• 员工工资比较低。

    New employees get a low wage.


  • 虽然工资比较低,工厂承担主要生活费用而且直接参与职工重大生活决定(如结婚生子工作调动等等)。

    Wages were low, but the employer took care of most major living expenses, and was also directly involved in most major life decisions of its employees (marriage, childbirth, changing jobs, etc.).


  • 协商初始工资要求比较容易,因为一旦进入公司,组织约束就会影响工资增长

    It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases.


  • 协商初始工资要求比较容易,因为一旦进入公司,组织约束就会影响工资增长

    It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirements because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases.


  • 比较容易解释固定缴款计划含义:雇主每年仅仅缴纳工资总额一部分比例的费用。

    It is relatively easy to work out what that means with a DC scheme: the employer simply pays a proportion of its payroll into it each year.


  • 小费大概得算美国社会重要的“潜规则”,对于酒店的门童、餐馆服务员,老板有意会比较低的工资,小费成了他们主要的收入。

    Tipping is the most prominent underlying rule in American society. Doormen in hotel, waiters in restaurant are paid with relatively low salary by their managers.


  • 大家好人垫底。最近的一项研究显示,至少工资薪酬来说,和善的人真地比较吃亏。

    It is often said that nice guys finish last - and when it comes to pay packets they really do.


  • 系统功能比较完善包括数据输入工资计算,数据修改记录查询,数据输出模块

    This systematic function is more complete, including data entry, the salary is calculated, the data are revised and the record is inquired about, the module of the data exported, and so on.


  • M我们公司体制是按照员工公司的资历工资所以不管干得怎样出色员工工资比较

    Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages. M: But we have a policy of paying according to seniority in the company, so new employees get quite low salary, no matter how excellent they have done.


  • 有效工资原理对于无法监控员工是否工作努力公司应该给予员工比较工资从而使其有较高的离职成本。

    The theory of "efficiency wages" says that firms which cannot monitor workers' efforts well should instead pay high wages to make it costlier for them to risk being sacked.


  • 这种增长不能出卖劳动工资增长实现,而要靠资本人口比较而言的快速增加可能。

    There are no means by which the wages of all those eager to sell their labor can be raised other than by accelerating the increase of capital as compared with population.


  • M我们公司体制是按照员工公司资历发工资的,所以不管干得怎样出色员工的工资比较

    M: But we have a policy of paying according to seniority in the company, so new employees get quite low salary, no matter how excellent they have done.


  • 小费大概美国社会重要“潜规则”,对于酒店的门童、餐馆服务员,老板有意比较工资,小费成了他们主要的收入。

    Perhaps, the tip might be regarded as the most important underlying rule in America. The bosses of the restaurants will prefer to offer a low pay to the doormen and the waiters.


  • 物价上涨预示着提高工资比较通胀蓝领收入一直在很快的增长。

    Rising prices haveprompted many to ask for bigger paychecks, and blue-collar incomes haveincreased faster than inflation.


  • 提高工资水平比较困难导致其他部门公务员要求工资很多非洲国家而言,一发现有着特别重要的意义。

    The finding was particularly important in many African countries where raising health workers' wages is expensive and often leads to demands for wage increases from civil servants in other sectors.


  • 资金比较容易年份欧洲南部工资价格远远超过欧洲北部

    During the years of easy money, wages and prices in southern Europe rose substantially faster than in northern Europe.


  • 有些国家,只有那些在国外出生博士生们的工资前景比较比如英国美国

    In some countries, such as Britain and America, poor pay and job prospects are reflected in the number of foreign-born PhD students.


  • 穷国因为工资所以自然而然平均价格比较低。

    It is natural for average prices to be lower in poorer countries because wages are lower.


  • 据《十堰晚报》报道,衡庭汉:“觉得打骂虐待工人工人工资只是比较的事情

    I felt it was a fairly small thing, just hitting and swearing at the workers and not giving them wages, ” Mr. Heng said, according to The Shiyan Evening News.


  • 如果确实认为最近所做工作理应让你加薪或是升职,那么你要考察一番要求什么样工资职位比较合适

    If you do think your recent work merits a raise or promotion, sleuth out what is appropriate to ask for in terms of pay and new duties.


  • 如果你能多花些心思面试的考官留下深刻的印象,那么可能得到一个比较好的工资也很高工作机会

    Make the extra effort to impress the interviewers and you will be likely to be rewarded with a better job offer at a better salary.


  • 汤姆我们公司体制是按照员工公司资历发工资所以不管怎样出色员工的工资比较

    Tom: But we have a policy of paying according to seniority in the company, so new employees get quite low salaries, no matter how excellent they've done.


  • 也许一个目的性比较女孩,你想要工资,你想邻桌讨论问题

    You might need to propose a girl, you have to ask for a salary hike, or you may want to discuss issues with your neighbors.


  • 该文工资满意度效用表征,探究绝对收入比较收入效用组分之间关系,建构计量模型并开展实证研究。

    This paper regards wage satisfaction as the proxy of utility, studies the relationship between absolute income, comparative income and the utility components.


  • 其他国家较高单位小时工资他们最低薪水工人的税收也高,因而工人口袋比较干瘪。

    Other countries have set higher hourly rates but they also tax minimum wage workers more, leaving them with less in their pockets.


  • 方法我国日本美国医药产业工资产出率进行比较

    METHODS: The pay output rates of pharmaceutical industry were compared between China and America as well as Japan.


  • 当前拖欠农民工工资问题比较严重,对一问题应当法律的角度来寻求解决的途径。

    Today the problem of defaulting wages of the peasant workers is serious, we should find out the legal solutions to this problem.


  • 当前拖欠农民工工资问题比较严重,对一问题应当法律的角度来寻求解决的途径。

    Today the problem of defaulting wages of the peasant workers is serious, we should find out the legal solutions to this problem.


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