• 角速度,释放的时候,它到达最低点,速度达到最大。

    The angular velocity is zero when you release it and is a maximum when it goes through the lowest point.


  • 经过不断练习这会变得容易。释放足够的小我能自然地感觉到平静和喜悦

    After practice it is easy and after you let go of enough ego, you just naturally feel the peace and joy of your Self.


  • 然后感到自己已经充分体会到了时,释放出来——这种情绪抛诸脑后。

    Then, when you feel you’ve felt it enough, release it---really let go of it.


  • 然而如果认为服务只是API那么试图一个服务消费者直接连接服务提供者时所有该死破坏就会被释放出来

    However, if you think that a Service is just an API, then all hell breaks loose when you try to connect a Service Consumer directly to a Service Provider.


  • 点击每个浏览器图标可以看到浏览器窗口一步释放如何改变认为交互式中的有趣的部分

    As you click each browser icon, you can see how the browser window has changed for each release, which I think is the most interesting part of the interactive.


  • 专注现在时候,试着专注呼吸,把每个出去的呼吸都痛苦过去正在身体心灵中得到释放

    As you focus on the present, try focusing on your breathing. Imagine each breath going out is the pain and the past, being released from your body and mind.


  • 人生中的某些事情感到不高兴时,做出一些改变释放那些烦恼

    When you feel unhappy with something in your life, make a change to ease that unhappiness.


  • 然而大量二氧化碳埋葬在地底钻探时高温带动涡轮机,这时二氧化碳通常会释放出来。

    There is, however, a lot of carbon dioxide underground, and when you drill for superheated water to turn your turbines, you often release it.


  • 的时候,身体释放脑内啡,从而会感觉心情慢慢变好

    When you laugh your body releases endorphins so you actually start to feel better.


  • 生气的时候,身体释放出大量化学物质大脑从而改变的身体机能

    When you get angry, your body releases a whole load of chemicals into your brain and they change the way your body is working.


  • 内存清理工具有效的通过利用虚拟内存释放内存,所以使用应用程序的时候注意不要使用这个功能。

    The memory cleaner would essentially free up memory by dumping to the virtual memory, so make sure you don’t use it when you are working in an application.


  • 身体到达一定的年龄时的大脑就会释放一种特殊的激素意味着青春期改变开始

    When your body reaches a certain age, your brain releases a special hormone that starts the changes of puberty.


  • 冰淇淋升糖指数的,就是说冰淇淋之后渐渐的将糖分释放血液之中,这就表示不会急迫的渴望更多

    Ice cream is low GI, which means it releases its sugar gradually into your blood afer you've eaten it, which means you're not left desperately craving for more.


  • 实际上明白他们意思时,看见他们正面积极的,给人自由的,发出光明的,带来释放的,盼望的。

    But actually, when you understand what these words mean, you'll see that they are positive, freeing, enlightening, liberating, and filled with hope.


  • 高兴生活满意时,思考过程运作正常大脑释放出能让它处理疼痛感觉更快乐的内啡肽。

    When you are happy and content with life and your thought processes are working correctly your brain releases endorphins which is your brains way of dealing with pain and making your feel happier.


  • 时候,注意不要向上耸起肩膀如果这样摇晃一下释放压力

    As you tire on a run, don't let them creep up toward your ears. If they do, shake them out to release the tension.


  • 不再担心别人怎么看待祷告时,释放,就能享受祷告了。

    When you stop worrying about what other people will think about your prayer life, then you’ll be released to enjoy prayer.


  • 不再担心别人怎么看待祷告时,释放,就能享受祷告了。

    When you stop worrying about what other people will think about your prayer life, then you'll be released to enjoy prayer.


  • 饭后血糖猛增时,身体就会释放很多胰岛素降低血糖,就了解的一样。

    When you eat a meal that really bumps up your blood sugar, your body pumps out lots of insulin to bring it down, as you've just learned.


  • 今年实际生活考虑中获益尤其需要释放更多精力时候

    You will benefit from grounding yourself from time to time in the practical considerations of life, especially since you will be asked to give out so much energy this year.


  • 接受抑郁改变释放时期的想法,那么就能开始发现自己在要求自己一种新的方式生活

    When you accept that your depression is a time of change and release, you can begin to see that you are asking yourself to live in a new way.


  • 一个屁时不会释放也不会被吸收。它只是简单地向上回到肠道找机会再出来

    When you hold in a fart, it is neither released nor absorbed. It simply migrates back upward into the intestine and comes out later.


  • 原谅伤害的时候,不仅释放自己负担也真正获得了掌控情况权力

    When you forgive someone who has harmed you, you not only free yourself from the burden, but you actually gain power over the situation.


  • 意愿一个特定模式释放相关业力如此

    When one intends a particular pattern to be erased and the related karma released, so it is.


  • 然后意愿祖先加入的行列,来释放束缚居住地内在极性,那么完成时一个梦想就将在前方展现

    Then intend your ancestors to join you in releasing the polarities within that bind you to the region that you currently live and a new dream will unfold ahead and as you are complete.


  • 等待时候,请将注意力放在释放所有负面情绪上,那些情绪导致了许多分散注意力事件,它们只是幻觉

    But while you wait, focus on releasing all those negative emotions that have directed so many of the activities that command your attention in the illusion.


  • 身体这样时,流感病毒快速复制释放毒素使感觉不舒服

    While your body is doing this, the flu virus multiplies quickly and releases toxins which makes you feel ill.


  • 同学烦恼就要家人倾诉,把心中的烦恼释放出来。 羀。

    Thee classmates when you have trouble, will tell family, what's worrying you released.


  • 同学烦恼就要家人倾诉,把心中的烦恼释放出来。 羀。

    Thee classmates when you have trouble, will tell family, what's worrying you released.


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