• 只想属于自己的东西,不要左右思想。

    I only want to write whatever I like, please don't impede my writing.


  • 一个属于自己地方

    I would like a place I could call my own.


  • 马林斯对于来说,从来没有觉得自己属于等同于任何一残疾团体

    Mullins: Well for me I never ever felt the ownership or any identity with any community of disabilities.


  • 一部分工作公司本身陷入困境,大部分还是自己试图软件开发找到属于自己道路

    Part of it was working for companies that were in trouble, but mostly I was still trying to find my own path in software development.


  • 喜欢的一段时间真的喜欢安静的时间,这段属于自己的时间,这时候可以思考,可以阅读,可以呼吸新鲜的空气。

    It's my favorite time of day. I truly enjoy that time of peace, that time to myself, when I can think, when I can read, when I can breathe.


  • 亲爱的想到属于的,禁不住喜极而泣,但时常惶恐,不知自己是否配得上你。

    My dear one, then, I have wept for joy to think that you are mine, and often wonder if I deserve you.


  • 看着网络不断更新时常感到恍惚觉得自己孤魂野一样可能属于世界里吧。一个很复杂的世界有点不喜欢。

    I will feel somewhat dizzy when seeing the Internet updating itself constantly.I just feel like a ghost that is floating in the world which does not belong to me.


  • 那次并未逮到,因此决定顺行其道,创作属于自己的《花花公子杂志

    I didn't get caught that round, so I decided to take it up a notch and make my OWN Playboy magazine.


  • 足够勇气自己置身于危险中大胆承担预期风险同时自己置于即将到来任务中,因为知道斗争属于而是属于上帝

    I am courageous enough to put my head on the line boldly taking calculated risks and apply myself to the task at hand because I know that the battle is not mine but it belongs to the Lord.


  • 童年的允许镁光灯照不到属于世界犯错自己

    But I had a childhood, and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotligh.


  • 现在宁愿只是禁闭双眼想象着"少年”营造的属于自己画面音乐本身已经在脑海中创造了许多动人的画面。

    For now, I'm more inclined to close my eyes and imagine my own pictures for Teen Dream. The music has been inspiring some pretty vivid ones.


  • 不会心里一次次自己不管最后的结果如何都要勇敢地走下去走出属于自己

    I will not think of it any more.I say to myself again and again that no matter what result it may be, I will move forward boldly and walk out a road that belongs to myself uniquely.


  • 不会心里一次次自己不管最后的结果如何都要勇敢走下去走出属于自己的路!

    I will not think of it any more. I say to myself again and again that no matter what result it may be, I will move forward boldly and walk out a road that belongs to myself uniquely.


  • 心里说:“如今,写出的诗,终于归属于自己了!”

    "At last," said my heart, "what I write is my own!"


  • 幅画严格遵守(稳)“静物传统一些充满着来自属于自己意义客体构成,其中一些源自达尔文主义者,而且猜想其他领域作品可以看到

    Sits firmly in the tradition of "still life" and is made up of objects I've come to imbue with my own meanings, some of them Darwinian in origin, and that I guess are seen in other areas of my work.


  • 拿到写有自己名字土地证之前社会上普遍认为土地属于丈夫,”48岁的丧偶妇女TasheguWoretaw。 她的公顷农田位于Memo的农田附近

    Before getting the certificate in my name, it was just socially understood that the land belonged to my husband,” says Tashegu Woretaw, 48, a widow with a hectare of land near Mamo’s farm.


  • 梦想承载着属于自己天空中翱翔! !

    Dream, let me carry you in my own sky to fly!


  • 渐渐地终于回到属于自己水平,那感谢罗斯福处世态度成长

    Gradually, I finally returned to the level it belongs to my own, it can be really grateful to Roosevelt, was his attitude of let me grow.


  • 属于可以控制他,但控制了自己

    Other was not belong to me, and I could only controll myself not him.


  • 拥有完全属于自己计算机

    I want to have my very own computer.


  • 也许只是因为找到属于自己英语学习方法

    Maybe just because I find my own way to learn English.


  • 经过此次研究性学习觉得完成一份属于自己课件非主流代表年轻一代人思想应该摒弃

    After the research-oriented learning makes me feel by a group to complete a belong to our own courseware, non-mainstream represents the younger generation thoughts, should not be abandoned.


  • 建立一个属于自己公司

    I want to set up a company of my own.


  • 有一个梦想建立属于自己学校

    One of my dreams is to set up my own school.


  • 有一个梦想建立属于自己学校

    One of my dreams is to set up my own school.


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