• 总是觉得得到第一份工作是由于罗杰友谊

    I always suspected she owed her first job to her friendship with Roger.


  • 1997年第一英国的时候,觉得中国欧洲之间差异很大

    When I first went to the United Kingdom in 1997, I thought that the difference between China and Europe was quite big.


  • 觉得以往任何时刻受关注,这人生第一自己清晰认识,知道自己真实的富有同情心的、乐于接受的。

    I feel more seen than I ever have, and for the first time in my life, I have a clear-eyed view of myself that is authentic, compassionate and accepting.


  • 第一短裤下来的时候,觉得灵魂了出来

    The first time I pulled my knickers down, I felt my soul fall out.


  • 第一拥有自己手机的时候,觉得所有手机的朋友短信一件很酷的事情,而且拇指十分灵活。

    When I first got my cell phone, I thought it was so cool to text message all my friends who have one, and I was pretty fast with my thumb then.


  • 真的觉得一旦开口说出了第一其他一切都会水到渠成

    I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.


  • 他们现在说话了!真的觉得一旦你开口说出了第一其他一切都会水到渠成

    They are not talking with you now! I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.


  • 第一份报告引起骚动之后有些胆怯觉得应该删去段解释性文字

    After the furore which greeted our first report I felt pusillanimously that we should excise this explanatory passage.


  • 虽然年龄相仿女性失去兴趣了,仍然觉得第一一样令人兴奋

    While some women my age have lost interest, I still find it just as exciting as the very first time.


  • 几天第一次有这种感觉的时候,只是觉得只是偶然的次体验。

    The first time this happened a few days ago, I thought it was interesting but dismissed it as a fluke.


  • 觉得这话没错因为就算部《特警威龙》再怎么糟糕至少穿着皮衣大枪。

    I think he's probably right because as bad as the very first Punisher film was, at least he was dressed in leather and guns.


  • 由于第一面对这么多人讲话,所以觉得有点紧张

    As this is the first time for me to speak to such a large audience, I feel a little nervous.


  • 记得第一天相见什么只是觉得如果挑朋友一定会

    I don't remember much of what we said that first day, only that he felt like someone I'd pick to be a friend.


  • 一年中,第一觉得自己属于某个地方的,怎么会这样呢?

    I feel like I belong somewhere for the first time - ever. Why is this happening?


  • 这个夏天认识了第一,他就是这样子一刻,觉得这个男生笑得暖暖的初夏阳光

    This summer, I knew Yang. He is smiling to me like our first meet. That moment, I found his mildness of smiling displayed the sunshine of the early summer.


  • ,“第二表现的不错,结束觉得完了。”

    "The second race was OK. But for me, it was over after the first race," she said.


  • 几个月过去了,依靠朋友家人,而后来成为单亲家庭,生命中的第一觉得自己真是个残疾人

    As the months went on I relied on friends and family, especially after becoming a single parent. For the first time in my life I felt disabled.


  • 觉得认清自己把自己想象得渺小

    I think feeling small is the first step to knowing yourself.


  • 第二天早上回家时候前女友了,但是第一没有觉得烦躁因为知道做什么了。

    When I came home the next morning, my ex went crazy, but for the first time, it didn't bother me, because I knew what I was going to do.


  • 可能——承认——我觉得此刻两个第一等级思考者肩并肩站着然而怀疑表情所传达的不仅仅是一种无形的敬畏

    It is possible - and I have to make the admission - that I felt here were two grade-one thinkers standing side by side; yet I doubt if my face conveyed more than a formless awe.


  • 从前,每天至少一个小时检查工作因为觉得工作时急急忙忙没有足够的时间可以确保第一就做好

    I was spending AT LEAST an extra hour a day, re-checking my work because I felt like I was rushed and didn't spend enough time on it to do it right the first time.


  • 第一开始交易时,觉得交易方法有偶然性也就是说有时能赚更多的则是痛苦

    When I first started trading I would describe my trading methodology as haphazard, meaning some success in between a lot of pain.


  • 影片中一点即使在今天看来都惊叹不已,那就是里面关于拳击场面描写大量运用了借位手法,但令人感到诧异的第一时候觉得这些镜头是如此真实

    The thing that's surprising to me, watching it now, is that there are a lot of missed punches in the boxing, which is weird because when I first saw it I thought it looked so real.


  • 妈妈朋友第一看到麦克会不会觉得问题

    One day Mom asked if my new friends would have a problem seeing Mike for the first time.


  • 戴着海军式的手套来搭配连衣裙,人生中的第一我觉得自己无比可爱。

    I wore the dress with long, navy gloves, and I think it was the first time in my life I felt utterly lovely.


  • 杨紫琼卫报记者描述了二见面时的情形:“第一件事便是拥抱,觉得

    Yeoh told the Guardian: "The first thing we did is hug and I thought you are really skinny, man.


  • 觉得是长久以来第一感到好像一个成年人呆在一起

    I think for the first time in a very long time, she feels as if she's with a grown-up.


  • 觉得是长久以来第一感到好像一个成年人呆在一起

    I think for the first time in a very long time, she feels as if she's with a grown-up.


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