• 首先对裂缝的产生机理进行了综述,根据实际施工总结控制措施

    The cracks mechanism is reviewed, control measures are summarized according to the actual construction.


  • 文章通过对大(理)保(山)高速公路19合同拱桥施工总结简要介绍该桥吊装方法监控措施

    Through summary to the construction of Contract 19 Section box arch bridge along Dali-Baoshan Highway, this paper briefly introduces the hoisting method and monitoring control measures of this bridge.


  • 在了解工作间之后我们将会创建一个报告执行总结作间没有涉及到最佳实践

    After the workshop, we will create a report and executive summary for you with our Suggestions for implementing the best practices that were uncovered in the workshop.


  • 本文总结建筑电气工程中的施工问题,提出对应防范对策

    This paper summarizes the construction of electrical engineering construction, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.


  • 结合对上海越江隧道工程起重吊装施工监理实践,总结了吊装方案的编写要点

    Through a supervision case of a cross-river tunnel project hoisting construction in Shanghai, the key points of hoisting plan are summarized.


  • 深入分析了对桥面铺装影响因素作用机理,并总结多年施工经验基础上,提出了质量进行控制有效方法

    Based on the construction experience of many years, the paper analyses the factors influencing the concrete paving layer of bridge floor and presents the effective methods to control its quality.


  • 本文单向水平振动基础设计施工方面一些方面研究总结,具有一定的实用性,希望它能为其他类振动台基础的建设与研究提供参考

    The paper studies and summarizes the design and construction of foundation of shaking table. The study engineering is practical and provides reference for other shaking table construction.


  • 本文作者结合自己多年工程实践工程实例对综合冬季施工中的应用进行了总结论述。

    The author summarizes and states the application of comprehensive thermal storage method in winter concrete construction using engineering practice combing with his many years experience.


  • 阐述宏源大厦防渗帷幕设计要点、施工工艺施工方法以及施工采取质量管理措施,最后施工工作了总结

    The designing, construction, technology of grouting curtain engineering of the Hongyuan mansion are presented and its protection measures which should be taken are summarized.


  • 文中通过一个成功工程实例初步探讨总结爆破施工拔出深井井方法原理以及注意事项

    Through a successful Engineering example, this paper discussed and summarized the method, principle and attentive items for drawing out deep-well tubes by the construction technique of blasting.


  • 本文沉井施工中的质量通病进行了分析总结

    This paper analyzes and summarizes the quality common faults in sinking well construction.


  • 本文桥梁裂缝的种类产生原因全面分析总结方便设计施工控制

    This paper for concrete bridge crack and the reason that produces are made than overall analysis summary, are controled with convenient design and construction.


  • 本文施工中的影响因素做一下分析总结

    This article analyzes and summaries the impact factors in the construction.


  • 设计需要资料、设计流程施工要求控制方法方面做了总结

    With aspects and so on material which, design cycle, construction request, control method needs in the design have made the summary.


  • 基于工作实践工程索赔索赔费用方法进行了总结,以供施工单位实际工作中参考

    Based on the work practice, this paper sums up the engineering claim and the determination of claim expenses, which provides the reference for the construction unit.


  • 通过工程实践总结施工应用方面一些问题进行了分析,提出改进意见

    Through engineering practice and summary, some problems in terms of application of post cast zone for construction were analyzed, and improvement Suggestions were put forward.


  • 本文五个工程实例总结设计施工两方面减少工程措施。

    This paper lists five engineering cases which has already been constructed, conclude the engineering measures for reducing unfavorable soil squeezing effects in design and construction.


  • 通过设计施工操作程序简单总结,以利于进一步完善推广使用

    Take summary by its design and construct and operate program to make more consummate and extension use.


  • 因此加强公路桥梁桩基设计施工研究与总结,具有十分重要现实意义

    Therefore, strengthening design and construction of the highway bridge pile foundation is of great practical significance.


  • 总结完善的施工管理经验设计经验。

    Summed up a set of perfect construction management experience and design experience.


  • 通过多年工程实践总结桥面标高施工要点,从而达到控制质量要求

    Through many years' practice, the paper discussed the main points of bridge deck elevation construction for controlling quality.


  • 本文作者根据自己多年防水施工实践总结以下项防水技术措施,且住宅建设施工收到了转好的效果

    This paper summarizes some waterproof technique measures, they have good effect in dwelling house construction , according to author practice in the waterproof construction for many years.


  • 通过涟钢工程施工过程回顾总结提出了总承包项目施工进度管理有效措施

    Through review of the construction process for Liansteel project, the effective measures for construction progress management of turnkey project were summarized.


  • 总结现有施工模拟方法基础,结合循环前进分析法有限元软件Ansys,提出了改进的循环前进分析法。

    After discussing existing methods of construction simulation, an ameliorated analysis method of cycle-forward is developed, which is based on the method of cycle-forward and ANSYS software.


  • 根据工程施工实践总结超长混凝土结构采用加强代替后浇带原理施工工艺措施。

    According to the construction practice, it summarized the principle of reinforcing band of the super-long concrete structure and the construction process.


  • 通过对ATB-25施工工艺中的关键技术分析以期总结一套较为合理施工方案。

    The application of key technique of ATB-25 during construction was studied in order to summarize a reasonable construction scheme.


  • 文章简要介绍薄壁圆筒防波堤工程主要工序施工方法总结一些施工经验注意问题

    It briefly introduces the construction method for the main works of thin wall large cylinder breakwater engineering and summarizes some construction experience and matters needing attentions.


  • 总结完整的施工质量验收流程作为现有规程补充

    And a complete construction quality acceptance process is set up as a supplement to the existing specification.


  • 本文结合现场成桩施工,采用套筒方法处理溶洞承压技术总结可供同类型施工参考。

    Combined with the fieldwork, this paper summarizes the construction method of adding sleeves to total guard barrel and the technique of bearing water for reference.


  • 本文结合现场成桩施工,采用套筒方法处理溶洞承压技术总结可供同类型施工参考。

    Combined with the fieldwork, this paper summarizes the construction method of adding sleeves to total guard barrel and the technique of bearing water for reference.


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