• 此外,文化公民日常生活实践过程能够完成群体层面社会层面过渡和转变

    As this dissertation suggests, in the practice of everyday life, cultural citizenship is capable of fulfilling the process of transformation for levels of small groups to the social level.


  • 有些文化善于排队了:苏联一个公民加入队列只是为了排在队伍的前头看看每个人为了什么排队

    Some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.


  • 并不是在向人们鼓吹一种快乐访谈”式文化,我不会在下面的“公民精神节选那样做。

    I'm not promoting a culture of happy talk, nor will I in the "Soul of a Citizen" excerpts that follow.


  • 这样社会里,公民不再被动消费者单向媒体填鸭式地喂养信息文化成为主动参与者共同协作,开启通向未来旅程

    Where the citizens are no longer passive consumers being fed information and culture through one-way media, but are instead active participants collaborating on a journey into the future.


  • 我国公民创意灵感不仅能推动我们经济丰富我们的文化,也有助于我们应对气候变化贫穷饥饿疾病等种种全球挑战

    The ideas and inspirations of our citizens fuel our economy, enrich our culture and help us meet global challenges from climate change to poverty, hunger and disease.


  • 或者因为土耳其已不再个受军人统治农业社会,而已成为了一个充满活力,并且有着自己独特公民社会文化国家

    Or it could be because it is no longer a peasant society ruled by its army, but a dynamic nation with a strong civil society of its own.


  • 连同文化男性后代偏好已经导致公民男女性别出生率与数量巨大失衡

    This, coupled with a cultural preference for male offspring, has led to a significant imbalance between the number of male and female children born to its citizens.


  • 英国荷兰澳大利亚诸多国家申请公民身份的人都通过一项尚未,证明他们充分了解并接受了本国文化

    In Britain, the Netherlands, Australia and many other countries, those applying for citizenship are expected to demonstrate their knowledge of their host society by passing an exam.


  • 可能会鼓励一种节约,人民积极参与公民事务文化并且鼓励人们恢复婚姻小家庭的观念。

    It would encourage a culture of thrift, civic activism and renewed respect for marriage and the nuclear family.


  • 泰方欢迎中方在设立中国文化中心希望更多的中国公民赴泰旅游

    Thailand welcomes the establishment of Chinese Art Center within its territory and hopes more Chinese citizens come to Thailand for sightseeing.


  • 一些文化守法公民会试着完全遵守法律的字面规定,也就是说不管法律怎么规定,他们都会照着去做

    In some cultures, law-abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do.


  • 一些文化守法公民会试着完全遵守法律的字面规定,也就是说不管法律怎么规定,他们都会照着去做

    In some cultures, law - abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do.


  • 因此公民责任了解文化素养便是他们了解外界的工具。

    So people have the responsibility to know, they can do that through literacy.


  • 之后颁布法律褫夺了他们许多公民严格限制国内文化相关的文化传播,禁止学校教授尼泊尔语。

    This followed new laws which deprived many of them of citizenship, strictly imposed the national Tibetan-related culture and ended the teaching of Nepali in schools.


  • 法国人所说国家包括多元文化并存英国。 而法国人自己喜欢搬出本国实行的公民平权政策这些国家进行比较

    French officials like to contrast their own policy of equal citizenship with the sloppy communautarisme—rights for specific groups—that some countries, including multicultural Britain, tolerate.


  • 其它文化中,公民按着法律精神来做,他们视法律一般准则,通常只有在执法人员会看到情况下才守法。

    In other cultures, good citizens live by the spirit of the law. They see the law only as a general guideline.


  • 你们明白耶鲁已经成为文化语言文明熔炉。你们全球性一代因此你们要成为世界公民

    You understand this. Yale has become a melting pot of culture, language and civilization. You are the global generation. So be global citizens.


  • 相信文化流畅力全球公民一种传递必不可少技能

    I am convinced that cultural fluency is a transferrable - and essential - skill for global citizens.


  • 青少年交换职员也同意扶轮如果无法确保交换学生安全,便无法达成接触其他文化培养世界公民目标

    Youth exchange Officers recognized that Rotary's goal of developing world citizens by exposing exchange students to other cultures cannot be achieved without ensuring their protection.


  • 青少年交换职员也同意扶轮如果无法确保交换学生安全,便无法达成接触其他文化培养世界公民目标

    Youth exchange Officers recognized that Rotary's goal of developing world citizens by exposing exchange students to other cultures cannot be achieved without ensuring their protection.


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