• 由于受年龄歧视长期失业这些现在已经招聘候选者中处于底层,再加上剩余就业年限较短,种种原因都说明,他们身上投资是不明智的。

    Discrimination by age, long-term unemployment, the fact that they're now at the end of the hiring queue, the lack of time horizon just does not make it sensible to invest in them.


  • 就业专家有些公司招聘工作政策但是从未公开承认他们的偏见

    Employment experts say other companies have policies of hiring only people with jobs - but do not publicly acknowledge their bias.


  • 这个增长强调招聘相对未开发劳动力资源的求职者已经创造并且继续创造宽范围的,新的就业机会

    This increased emphasis on recruitment has created and willcontinue to create new employment opportunities for a broader group ofjob seekers from relatively untapped labor pools.


  • 就业法案给与企业税收优惠,让他们可以招聘退伍军人,因为如果曾经志愿战斗那么最不愿意看到的就是你回到家乡还要为一份工作奋斗

    This jobs bill gives tax credits to companies that hire our veterans, because if you sign up to fight for our country, the last thing you should have to do is fight for a job when you come home.


  • 卫组织就业网站编撰关于当前空缺职位招聘合同类型清单

    The WHO employment site compiles a list of current vacancies and types of recruitment contracts.


  • 有一些经济学家担心企业在新法生效后几个月观望期中反而会停止招聘新人,所以最初结果可能这个法律初衷- - -刺激就业背道而驰

    But some economists worry that the first result of a law designed to boost employment will be the opposite, as companies freeze hiring during the months of uncertainty.


  • 超过50个配件供应商招聘员工,就得有另外180个就业岗位,”麦克铸造公司销售工程总裁·马格拉斯(JoanMagrath)

    "When you add the employees at the more than 50 component suppliers, this work is supporting another 180 jobs," says Joan Magrath, vice President of sales and engineering at Mack Molding.


  • 求职网站简单就业网(SimplyHired)首席营销丹尼尔·格林伯格表示,许多公司知道求职者想要办公室以外生活因此,公司发布招聘信息时进行相应的措辞。

    Daniel Greenberg, chief marketing officer at job-search portal SimplyHired, notes that many companies know job hunters want a life outside the office, and have worded their job postings accordingly.


  • 因此经济学家们焦急地等待2011年的第一就业数字希望一月份公司通过提供更多新的招聘名额来回应当前较好的局势

    And so economists anxiously awaited the first employment figures for 2011, hoping that in January firms would finally react to better conditions by taking on lots of new help.


  • 尽管目前美国就业市场失业率依然居高不下,但是,希尔认为网站今年迄今发布招聘信息,说明就业市场已经开始复苏

    Despite the persistently dismal unemployment rate at present, Sheer thinks the hiring announcements his site has reported so far this year are just the beginning of a resurgence in job creation.


  • 就业市场主要问题不是裁员-目前处于历史最低点-而是员工招聘

    And the main problem in the job market is not layoffs - which are at a record low - but new hiring.


  • 推动私营部门创造就业以及培育鼓励企业招聘大环境十分重要也将继续努力确保一切的实现。

    Jumpstarting job creation in the private sector and fostering a climate that encourages businesses to hire again is vitally important - and I'll continue working hard to make sure that happens.


  • 不过投行关系最为紧密就业顾问一致认为,今年投行会在一个有限院校圈子中展开招聘

    But the consensus among careers officers who have the closest links with investment Banks is that they are looking within a narrow circle of institutions this year.


  • 主要是因为一种名为灵活保障”制度,它使得雇主拥有解雇招聘(员工)的自由同时国家给予职工优厚福利待遇和再就业培训。

    That's largely because of a system called "flexicurity" that gives employers the freedom to hire and fire, while the state supports laid-off workers with generous benefits and retraining.


  • 格林伯格表示2009年以来,简单就业发现包含弹性工作招聘广告数量增加了100%,提及远程办公招聘广告数量则激增166%。

    Since 2009, Greenberg says, SimplyHired has seen a 100% jump in the number of job ads containing the word "flexibility," and a 166% leap in those mentioning telecommuting.


  • 对于招聘企业来说,现在的就业市场买方市场。不过许多经理人都表示他们招聘人员招来候选人并不十分满意。

    It's a buyer's market for companies looking to hire, but managers aren't giving recruiters high marks for the candidates they are delivering.


  • 2009年的“工作清洗中许多公司对年轻法律工作者进行裁员,同时撤销了招聘以后,毕业生就业市场的获得工作的机会情况更是恶化

    Graduates' chances in the job market have worsened since the "great purge" of 2009, when firms laid off young lawyers and withdrew job offers.


  • 6月美国27个就业人数下降,其中加州纽约州跌幅最大,表明全美企业招聘放缓

    Payrolls decreased in 27 U.S. states in June, led by California and New York, signaling the slowdown in hiring is broad-based.


  • 但是一家公司公司意识到自己该次招聘过于乐观的估计,你可能就会失去那份工作然后陷入十糟糕的就业市场

    But if you go to a new company and the company realizes it was overly optimistic about hiring, you could be let go — into the worst job market in decades.


  • 但是一家公司公司意识到本人招聘过于乐观的估计,你可能就会得到份工做,然后陷入十蹩脚的就业市场

    But if you go to a new company and the company realizes it was overly optimistic about hiring, you could be let go — into the worst job market in decades.


  • 但是一家公司公司意识到本人招聘过于乐观的估计,你可能就会得到份工做,然后陷入十蹩脚的就业市场

    But if you go to a new company and the company realizes it was overly optimistic about hiring, you could be let go — into the worst job market in decades.


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