• 快速动作每一个三个中间提供基本对比部分章节

    Each of the fast movements has three sections with the middle section providing the basic contrast.


  • 如果游戏移动很慢相对于那么快速动作游戏可能需要更小的固定更新

    If your game is slow moving, you probably need less fixed updates than games with fast action.


  • 阐述了快速电磁铁实现快速动作机理,建立了快速电磁铁优化设计数学模型并用计算机对其结构进行了最佳化设计。

    Describes the mechanism of a fast response solenoid valve, gives the mathematical model of it's optimized design, and optimizes it's structure by computer.


  • 网球运动需要大量快速而剧烈的动作

    Tennis requires a lot of short sharp movements.


  • 婴儿快速散乱动作常常使得准确记录反应数量变得困难

    Often the rapid and diffuse movements of the infant make it difficult to get an accurate record of the number of responses.


  • 比如说小鹿或者山羊这种捕食种群,它们的代表动作就是突然快速逃跑动作突然转弯相反的,猫科动物之类的捕食种群会练习潜行追踪猛扑撕咬等动作

    Prey species, like young deer or goats, for example, typically play by performing sudden flight movements and turns, whereas predator species, such as cats, practice stalking, pouncing, and biting.


  • 做了几个快速唤醒的动作,然后走到镜子前看着自己。

    He did a couple of quick wake-up exercises and then he went over to a mirror and looked at himself.


  • 常用动作快速通道可以面板区域使用

    Quick access for common actions was made available in the panel area.


  • 您自己置身提交位置应该能够就能够快速的将布告三个动作

    Putting yourself in the submitter's shoes, you should be able to quickly narrow the notifications down to two or three actions.


  • 现在做一些基本瑜伽动作用来热身舒展,瑜伽有助于快速唤醒,还能肌肉得到轻柔地舒展

    I am using only basic Yoga exercises (asana) for warm up and stretching as they help me wake up quickly and provide a gentle stretch for the muscles.


  • 拉伸的时候避免过快动作或者快速重复千万不要强求某个动作姿势

    Avoid quick movements or bouncing while stretching and never force a movement or position.


  • 于是我们使用Naked object非常快速地为他们模型构建一个原型,原型中定义了完全贫血实体,并服务承担所有动作

    We were able to use Naked Objects to build a very rapid prototype of their model, defining purely anemic entities and then having the services contribute all the actions.


  • 无论何时只要可能,都会由使用重构上下文动作覆盖两个主要语言快速修改进行自动引用修正

    Automated reference correction resulting from the use of refactorings, context actions or quick-fixes also covers both major languages whenever possible.


  • 武打是以高效方式进行的,精心设计动作行云流水般的摄像机精彩的捕捉到,现在广为采用快速剪辑模式动作镜头要来的精巧。

    Action is executed in an efficient manner, with the elaborate moves being captured by fluid camera movement rather than the now-familiar fast edits or slow-motion flourishes.


  • 这样快速地确定选中内容后,用户可以选择动作工具条中的一个动作比如复制剪贴板、分享粘贴网络搜索或者查找

    Users can then select an action from the Action Bar, such as copy to the clipboard, share, paste, web search, or find.


  • 可以容易地检测到一次快速摇动是因为尽管移动幅度相对较小但是加速度比较足以捕捉到有用的动作

    A rapid side-to-side shaking motion is easily detected because, although the movements are relatively small, the accelerations are large enough for useful gesture acquisition.


  • 认为时间动作——追求成效快速完成事情——最后却被认为是极度浪费时间的。

    The very thing that's supposed to save you time - being more productive and doing things faster - ends up being the biggest waste of time.


  • (因为系统自带传感器能自动辨别身体部位)微软自己迷你动作捕捉摄影棚如果需要一个新的数据时,工作人员可以在那边进行快速录制

    And Microsoft has a mini mo-cap studio of its own, where staff can make a quick recording when a new chunk of data is needed.


  • 准备好单独记录,学会快速笔记除了特殊场景动作描述,其余的笔记内容最好跟剧本不同。

    Take quick notes, but try to make them separate from the script unless they are acting notations for that particular scene. As far as notes about the story, use a separate sheet of paper.


  • 一个关于导演拍摄摆拍快速教程讨论关于眼睛和手动作对照片影响

    I am going to take a quick detour from our discussion of directed candid's and controlled poses to talk about how eyes and hands have a dramatic impact on your poses.


  • 计算机图像处理专家把这些昆虫动作制成影片,把它们快速移动大量的“群聚”制成数字化图像然后这些图像显示出来——不是显示一台计算机屏幕上,而是显示在透明的护目镜里。

    A team of computer-imaging specialists filmed the creatures, digitised images of their scurrying and teeming, and displayed the imagesnot on a computer monitor, but on see-through goggles.


  • scaffolding通过提供列出显示创建更新销毁对象标准化动作快速使一个Activerecord上线

    Scaffolding quickly put an Active Record class online by providing standardized actions for listing, showing, creating, updating, and destroying objects of the class.


  • 使用滚柱挺杆滑动挺杆来传动旋转凸轮轴做上下快速提升动作开启关闭发动机气阀和排气阀现代型汽车发动机似乎不会出现上述自动熄火的情况。

    Modern car engines that use rolling or sliding tappets for transmitting the rapid up-down lifting motion of the spinning camshafts—to open and close the engine’s inlet and exhaust valvesseem immune.


  • 因为邮件发送过程一种非常快速操作所以我们决定实现同步动作处理程序意味着会在Oozie执行上下文中执行。

    Because sending of email is very quick operation, we have decided to implement it as a synchronous action handler, which means that it is executed within Oozie execution context.


  • 这个游戏开始whisk可能来自动词whisk(来自于快速拿走纸牌动作),只是一种猜想,同时还有其他一些同样不太站得住脚的猜想。

    The game was first called whisk, perhaps from the verb whisk (from the action of whisking away the tricks), but this is guesswork, and other equally shaky conjectures have been offered.


  • 他们听上去都拟声flip音节短促尖锐 用以描述快捷疾速动作.flip-flop发音模拟快速往复动作.flap听上去不正象旗帜船帆风中拍打的声音吗?

    "Flip" is a short, sharp word for a short, sharp action. "Flip-flop" arose in imitation of the action of going quickly back and forth.


  • 他们听上去都拟声flip音节短促尖锐 用以描述快捷疾速动作.flip-flop发音模拟快速往复动作.flap听上去不正象旗帜船帆风中拍打的声音吗?

    "Flip" is a short, sharp word for a short, sharp action. "Flip-flop" arose in imitation of the action of going quickly back and forth.


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