字这样下次登陆他们就自动看到它们,因而节省邮资纸张

    But uploading party pictures and tagging them with your friends' names so that they will automatically see them the next time they sign on saves time, postage and paper.


  • 可能有助于分析特别是操作系统没有任何明显突然停止(希望这种情况一些)。

    This can be helpful for analysis, especially on those (hopefully rare) occasions when your operating system stops without any apparent reason.


  • 父亲回家注意到不安因而询问发生了什么

    When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened.


  • 因而就算流感北半球冬季结束得以减弱,它也不过只是转移到了南半球(那里进入冬季)。

    Hence, even when flu subsides at the end of the northern hemisphere's winter, the disease merely shifts to the southern hemisphere (which is now entering its winter).


  • 由于工作软件演示每次迭代结束进行的,因而可以以后迭代显示哪个备选主题决定作出最高的评价。

    As demonstrations of working software take place at the end of each iteration, decisions can be made about which candidate themes would be viewed as most valuable in later iterations.


  • ITF正在采取行动,保护海员上岸休息权益。ITF认为上岸休息是海员们应有的权益,减低海上工作疲劳程度因而保证海事安全

    ITF is campaigning to protect seafarers' right to shore leave as essential to their rights as workers, and to minimise the effects of fatigue through work at sea and thus ensure maritime safety.


  • 他们上网人们往往不知哪里,因而电子版每日电讯报报道提供相关链接,试图人们展示一个更为广阔的网络天地。

    When they did go online, people were often at a loss for places to go so the Electronic Telegraph provided related links on its stories in an attempt to show people the wider web.


  • 如上如果使用者阻塞崩溃,则即使重新启动,响应丢失因而必须重新进行调用

    And as explained earlier, if the consumer crashes while blocking, even if it restarts the response will be lost and the invocation must be repeated.


  • 理由就是MQIPT不会任何数据排队磁盘中因而出现通道故障DMZ 中不会出现数据堆积现象。

    My reasoning is that MQIPT does not queue any data to disk so in the event of a channel failure, there is no data piling up in the DMZ.


  • 许多策略通过捕食其他策略来取胜的,因而只有猎物能存活这些策略才能兴旺发达。

    Because many strategies could succeed only by "preying" on other strategies, they would thrive only as long as their prey survived.


  • 因为许多年轻女性被诊断为乳腺癌已处于晚期,癌细胞非常活跃因而存活率非常

    But because many younger women are diagnosed at later stages with more aggressive breast cancer, their survival rate is lower.


  • 飞机冲撞进大厦两人都还78等待电梯因而侥幸逃过一劫。

    Both were on the 78th floor waiting for elevators when the jetliner tore through the building.


  • 担保债权人中,高级债券持有者银行清算能于第一顺位受偿,因而没有那么多担心

    Senior debtholders, who rank first in the hierarchy of unsecured creditors if a bank is liquidated, have less to worry about.


  • 一路上过路船只撒谎到了食品因而当他到达西印度船上的食品原封不动他的状况也不错

    He cheated a little en route, accepting lunch from a passing ship, but did arrive in the West Indies with food boxes unopened, alive and reasonably well.


  • 这样做好处每次运行XM文件系统读取目录因而保证链接页面总是最新的。

    The main benefit is that XM reads the directory from the file system each time it runs, thereby guaranteeing that the link page is always up to date.


  • 即食治疗食物优点一种使用的糊状物,而且需要混合因而降低了意外污染细菌增生危险

    The advantage of RUTF is that it is a ready-to-use paste which does not need to be mixed with water, thereby avoiding the risk of bacterial proliferation in case of accidental contamination.


  • 英国悠久的航海历史因而营救海难人员也独有一套。

    BRITAIN's maritime history has bequeathed it a unique rescue service for people in danger at sea.


  • 由于开发者在使用那些资产无需了解内部工作原理,因而同样可以减轻工作的复杂性

    They can also mitigate complexity, because developers can leverage those assets without needing to understand their inner workings.


  • 直到菜单选项真正被选择相应处理程序才会被创建因而延迟包含处理器类的插件激活

    It isn't until the menu choice is actually selected that the corresponding handler class is created, thereby deferring the activation of the plug-in containing the handler class.


  • 直到菜单选项真正被选择相应处理程序才会被创建因而延迟包含处理器类的插件激活

    It isn't until the menu choice is actually selected that the corresponding handler class is created, thereby deferring the activation of the plug-in containing the handler class.


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