• 中国微生物学家余勇向我们展示这座宽敞建筑空荡荡桌子,上面有插图时间轴详细介绍了20世纪80年代以来中国南极行动快速增长

    Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of China's Antarctic operations since the 1980s.


  • 青年军们建筑商店窗户红色的颜料画上这次行动标志——叫做或者

    The youths painted the operations insignia, a so-called "Wolfsangel" or Wolf hook, in red on buildings and shop Windows in the town.


  • 余震更多建筑撕成碎片,救援人员被迫短暂中止救援行动

    Rescuers were forced to briefly postpone their efforts as the after-shocks dislodged more rubble from buildings.


  • 工程师建筑师们希望模拟人类如何火灾事件行动改善建筑安全设计。

    Engineers and architects hope that they will be able to improve building safety by modelling how people behave in the event of a fire.


  • 同时他们敦促环保主义者们停止请愿签名行动努力放在机会成功事情上,像拯救历史建筑之类的。

    They also urged the activists to end their practice of collecting signatures for petitions and to put their efforts into something that has a chance of succeeding, such as saving historic buildings.


  • 因为,有时苏格兰进行打击恶行行动促使其它地方采取相同措施比如苏格兰禁止公共建筑物内吸烟年后英国效仿了禁令。

    Attempts to smite vice in Scotland sometimes prepare the way for similar measures elsewhere: the Scots banned smoking in public buildings, for example, a year before the English did.


  • 一些经济学家指出,提高建筑抗震标准全国性行动意味着国家需为此拿出数十亿美元经费

    A nationwide effort to reinforce buildings to meet earthquake standards could mean spending many billions of dollars more, some economists say.


  • 美国官员这次行动最低限度地造成附加破坏,不要伤害建筑中的非战斗人员,不危及当地巴基斯坦平民

    Officials said the mission was designed to minimize collateral damage and risk to non-combatants in the compound and to Pakistani civilians in the area.


  • 阿富汗坎大哈阿尔甘达卜河谷美国士兵行动,向一座乡村建筑窗户中望去。

    Arghandab river valley, Kandahar province, Afghanistan: an American soldier looks into a small window in the side of a rural building during an operation.


  • 上海居民吴东阳想知道: "如果栋着火的28建筑开展灭火行动如此地力不从心,高层建筑着火了会怎么一回事?"

    Shanghai resident Wu Dongyang wonders: "If it can be so bad fighting fire in a 28-story building, what more if it breaks out in higher buildings?"


  • 传呼机可以提醒他们警报触发他们一部分建筑花园使他们能够采取适当行动

    The pager could alert them that an alarm has been triggered, whilst they are in another part of the building or garden, so that they can take appropriate action.


  • 人族步兵目前是通过装载,来进入影子行动建筑(生产幽灵必需附件)。

    Terran infantry currently load into the Shadow Ops building (prerequisite for the Ghost).


  • 1975年,欧洲相互体委员会决定欧共体条约第95条款为基础,进行一个建筑领域行动计划

    In 1975, the Commission of the European Community decided on an action programme in the field of construction, based on article 95 of the Treaty.


  • 同样当地主管部门报告倒塌建筑破损管道位置重要这样能让他们有效地协调他们救援行动

    As such, it is important to communicate the location of collapsed structures or broken pipes to the authorities, thus allowing them to efficiently coordinate their rescue efforts.


  • 如果必须进入建筑才能拯救他人行动过程中务必减少动作对现场的破坏。

    If you must enter the structure in order to rescue someone, only circulate where absolutely necessary and try moving as little as possible along the way.


  • 卡尼小组全面搜查了这座占地英亩、拥有两座建筑物的据点行动中一挨一屋地进行搜查,总共持续接近40分钟

    The team methodically cleared the one-acre, two-building compound, moving from room to room in an operation lasting nearly 40 minutes, Carney said.


  • 银行降低了利率配合房屋建筑协会行动

    The Banks have acted in unison with the Building Societies in lowering interest rates.


  • 高层建筑火灾中烟气阻碍人们逃生灭火行动导致人员死亡主要原因之一

    In the high-rise building fire, the smoke is one of the main reasons to impede escape and fire-fighting operations, resulting in the death.


  • 拆除敌人建筑使用架直升机武器狙击敌人的目标激烈的军事行动

    Demolish enemy buildings, use weaponry aboard a helicopter, and snipe enemy targets in this intense military campaign!


  • 许多建筑保证夏季最高输出PV电池降温

    Photovoltaic panels would require active cooling in many building situations to maintain maximum output during summer months.


  • 蛮锤氏族,是建筑师们这个曾经是宏伟最初拥有者构成,高地的丛林前哨战采取了一些行动

    The Wildhammer clan, architects and original owners of the once-great fortress city, maintains some operations in forested outposts of the highlands.


  • 看看了挂在如同它的建筑一样破损门上牌匾上面写着“周日早餐救济行动”,难道他们就住在这里吗?

    I looked at the sign above a small, battered door in an equally battered building: "Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission." Did they live there?


  • 开发商反过来可以快速行动建造十几同样单一用途建筑避免争执

    Developers, in turn, can move quickly and avoid hassles if they get to build the same structure, with a single use, in a dozen copies.


  • 开发商反过来可以快速行动建造十几同样单一用途建筑避免争执

    Developers, in turn, can move quickly and avoid hassles if they get to build the same structure, with a single use, in a dozen copies.


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