• 一种具有创造宇宙技术文明,肯定将会发现这种诱惑无可抗拒

    A civilisation that has the technology to make baby universes would surely find the temptation irresistible.


  • 第二水平是,对于一个稍微先进一点文明而言,他们某个特定方向上参与推进宇宙性能

    The second level, for a slightly more advanced civilisation, would involve nudging the properties of the baby universes in a certain direction.


  • 一些杞人忧天的人预测说,假如科学家真的能够造出一个宇宙也许会摧毁现存宇宙

    Some worrywarts have predicted that if the scientists actually do create a new universe, it might destroy the existing one.


  • 印度未来主义巴拉基地,是把134个相互交错集装箱桩子上,看起来像宇宙飞船

    India's futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stilts using 134 interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship.


  • 大师们每一个宇宙时代都会带来向上移动转变

    Masters, every new Cosmic Era brings with it up shifts and transformations.


  • 最后理论上宇宙脱离。

    And then, in theory, new universes pop off.


  • 一项研究中,研究人员认为如果我们所处的宇宙有着同胞兄弟我们可能撞上它们

    In a new study, researchers suggest that if our universe has siblings, we may have bumped into them.


  • 实验测试宇宙射线全球升温影响

    A new experiment to test the role of cosmic rays in global warming.


  • 根据研究表明宇宙一个基本常数可能终究并非常数。

    A fundamental constant of the universe may not be so constant after all, according to a new study.


  • 希望找到足够证据证实宇宙如何形成理论。而且,从这个方向也许可能找到对暗物质的更准确的解释

    She hopes to find enough to verify the reigning theory of how the universe formed, and perhaps along the way help other fields fully define dark matter.


  • 证据支持设想我们宇宙中所处地区刚好能适合我们存在

    New evidence supports the idea that we live in an area of the universe that is "just right" for our existence.


  • 尘埃颗粒这样开始,飘浮宇宙,为岩石聚集之后这些小岩石又聚集于小行星然后为星球聚集

    From there, new dust grains will float out into the cosmos, where they may collect into very small rocks, then asteroids, then planets.


  • 广义相对论证实是正确的,一项测试中,它精确地预测了在宇宙一些最为遥远星系团那里的运行。

    His general theory of relativity has proved accurate in predicting how light travels from some of the most distant galaxy clusters in the universe, according to new measurements.


  • 至关重要的是,一旦宇宙已经形成,三种水平设计师中的任何一可能新宇宙产生干扰——即便最为先进的设计师也不能。

    Crucially, though, it would not be possible in any of these cases - even at the most advanced level - for the designers to interfere with the baby universes once they had formed.


  • 这些发现成为这些构造如何形成宇宙重要认识的问题中的一个里程碑

    [the findings] add a new milestone to the important realization of how structure forms in the universe.


  • 据期,含有更多热气的更明亮星系团对于宇宙微波背景更大影响正是研究证实的。

    Brighter clusters-those with more hot gases-would be expected to have greater affects on the cosmic microwave background, and that's what the new study confirmed.


  • 波究瓦德发现必须创建一个数学模式使用循环量子引力理论以便更加精确探究弹跳之前宇宙

    Bojowald found he had to create a new mathematical model to use with the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity in order to explore the universe before the Big Bounce with more precision.


  • 宇宙最轻丰富原料能源领域找到了而它角色了吗?

    Has the lightest and most abundant stuff in the universe found a new role in energy?


  • 当前正值人类宇宙探索历史性关键时刻宇航员候选人3,500名申请者中挑选出来

    Selected from more than 3, 500 applicants, NASA’s new astronaut candidates arrive at a pivotal moment in the history of human space exploration.


  • 当前正值人类宇宙探索历史性关键时刻宇航员候选人3,500名申请者挑选出来。

    Selected from more than 3,500 applicants, NASA’s new astronaut candidates arrive at a pivotal moment in the history of human space exploration.


  • 通过这些照片他们糖果纹理食物陆地、或甜点乡村)成功创造出宇宙

    Through these photographs they have managed to create a whole new micro universe in the vein of candyland (or foodland, or dessertland).


  • 那些产生、沿着时间前进不同宇宙存在物理定律不同的地方比如时空异常

    So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are differentanomalies in spacetime.


  • 那些产生、沿着时间前进不同宇宙存在物理定律不同的地方比如时空异常

    So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are differentanomalies in spacetime.


  • 这些问题理论家们开始思考膨胀可能性或许也存在其他地方其他时间从而创造出了我们世界平行存在的宇宙

    These problems have led theorists to consider the possibility that inflation could occur at other places and times, generating new universes parallel to our own.


  • 可以极端环境中生存细菌发现英国宇宙教授保罗·戴维斯倡导一种理论提供了有力证据。

    The discovery of a bacteria that can exist in extreme environments adds weight to a new theory championed by the British cosmologist Professor Paul Davies.


  • 巴里什:那我们能以一种方式观察这个包含不计其数元素粒子宇宙我们现在没有掌握这种方法。

    Barish:... we'll have a new way to look at the universe that involves a whole set of elements, particles, so we don't really have on our shelf yet.


  • 关于陨石研究将作为宇宙社会学期刊宇宙行星科学”杂志主题之一——共20——于本周出版

    The new meteorite research is featured in 20 papers published this week in an issue of the Meteoritical Society's journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science.


  • 这个过程中,你们被打开,伴随着太阳银河系宇宙中心能量流入,你们可以开始体验多维度空间的完整连接

    This was the activation of the Crown Chakra, with the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Centers, allowing you to begin to experience the full connection of Multidimensionality.


  • 黑暗并非偶然,它带动了一项旨在加强潜伏宇宙之中未知未见结构”存在例证研究

    "Dark flow" is no fluke, suggests a new study that strengthens the case for unknown, unseen "structures" lurking on the outskirts of creation.


  • 黑暗并非偶然,它带动了一项旨在加强潜伏宇宙之中未知未见结构”存在例证研究

    "Dark flow" is no fluke, suggests a new study that strengthens the case for unknown, unseen "structures" lurking on the outskirts of creation.


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