• 旅游者在自行旅游过程中旅游景点经营者旅游发生纠纷,参照适用规定。

    These Provisions shall apply analogically to a dispute arising from an independent tour between a tourist and the operator of a tourist attraction.


  • 第一规定所称旅游纠纷,是旅游旅游经营者、旅游辅助服务者之间旅游发生合同纠纷或者侵权纠纷

    Article 1 a "tour dispute" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to a contractual dispute or a tort arising from a tour between a tourist and the tour operator or any tour assistant.


  • 随着信息不再旅行社控制或是隐藏商业网络中旅游发生革命性的变化,更高的透明度使价格降低了。

    With information no longer controlled by travel agents or hidden in business networks, the travel industry was revolutionized, as greater transparency helped slash prices.


  • 在过去10年里旅游方式由于互联网的出现发生重大变革。

    Over the last 10 years the way we travel has been revolutionised by the web.


  • 二十年之后,世界旅游市场组成发生巨大的转变

    Over the next two decades the makeup of tourism around the world will change significantly.


  • 酒店继续提供传统客房服务然而这些新的食物饮料可以迎合需求发生变化旅游

    The hotel will continue to offer traditional room service, while this new food and beverage experience will cater to the changing needs of today’s travelers.


  • 酒店继续提供传统客房服务然而这些新的食物饮料可以迎合需求发生变化旅游

    The hotel will continue to offer traditional room service, while this new food and beverage experience will cater to the changing needs of today's travelers.


  • 在过去几天在线旅游发生了几有趣的事情。

    It's been an interesting few days for the travel sector online.


  • 澳洲旅游正在感觉业务失去发生特别昆士兰洪水信心一个分散影响

    Australia's tourism sector is feeling the resultant loss of business, particularly in Queensland where the floods also had a separate impact on confidence.


  • 现在我们暂时目光转向挪威大约周前发生惨烈袭击之后,挪威的旅游并未受此影响。

    We turn briefly to Norway now, after the tragic attack almost a week ago, its tourism industry has remained intact.


  • 澳大利亚在雅加达酒店发生致命爆炸针对印尼旅游警告升级

    Australia has upgraded its travel advisory to Indonesia after the fatal hotel bombings in Jakarta.


  • 周以后,原本理所当然有望2010年上市旅游科技公司的情况发生了重大的转变

    The situation has changed dramatically in just six weeks with what appeared to be five reasonably solid IPOs in the travel and related technology sectors expected to list in 2010.


  • 唯一建议就是最好旅游淡季时再那里那时不会游人蜂拥的情况发生了。

    My only advice would be to go there in the 8 off-season; when there aren't tourists 9 swarming the place.


  • 上海旅游行业协会4建议上海各出境游组团社暂缓美国银河旅行社的合作。 上海一旅游1月30日亚利桑那州发生车祸,7死亡、10人受伤。

    The Shanghai Tourism Trade Association Wednesday recommended local travel agencies suspend business with the US Galaxy Travel Agency, after 2 road accidents involving Chinese tourists in the US.


  • 计划事情:计划旅行穿着时,根据旅游途中可能发生会议活动等做一张打包用的图表,然后研究目的地温度

    Plan for each event: When planning your attire for the trip, create a packing storyboard that Outlines each event, meeting and activity on your trip. Then research temperatures at your destination.


  • 这些带来一连串毁灭性后果比如森林火灾生态旅游收入损失。 之所以发生这样的事,是因为干了事的义务后果买单

    This leads to a profusion of damaging outcomes such as forest fires and lost ecotourism revenue that happen because those responsible are not obliged to pick up the tab.


  • 动物旅游正在发生改变

    A change is taking place in animal tourism.


  • 传统旅游生态旅游,城市旅游至丛林探险变化正在悄然发生

    Changes are being made from traditional sites to eco-tourism, rural tourism and adventure tourism.


  • 如果整个旅游都不认为这种方式可以提高客户的服务质量,那么没有任何变化发生

    If nobody in the travel industry decides that this is a great way to serve clients, then nothing will happen.


  • 然而问题这些不是发生愚昧落后城市而是在佛罗里达州萨拉·索塔—一个温暖,棕榈树云集的旅游胜地,位于墨西哥湾沿岸

    Yet the spot in question is not a benighted rust-belt city, but Sarasota, florida-a balmy, palm-studded resort town on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 好像美国人听说过族,受伤膝盖成了旅游观光地,尽管1890年发生事情早被世人淡忘

    It is as if Americans had never heard of the Sioux, and Wounded Knee had become a tourist resort where the events of 1890 had faded from memory.


  • 车祸发生时,载有25湖南游客旅游撞上了前方行驶的一辆当地新捷运巴士

    The accident occurred as a tour coach carrying 25 Chinese passengers from Hunan hit a local SBS Transit bus in front.


  • 发生过诸多战事弗吉尼亚,对此项目斥资 2 百万美元,以期旅游收回成本。

    Virginia, where most of the fighting took place, is pumping $2m into the project in the hope of seeing a return in the form of tourism.


  • 旅游行业遭到多重打击,不仅澳元升值,而且海啸发生日本游客数量大幅下降昆士兰州大片地区遭遇了洪涝灾害

    But the industry has suffered not just from the strength of the Aussie dollar but also a sharp loss of visitors from tsunami-hit Japan and flooding that hit large swathes of Queensland.


  • 夏季结束了,对该镇著名码头百万美元的修复工程仍然没有完成最近发生一系列不幸事情折磨着这个受欢迎但是看上去被诅咒了的英国旅游胜地。

    As summer ends, a multimillion-dollar renovation of the town's famed Grand Pier remains unfinished, the latest in a series of unfortunate events to plague a popular but seemingly cursed u.


  • 旅游讲述世界正在发生故事因此怎样的故事丰富照片呢?

    Travel photos tell the story of what is happening in your world at that moment, so what do you want to fill the picture?


  • 旅游延迟发生的时候,旅行者抱怨信息缺乏。

    Travellers complained about lack of information when travel delays occurred.


  • 坦桑尼亚旅游经营商Charles Ngereza说:“如果塞伦盖蒂发生任何不好的事情,我们就完了。”

    If anything bad happens to the Serengeti, ” said Charles Ngereza, a Tanzanian tour operator, “we’re finished.”


  • 坦桑尼亚旅游经营商Charles Ngereza说:“如果塞伦盖蒂发生任何不好的事情,我们就完了。”

    If anything bad happens to the Serengeti, ” said Charles Ngereza, a Tanzanian tour operator, “we’re finished.”


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