• 老人就像自己亲生女儿

    The old man treated her as his own daughter.


  • Pac被人枪杀他自己的一样。

    Pac was shot and murdered, just like he said.


  • 信徒不腐不朽身体自己身体一样。

    He will give his faithful followers an immortal body just like his own.


  • Antasari是被陷害的吗,就像自己宣称的那样?

    Was Antasari framed, as he claims?


  • 自己是个自律军人一样,秘密宝藏坟墓。

    Like the disciplined militant he is, he will take his trove of secrets to the grave.


  • 曼联拥有一个伟大的医疗团队就像自己提到的那样,曼联医疗团队几个赛季曼联能取得成功的关键。

    I've got a great medical staff. As far as I am concerned, my medical staff are one of the reasons why Manchester United have been so successful over the last few years.


  • 慕克暗示他自己“分身”的相片一样,伊斯坦布尔正在另一个伊斯坦布尔所笼罩,生活它的重重阴影之中。

    As with himself and the picture of his "other," Pamuk suggests, Istanbul is haunted by another Istanbul, a shadowy presence in the shadows.


  • 有了那种卑微感觉第一次看到自己副城里人打扮的那种感觉,当时一头金黄色卷发指甲又

    She felt suitably humble just as she had when he had first taken a good look at her city self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.


  • 有了那种卑微感觉第一次看到自己副城里人打扮的那种感觉,当时一头金黄色卷发指甲又

    She felt suitably humble just as she had when he had first taken a good look at her city self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.


  • 群体拥有全球性阶级要素,成员彼此许多共同之自己国家穷人彼此相似一般。

    This group has the makings of a global class whose members have as much in common with each other as with the poor in their own countries.


  • 如果能履行这些我们便原谅必须原谅自己那样

    If he does these things we will forgive him, just as he must forgive himself.


  • 因此,制造自己运气就像的,并且必须自己相机有良好的控制力,不要因为是抓拍或者模糊鸟影,而错过那转瞬即逝的好机会

    So you make your own luck, as they say, and then you have to have enough control of your camera not to miss that split-second chance by blowing out the sky or blurring the birds.


  • 自己行为给出回答合理甚至艺术就像他在做一些科学艺术的事的疯狂一样。

    He gives no rational or even artistic response for his actions. It's like he's doing some wacked out version of pure science and pure art.


  • 摩洛这样部落如此变得非常富有自己赌场里中了头彩一样

    Tribes such as the Morongo have become so rich, so quickly, that it can appear as though they have hit the jackpot in one of their own casinos.


  • 恋爱中的水瓶座男人尊重自由就像尊重自己的自由一样。

    The Aquarius male in love will respect your freedom as much as he respects his own.


  • 希望交给就像从前她在一起一样;自己情愿相信,这孩子的父亲根本不想起抚养教育的义务。

    Her hope was, that Linton might be left with him, as he had been with her: his father, she would fain convince herself, had no desire to assume the burden of his maintenance or education.


  • 这个世界的这个地方感觉发生了变化更加遥远在通过电影或者看着自己

    The world, the very ground he stood on, felt altered, more distant, as if he were watching himself on videotape or in a movie.


  • 预计同样这些媒体公司会找创新者自己看起来很新,万维网上所做的。

    I predict that those same big media companies are going to get their clocks cleaned by small innovators, just as they did on the web.


  • 如今添了一个爱好——辩论希望自己的辩论技巧令心上人刮目相看的演唱一样。

    His new hobby is now debate and he hopes that he can impress the girl with his skills there, just as he did with his singing.


  • 感觉自己正在穿越海洋高高的俯视某个小岛,而身体

    She felt like she was crossing the ocean, looking downwards from way high to some small island that looked like his body.


  • 一个高级数摄影师自己设计了看起来不可能的螺旋状书架的摄影技术一样厉害。

    Seb Przd - a skilled photographer - has created this highly compelling set of seemingly impossible bookcases to showcase his skills as a photographer.


  • 自己作为部分记忆被装行李箱,丰富们的人生,作为部分记忆被装进我的行李箱,丰富了我的人生一样,对此,我会感到开心。

    I’ll also be glad to have contributed to their baggage and to have enriched their lives, just as much as they will have contributed to my baggage and enriched my life.


  • 即使树木不是舒适,光秃窘迫同时有了这样一个梦中们突然低头,却发现自己忘记了穿衣。

    Even the trees looked uncomfortable, naked and embarrassed, as if they were all simultaneously having that dream in which you look down and realize you've forgotten to put on your clothes.


  • 伯杰说如果哈达尔发现颌骨真的属,那么时间上可能是错的——在这一点上,吉姆·贝尔一直据理力争不遗余力地认定自己发现的化石具有说服力一样。

    If the Hadar jaw really is Homo, says Berger, then perhaps its dating is wrong-a contention Kimbel disputes as vigorously as he supports the validity of his fossil.


  • 从来见过这些东西一样——还是不敢相信一切已经属于自己了。

    It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own.


  • 从来见过这些东西一样——还是不敢相信一切已经属于自己了。

    It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own.


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