• 同时也是喜欢深思,爱寻根问底把事情琢磨透。

    You are also a deep thinker who loves to ask questions and ponder the meaning of things.


  • 柏拉图苏格拉古希腊哲学关注自然转向关注本身

    Plato and Socrates turned the attention of the Greek philosophy from nature to man himself.


  • 方法①将常规牵拉胃提颈部改为牵拉胃贲门。②食管胃深浅间隔进针吻合法。③胃体浆肌切开减张降低吻合口存在张力。

    Methods The fundus of the stomach was pulled to the cervical part of the esophagus and then suture the superficial layer and the deep layer of the esophagus with the stomach alternately.


  • 为了达到最好效果注意力都集中在收缩上。

    For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles.


  • 他们寄给东西都好,八月左右就回来了

    I filled in whatever they sent me, and I returned like at the end of August.


  • 只要一点想象力,你容易这里想象成法国布列塔尼诺曼海滨胜地

    With a touch of imagination, it is easy to be transplanted to a sleepy seaside resort in Brittany or Normandy.


  • 这些嘲弄可以这么说苏格拉嘲弄,仍是真诚的奉承型式之一他们当一回事。

    The mockery you might say mockery of Socrates remains one of the sincerest forms of flattery; they took him very seriously.


  • 实际上如果美的定义限制人类产生一定作用东西”,同时意识到人类的共性,那么就会发现其实归根结还是物件一种属性

    But in fact if you narrow the definition of beauty to something that works a certain way on humans, and you observe how much humans have in common, it turns out to be a property of objects after all.


  • 苏格拉巨大拼图一部分,但不是西方推上显赫地位的唯一巨人。

    Socrates was part of a huge pattern, not a unique giant who sent the West down a superior path.


  • 上下反转寿司一个简单理由是:如果直接酱油点在饭团上的话,捏好的饭团散开,而且饭团吸收过多酱油,破坏味道平衡感

    There's a simple reason for inverting your sushi: the molded rice base will disintegrate if dipped directly into soy sauce. The rice will also soak up too much sauce, ruining the flavor balance.


  • 还可以试试自萨:在做好的披萨上,一些奶酪蔬菜一些香料放到烤箱里,在等待披萨出炉的同时,你可以煮糙米

    Make home-made pizza with a ready-made crust, some sauce, cheese and veggies. Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice.


  • 每个星期,彻彻的用热水下水道冲一30足以,有助于管道堵塞前将其清理干净

    Running plain old hot water down your drain for about 30 seconds once a week will help clear the drain before any blockage can build up.


  • 人们普遍认为苏格拉西方文明第一深刻思想家约翰逊其看成一个反知识分子的人。

    In the popular imagination, Socrates may be the first deep thinker in Western civilization, but in Mr. Johnson's view he was also an anti-intellectual.


  • 国王告诉他说的所有东西都赏赐犹太人改时,哈曼震惊。

    He was surprised when the king told Haman to do all those good things to Mordecai the Jew.


  • 鸡肉2英寸长的薄片,中加入橄榄油,用火加热

    Cut chicken into 2-inch pieces. Heat oil over medium heat in a deep skillet.


  • “安德雷·马里纳(周日比赛主裁)给卡拉格一张黄牌判罚直接任意球的决定完全正确的,”补充道,“卡拉格下去的做法是彻彻错误。”

    "[Sunday's match official] Andre Marriner was absolutely right to award a yellow card and a direct free-kick," he added. "It would have been totally wrong for him to have sent Jamie Carragher off."


  • 中高温的深混在一起,加热,不断搅拌使糖完全的融化在水里。

    In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, combine water and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently until the sugar dissolves completely.


  • 归根结只是化工厂路边并不妨碍它们其他的地方。

    After all, you can kick all the polluters off Chemical Industry Road, but that doesn't stop them from going somewhere else.


  • 但出乎意料八月一个很有希望的线索带到了洛杉矶

    Unexpectedly, late in August a promising lead brought her to Los Angeles.


  • 苏格拉应和亚当合为一体,并且产生马可·奥里略,换话说,就是使享乐转为明理的人,乐园转为学园

    Socrates should enter into Adam and produce Marcus Aurelius; in other words, the man of wisdom should be made to emerge from the man of felicity. Eden should be changed into a Lyceum.


  • 安迪利·利德尔:“回来的话题来。,噢,噢——大学的时候,男朋友彻彻情人忘了一干二净

    ANDREA LIDDELL: "Let me get back to you on that.Oh, oh, oh -- in college, the boyfriend who absolutely forgot Valentine's Day.That hurt my feelings.


  • 处女座会彻彻巧克力洗一遍,然后再定量分给每个人。

    VIRGO: Thoroughly washes the chocolates, then rations them to all involved.


  • 铁锹掷蹬着干巴巴脚掌转身走了

    As he slams the spade back into the base of the trough, she turns away on the dry sole of her foot.


  • 一下闪光头部尺寸下来儿修理一下,可能适当的弯曲,使它们匹配。

    Measure the dimensions of your flash gun’s head and mould the base to fit – you may need to make a few cuts and bends in the opaque plastic to get the right size.


  • 世界粮食计划署发言人保罗·里斯,不幸的,世界粮食计划署无法使用美国海军直升机救援物资运到整个伊洛瓦三角洲

    WFP spokesman Paul Risley says it is unfortunate that U.S. Navy helicopters will not be available to bring aid across the Irrawaddy Delta.


  • 杀了哈儿子示剑家里出来就走了。

    And they slew Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went out.


  • 西塞罗评价苏格拉说:“哲学高高在上学科变得人休戚相关。”

    Cicero said of Socrates that, "he called philosophy down from the skies and into the lives of men."


  • 人文学科写作职业培训也作为一个重要课程,不再仅仅是斯堡演说稿《失乐园诗文

    This makes humanities coursework a crucial training ground for careers far from the prose of the Gettysburg Address and the verse of "Paradise Lost."


  • 人文学科写作职业培训也作为一个重要课程,不再仅仅是斯堡演说稿《失乐园诗文

    This makes humanities coursework a crucial training ground for careers far from the prose of the Gettysburg Address and the verse of "Paradise Lost."


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