• 瞳孔横向伸展时候,更多能够前面后面侧面进入

    When stretched horizontally, the pupils allow for more light to enter from the front, back, and sides.


  • 一个思维将会发送各种各样信息肌肉肌腱并告诉他们那些不太舒服的伸展过度时,如何应对

    The other is the mind, which sends various messages to the muscles and tendons telling them how to respond to your stretching when the discomfort of the stretching becomes too much.


  • 理论认为滑行节省体力因此研究人员飞鼯猴——一种来自东南亚的哺乳动物,它们滑行时会伸展四肢变成一张巨大的翼膜。

    One theory suggests gliding saves energy. So researchers tested that idea using colugos-mammals from Southeast Asia that turn into giant skin sails when they stretch out their legs.


  • 打开车库大门的时候,我惊起飞蛾伸展翅膀时,可以看到一条鲜红色的“尾巴隐藏斑杂的棕色翅膀上。

    As I opened the garage door, I startled a large moth, which, upon spreading it's wings, displayed a bright red "tail" hidden by the motley brown wings, more a "butterfly" than a moth.


  • 连接横隔膜时,动物的呼吸使纳米线得到伸展产生少量电力——每毫伏4微微安培电流

    When attached to the rat's diaphragm, the animal's breathing stretched the nanowire, and it generated a tiny amount of electricityabout four pico-amps of current at two millivolts.


  • 冰山海水不同,后者海水自身结冰形成冰山则完全陆地上形成的。冰川伸展到海水中时,冰山就断裂下来

    Icebergs are not like sea ice, which is formed when the sea itself freezes, rather, they are formed entirely on land, breaking off when glaciers spread over the sea.


  • 预设伸展过程中就先将身体设定堆叠的姿势,这样板头接触包后时腿就可以释放。

    Anticipation: Setting up the bodyinto astacked position early in the extension process so that thelegs are able torelease the second the tip makes contact with themogul.


  • 试图端部运动时,收缩的组织结构不经意伸展破坏刺激疼痛受体

    Upon attempting to move to end-range, shortened structures are prematurely stretched and deformed which stimulates nociceptive receptors.


  • 身体中心移动吸收伸展时候,身体中心要始终沿滚落线向下运动。

    Center of Mass Moving Through:Whenabsorbing and extending the center of mass should always be movingdown thefall line.


  • 一个肌肉压缩时被压缩的,伸展时它是伸长了。

    When a muscle is contracted it will squash and when extended, it stretches.


  • 步态轻盈畅快,比赛的时候宽松牵引使保持适度急速的步伐,展示出前良好伸展后躯强大的动力。

    He is quick and light on his feet and when in the show ring should be gaited on a loose lead at a moderately fast trot exhibiting good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters.


  • 印象最深的场景安迪出狱双臂伸展面前大雨好像欢迎新鲜空气自由

    Thee scene impressed me most is when Andy got out of jail, he extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom.


  • 退火时间增加扭曲片晶逐渐伸展

    When the annealing time increases, the twisted lamellae extend gradually.


  • 最后手脚伸展听见紫色的蛹滑落春天河畔。

    When the last time stretching hands and feet, I heard, purple fall pupa River in the spring.


  • 后侧完全拉长后脚趾向上使内侧外侧更多地伸展些。

    When the backs of the legs are fully lengthened, lift through the balls of the big toes so the inner legs are slightly longer than the outer.


  • 另外安全项圈松紧猫猫被什么东西卡住的时候,可以伸展

    The other type of safe collar is one with an elastic panel that will stretch in the event that it gets stuck on something.


  • 调至低档一个工具时候,她伸展而且墬落,而且向后突然推进转力矩尖叫

    She stretched out and down, and there was a sudden backwards thrust and the high squeal of torque as she downshifted a gear.


  • 尾巴头部方向伸展时,至少到达肩隆的中途

    When the tail is extended toward the head it reaches at least halfway to the Withers.


  • 完全排挤方块,她伸展自己直立

    When she had completely squeezed out of the box, she stretched herself out and stood upright.


  • 走路静止时,第四及其翼,只能向上翻转,成一个伸展V型,在其身体两侧

    When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward in an extended inverted V-shape along each side of the animal's body.


  • 处于放松位置时,每个关节它们的可能伸展或者弯曲的限制中的某一点

    When your hand is in a relaxed position, each of the joints are at a point about midway between the limits of their possible extension and flexation.


  • 团从没见过红云橙色火焰开始环绕这个物体的周围,意识到这个变化的时候,这个物体开始做橡皮筋一样的伸展

    A strange cloud of red and orange flames began surrounding the object, and before he knew it, the object stretched out like a rubber band.


  • 完全进入奔跑状态时,波犬步伐平稳有效,前躯伸展后躯驱动很好随着速度增加足爪自然聚拢身体中心线位置。

    When at a full trot, the Puli covers ground smoothly and efficiently with good reach and drive, the feet naturally tending to converge toward a median line of travel as speed increases.


  • 完全进入奔跑状态时,波犬步伐平稳有效,前躯伸展后躯驱动很好随着速度增加足爪自然聚拢身体中心线位置。

    When at a full trot, the Puli covers ground smoothly and efficiently with good reach and drive, the feet naturally tending to converge toward a median line of travel as speed increases.


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