• 作为美利坚合众国首都,华盛顿特区大约60万居民国会没有一个投票代表

    The 600,000 or so residents of the nation’s capital do not have a voting representative in Congress.


  • 作为美利坚合众国首都,华盛顿特区大约60万居民国会没有一个投票代表

    The 600,000 or so residents of the nation's capital do not have a voting representative in Congress.


  • 设计这些牌照的目的引起大家华盛顿特区只有少得可怜国会的非投票代表这一事实的关注。

    Those plates had been designed to call attention to the fact that Washington, DC has only one measly non-voting delegate in Congress.


  • 这些投票代表全部380个英格兰苏格兰威尔士北爱尔兰以及英属直布罗陀每个地区

    These represent all 380 local government areas in England, Scotland and Wales, plus one each for Northern Ireland and Gibraltar.


  • 各州党团会议或者初选结果转换投票代表公式各不相同。即使专家只能估算巴马领先大概情况。

    The formulae by which primary or caucus votes translate into delegates vary so much from state to state that experts can only estimate the size of Barack Obama's lead.


  • 这种方法非常非常简单尽管意味着理论上来说,即使投票代表多达79%喜欢一部电影,它仍然可能获得成功

    Nice and simple, though it did mean that a movie could win even if a solid majority of the eligible voters-in theory, as many as seventy-nine per cent of them-didn't like it.


  • 去年早些时候,参议院通过提案赋予特区一个完整参议院投票代表资格(目前虽然个,但是不能投票除非一些委员会会议中)。

    Early last year the Senate passed a bill to give DC a full voting representative in the House of Representatives (it already has one who is not allowed to vote, except in committees).


  • 833代表投票支持,只有432人反对

    833 delegates voted for, and only 432 against.


  • 领导者要求他们的代表投票弃权

    The leaders asked their representatives to abstain from voting.


  • 绝大多数代表拒绝脱离联邦而投票

    A majority of the delegates refused to vote for secession.


  • 得到竞选者的回答之后,这些选民决定他们会选他们决定(通过当地号码)发短信给在英国承诺代表他们在大选投票

    Having got their answers, they decide who they want to elect and text their decision (via a local number) to someone in the UK who has pledged to vote in our general election on their behalf.


  • 巴黎一个郊区,斯威丈夫法尔等当地居民他们从来没有欧盟议会代表投票

    In the Paris suburb of le Perreux, residents like Lucille Svay and her husband Chan Phal said they had not voted for their eu parliament representatives.


  • 萨科奇来说。真正麻烦即使选民投票通过了利比亚行动,也代表他们赞成个人。

    The real trouble for Mr Sarkozy is that, even if voters approve of the Libyan operation, they do not yet approve of him.


  • 每一代表公东定期重要事宜进行投票

    Every share represents one vote and shareholders are regularly asked to vote on important matters.


  • 希拉里·克林顿落后于奥巴马150代表投票,她自己老家纽约支持者发表演讲

    Hillary Clinton, who trails Obama by more than 150 delegates, will be addressing supporters in her home state of New York.


  • 如果观察比例代表选区议席投票就会发现,自民党席位占全国席位的24%,延续长期的下降

    When you look at votes for the seats allocated on the basis of proportional representation, the LDP’s national share, at just 24% of the total, extended a long decline.


  • 昨天CDUCSU代表模拟投票中,有11人反对扩展EFSF人弃权(还有一位反对者没有出席)。

    In a test vote of CDU and CSU deputies yesterday, 11 opposed expanding the EFSF and two abstained (another dissident did not show up).


  • Meridian[font=宋体]最大债权人一些对冲基金持有大量、二级抵押债务能够代表这两个级别的债权人进行投票

    Some of Meridian's biggest creditors were hedge funds which held a lot of first- and second-lien debt and in effect had a blocking vote in both classes.


  • 2007年,通过成立Cosan有限公司加强了控制。Cosan有限公司采用了一种双重股权模式,确认Mello ' s先生股份代表投票权重普通股份的

    In 2007 he strengthened his grip by setting up Cosan Limited, a company with a dual share structure that accords some of Mr Mello's shares ten times the voting weight of ordinary ones.


  • 希望奴隶主一百个人,又何以有权代表希望个奴隶主的那个人进行投票

    How have a hundred men who wish for a master the right to vote on behalf of ten who do not?


  • 候选人们地区代表们提名任何一个功能选民中投票人(选区中的93%左右)资格进行投票

    The candidates would be nominated by district councillors, but everyone who does not have a vote in another functional constituency (about 93% of the electorate) would be allowed to pick the winners.


  • 一项是停止总是支持管理层零售经纪人代表那些没有投票给出指示投资者进行投票的权力。

    The other would stop retail brokers from casting votes, almost always in favour of management, on behalf of investors who have not given instructions on how to vote.


  • 哈根于本周一说,调查结果不能代表所有杂志读者观点,另外,投票不会公布

    Results weren't scientifically representative of the magazines' readers, and the total number of votes won't be released, o 'hagan said Monday.


  • 联合国开发计划署一些数据衡量女性地位,例如议会中的女性代表人数、投票以及男女收入比较

    Women's empowerment is measured by the United Nations Development Program using data such as representation in parliament, voting rights and comparisons of male and female income.


  • 通过可转移投票下议院引入比例代表制。

    Introduce proportional representation for MPs through a single transferable vote.


  • 为了解决这些问题投票组织方“修复加州提出了一份随机陪审团的平民代表名单

    Hoping to meet these concerns, the organisation behind the ballot measures, Repair California, proposes a random, jury-like draft of ordinary citizens as delegates.


  • 因为欧洲议会选举英国下议院不用,采用比例代表,给靠边党投票带来真正回报

    As elections to the European Parliament, unlike those to the House of Commons, are conducted under a system of proportional representation, voting for outsiders can bring them a real reward.


  • 但是来自南部非洲选举研究所监督代表的首席代表赫兰恩表示,投票看起来可能低于50%。

    The head of a monitoring delegation from the Electoral Institute for Southern Africa, Leshele Thoahlane, said voter turnout, however, appeared to have been low, possibly less than 50 percent.


  • 但是来自南部非洲选举研究所监督代表的首席代表赫兰恩表示,投票看起来可能低于50%。

    The head of a monitoring delegation from the Electoral Institute for Southern Africa, Leshele Thoahlane, said voter turnout, however, appeared to have been low, possibly less than 50 percent.


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