• 那么个人投资是不是应该办理,把资金都压在床垫下面

    So should private investors follow suit and simply stuff their wads under the mattress?


  • 普遍做法设立一站式服务设施旨在投资一个地方办理全部手续

    The most common practice is setting upone-stopfacilities, which aim at allowing investors to conduct all procedures in one place.


  • 它们银行购买房屋贷款抵押权,然后转而分售投资许诺一旦办理房屋抵押贷款主不能按约还贷投资将获得贷款抵押权收益。

    They bought mortgages from Banks, resold them to investors and promised to make good on the loans if home owners defaulted on their mortgage.


  • 第十六条投资性公司根据第十五条第三款第五款规定进口产品依照国家有关规定办理手续

    It shall go through the formalities for the import of goods in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.


  • 第二十五投资持股比例低于25%上市公司举借外债按照境内中资企业举借外债的有关规定办理

    Article 25 Where the investor holds less than 25% shares of the listed company, its foreign loan shall be handled in accordance with the related provisions of interior China-Affiliated Corporations.


  • 办理信托投资抵押租赁房地产开发信息咨询等业务

    Handle trust, investment, mortgage, leasing, real estate development and information consultancy.


  • 项基金的最低投资港币两万元,敝行将办理一切买卖信托手续。

    As long as you invest twenty thousand dollars or more in each fund, our bank can execute the buying, holding and selling of all your investment for you.


  • 委托依法设立中介机构代为办理申请手续出具投资法定代表人签署的委托授权书

    Where an agency established in accordance with the law is appointed to handle application formalities, a power of attorney signed by a legal representative of the investor shall be provided.


  • 在此之前,信托投资公司已经中国人民银行批准办理符合办法》规定业务可以继续办理

    The trust and investment companies may continue to engage in the businesses that have been approved by the People's Bank of China and are in line with the Measures heretofore.


  • 风险投资基金设立管理国家有关规定办理

    The establishment and management of venture capital funds shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.


  • 国度创业投资员工集资持股办理层持股定向刊行企…

    National venture investment Employees fund-raising shareholding Managerial stockholding Directional issue corporate bonds Strategic investors Industry company …


  • 华侨投资可以申请办理多次出入境有效签证长期居留手续

    An overseas Chinese investor may apply for the visa valid for multiple entries and exits or apply for long-term residence.


  • 第十六投资公司根据第十五第三第五规定进口产品依照国家有关规定办理手续

    Article 16: Companies with an investment nature importing products in accordance with Item (3) or (5) of Article 15 shall carry out the formalities in accordance with relevant state provisions.


  • 第三投资进行大宗交易委托办理指定交易会员办理

    Article 3 an investor shall, if intending to have a block trade, authorize a member of this Exchange to handle the designated transaction.


  • 第九信托投资公司不得办理存款业务不得发行债券不得举借外债

    Article 9 a tic shall not be allowed to take deposits, issue bonds or borrow from abroad.


  • 托管人凭国家外汇局核准文件合格投资办理购汇本金汇出手续

    The custodian shall go through the procedures of purchase of foreign exchange and remittance of the principal for the QFII with the approval document.


  • 中外投资出资现行有关规定办理

    Chinese and foreign investors shall contribute their investments according to the relevant existing regulations.


  • 第二合格投资应当委托托管人代为办理规定所要求的各项手续。

    Article 2 a Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (hereinafter referred to as QFII) shall entrust its custodian to go through the formalities required by these Provisions.


  • 第二合格投资应当委托托管人代为办理本规定所要求各项手续

    Article 2 a QFII shall entrust its custodian to go through all procedures stipulated in the Provisions on its behalf.


  • 第二十四投资公司税收中国有关法律法规办理

    Article 23: Tax collection of a company with an investment nature shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China.


  • 办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇人民币资金结算业务

    Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement, sales, receipt, payment and RMB settlement businesses;


  • 第三信托投资公司办理资金信托业务取得资金属于信托投资公司的负债信托投资公司管理运用处分信托资金而形成的资产不属于信托投资公司的资产。

    Entrusted funds a TIC obtains shall not be regarded as its liabilities, neither shall any assets arising from its management, utilization and disposal of entrusted funds be included in its own assets.


  • 第二十五投资持股比例低于25%上市公司举借外债按照境内中资企业举借外债的有关规定办理

    Article 25 Where the investor holds less than 25% shares of the listed company, its foreign loan shall be handled in accordance with the related provisions of interior China-Affiliated Corporations...


  • 第二十五投资持股比例低于25%上市公司举借外债按照境内中资企业举借外债的有关规定办理

    Article 25 Where the investor holds less than 25% shares of the listed company, its foreign loan shall be handled in accordance with the related provisions of interior China-Affiliated Corporations...


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