• 列宁甚至希望资本主义者建立合作关系

    Lenin had hoped to even have a working relationship with the capitalists.


  • 他们使理想主义希望火炬不熄灭而奋斗

    They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive.


  • 也许我们需要一个新的短语每个人杜波依斯最初理想主义希望迈进大步:“重要不是名字而是事情本身。”

    Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois's original, idealistic hope: "It's not the nameit's the Thing that counts."


  • 希望大学工作深入了解如何道德问题应用那些利己主义盛行地方

    He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could be applied to places where self-interest flourished.


  • 一些希望声名鹊起美国白人产生重大影响挑战那些怀有种族主义情绪的人。

    Some hoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans, too, challenging those who still harbour racist sentiments.


  • 那一时期的浪漫主义已经内化,人们开始自己梦想希望情感世界寻找救赎

    They began to look for salvation in the world of their own dreams, hopes and emotions.


  • 一项严格计划他们希望足以阻止享乐主义者—并使国内选民恢复信心,希腊没有那么轻易的被容忍。

    A harsh austerity plan, they hope, will be enough to deter speculators-and to reassure their voters at home that Greece is not getting off lightly.


  • 我们非常倾向实用主义并且希望书中、我们用于描述模式方法以及我们创建的模式中都体现出了一点。不管我们讨论的关于代码风格(应该在哪里放置?)

    We both tend to be quite pragmatic and we hope that this is reflected in the book and the approach we have taken in describing patterns in general and the patterns that we have authored.


  • 这些认为里根主义危险的乌托邦分子——因为他们希望赢得冷战不是掌控冷战。

    That community felt that the Reaganites were dangerously utopian in their hopes for actually winning, as opposed to managing, the cold war.


  • 希望告诉摆脱了国家主义者自我庆贺强烈闷浊的氛围。

    And I wish I could tell you that he shook free of the warm fug of statist self-congratulation.


  • 他们成了希望逃避反犹太主义苏联犹太人非官方总部最终赢得移民权利的许多临时旅馆

    Their home became an unofficial headquarters for Soviet Jews wanting to escape anti-Semitism, and a temporary hotel for many who had finally won the right to emigrate.


  • 内阁中的现代主义希望议程内容

    What the modernisers inside the -cabinet want on the agenda is!


  • 传统记者被迫离开这个国家时,Twitter成为全世界窥视这个国家里面发生的希望恐怖英雄主义事件窗口

    When traditional journalists were forced to leave the country, Twitter became a window for the world to view hope, heroism, and horror.


  • 杰克·安德森(Jack Anderson)是荷耐尔•安德森公司(Hornall Anderson)旗下一家品牌化机构,它希望弹出”能够在有“美国消费主义”之称购物中心复兴。

    Jack Anderson, of Hornall Anderson, a branding agency, hopes that pop-ups will revive the home of American consumerism: the mall.


  • 关于这些问题个人无法回答又实在禁不住希望有人可以给予点拨。衡量环保主义者有什么标准吗?

    These are questions that I can't help but ask, questions I want answered.


  • 再说一次,尽管历史主义希望我们重新带回现实世界不得不承认这种回归得受到语言的限制

    Once again, despite the fact that New Historicism wants to return us to the real world, it nevertheless acknowledges that that return is language bound.


  • 我们一直认为希望不是盲目乐观主义

    But we always knew that hope is not blind optimism.


  • 肉食主义素食主义希望除去电网扩展障碍。德国利用这些电网北海附近风力农场运送德国南部消费者家中

    Herbivores and carnivores alike want to unblock the expansion of the electricity grid, which will be needed to ship power from wind farms in the North Sea to consumers in southern Germany.


  • 希望积极现实主义中心

    At the center of Positive Realism is hope.


  • 为了自己辩护保守主义经常真正重要的未来他们希望未来日本能够这个世界上显示分量

    In their defence, conservatives often say that what really concerns them is the future, in which they want Japan to punch its weight in the world.


  • 也许希望《阿肯色州公报》过去进步主义灵魂敦促我们未来而奋斗

    Perhaps I was hoping that the ghosts of its progressive past would keep us fighting for tomorrow.


  • 或许我们抱有最好希望就是对立主义黑格尔学说迅速转变

    Perhaps the best that can be hoped for is a rapid shift from antithesis to Hegelian synthesis.


  • 高龄成为所有流派流派思想者的国宝级大师之前,绿色主义者就肯定了他的成就(希望肯定)。

    Before his immense age turned him into a national treasure for thinkers of all stripes and none, greens claimed him, and he was happy to be claimed.


  • 不过即使是中小国家集中违约也将彻底终结建立开放式国际经济希望拉开金融民族主义时代序幕

    But even the default of an agglomeration of smaller countries would end any hope of an open international economy and inaugurate an age of financial nationalism.


  • 问题我们怎么保持希望——受益乐观主义果实——同时防止自己落到陷阱里呢?

    The question then is, How can we remain hopeful - benefiting from the fruits of optimism - while at the same time guarding ourselves from its pitfalls?


  • 君主主义他们的希望寄托威廉身上因为如此年轻似乎更好些而且即使的样子快速衰退也肯定他的父亲要更

    Monarchists had their hopes pinned on William, because he's so much younger, seemingly nicer, and certainly more handsome than his father, even if his looks are fading rapidly.


  • 行业发言人认为一家公司犯错而让整个行业受罚是不公平的,并且希望这种实用主义观点能够占上风

    Industry spokesmen think it unfair that all should be punished for the misdeeds of one, and hope that pragmatism will prevail.


  • 今天博文客串博文系列中的篇,我们希望在这些作者中能产生一批极主义之路长期作者。

    Today’s post is the next in a series of guest posts from authors in our quest to find some regular authors for The Minimalist Path.


  • 人们可以用以女性主义姿态生活来宣扬女性主义希望自己工作上在家庭里享受平等年轻女性更加擅长,她们其他人更加不愿意屈服

    One can promulgate the values of feminism quite effectively by just living them, by expecting fairness at work and at home, and young women are better at this, less surrendered, than anyone.


  • 人们可以用以女性主义姿态生活来宣扬女性主义希望自己工作上在家庭里享受平等年轻女性更加擅长,她们其他人更加不愿意屈服

    One can promulgate the values of feminism quite effectively by just living them, by expecting fairness at work and at home, and young women are better at this, less surrendered, than anyone.


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