• 段很长的路要

    A little goes a long way.


  • 意识很久以前就认识到,“长的”,我发现实在令人惊讶可以进行交流多少任何水平

    I realised a long time ago that "a little goes a long way" and I have found that it is surprising just how much communication can take place at any level.


  • 说完再见女士继续沿着来到一家咖啡馆。

    After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road till she reached a small café.


  • 傻瓜听了高兴,:“起来可以饱的。”

    At this Dummling was glad, and said: "Get up and come with me; you shall eat yourself full."


  • 这个黄体酮魔鬼可能影响到,让一段长路时、上楼梯时甚至碗时都会喘气不断。

    That little devil progesterone may also be affecting your lungs causing you to huff and puff on long walks, upstairs or even doing the dishes.


  • 的确,这不是服丧时穿的东西;但是没有别的鞋子穿。所以就把一双赤脚伸进去,跟个简陋棺材后面

    They were certainly not suitable for mourning; but she had no others, and so she put her bare feet into them and walked behind the humble coffin.


  • 蜂箱前面弄了一下这样不会从车上下去,然后缰绳拿在自己手里先前一样驾着车向前

    She made him a sort of nest in front of the hives, in such a manner that he could not fall, and, taking the REINS into her own hands, jogged on as before.


  • 一个技巧每组信息标序号,这样用户可以知道还有多少步骤剩下,而且会前进方向,按照数字标识的顺序即可。

    A clever trick is to number the chunks to allow users to perceive how much is left and also to perceive that they are moving forward. It provides clear direction of a way forward.


  • 要达到孩子到处程度,家长还有更多其他选择,比如,给拖车安装上座位前端装载的座位,拖车,以及每天波兰看见许多自己动手做的东西一样。

    As far as equipment for hauling kids goes, parents have more options than ever, with seat attachments, front loading seats, trailers, and the multitude of DIY jobs I see everyday in Portland.


  • 可怜翻车鱼进来就被撕碎片。因此我们圣迭戈

    The poor little Molas coming in, getting ripped to shreds, so we head down south, to San Diego.


  • 个子得快是因为在与高个子相同距离时,由于步子,所以他们更多

    Smaller people tire faster because they take more steps to cover the same distance or travel the same steps as taller people. Their strides are shorter.


  • 他们于是得城内,巷。年轻渔夫遍寻不着那条河流立在河边旅店

    So they entered in and passed through the streets, but nowhere could the young Fisherman find the river or the inn that stood by its side.


  • 我们不能目标牵着鼻子所有目标应该服务终极目标。

    Goals should be in the service of our overall aims, they shouldn't be our masters.


  • 一种角度来说拉伸自己自己舒适窝里出来,变得不舒服然后继续

    In other words, ya gotta stretch yourself, get uncomfortable, get out of your comfort zone, and then keep getting out.


  • 就意味着持续房价消费者支出产生的影响相当且平稳

    That suggests weakening house prices would have a fairly small, gradual effect on consumer spending.


  • 一声,她在那里干什么!怪物

    I want to know what you are doing there! Get along, you little monster!


  • 测验好了-如果晚上大街奥巴马一个方向你,你觉得他是什么人呢?

    Let's do this little test-if you were walking down the street alone at night and Obama was approaching you from the opposite direction, what race would you pick for him on the census form?


  • 父母总是汇价大惊怪的,因此我们最好快点

    Jane's parents always make a song and dance about her coming home late, so we'd better be going soon.


  • 可怜的劳拉宝贝曾经狄恩一切都告诉过她,这时她几乎了:“我们不能这么。”

    Poor little Laura, my baby, to whom I had told everything about Dean, began almost to cry. "Oh, we shouldn't let him go like this.What'll we do?"


  • 好啦去就把比我们一房给征服了,”女主人继续丈夫说,“她要是继续往前才是傻瓜呢。”

    'Well, she's made a conquest o' the younger branch of us, straight off, 'continued the matron to her husband,' and she's a fool if she don't follow it up. '.


  • Sharma带领游客们穿街巷来到这个广场里。眼前景象如同狄更斯笔下《雾都孤儿》的再现。

    He leads the tour into a small square, and a scene that could be straight out of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist.


  • 那个正方形的建筑,法国,进去看看。

    Xiao Luo: Look at the square building.It's France Pavilion.Let's go inside.


  • 啦,去就把比我们一房给征服了,”女主人继续丈夫说,“她要是继续往前,那才是傻瓜呢。”

    Well, she's made a conquest o 'the younger branch of us, straight off,' continued the matron to her husband, 'and she's a fool if she don't follow it up.'


  • :“谢谢今天最好!”

    I said, "Thanks, Joanne, that's the best thing I've heard all day. Let's go!"


  • 然后我们启程出发离开了Khun Yuam市的大街,朝着条只能够摩托车的公路去,经过缅甸寺庙群一座座木房大约分钟之后一片绿的原野出现在我们眼前,刺得眼睛发

    We head down a motorbike-wide road, past Burmese temples and wooden houses, and ten minutes later we're looking at fields so bright green they hurt the eye


  • 客人们时候每人可得到礼物一个气球

    When the little guests leave, they each get a small present and a balloon.


  • 他们穿街城市俱乐部里演奏

    They played in small clubs in the back streets of the city.


  • 推动各地水桶你的食物然后远离总是很好的玩笑上升

    Little teasers such as looking at your stomach, pushing your food around in the bucket and then walking away from it are always good for a rise.


  • 母亲一再吆喝下,松鼠开端慢腾腾地家里但是,刚门口,松鼠就阿嚏阿嚏地打起喷嚏

    In her constant crying, little squirrel shuffles only beginning to go home. However, the front door, a small squirrel on Ati Ati playing the sneeze.


  • 母亲一再吆喝下,松鼠开端慢腾腾地家里但是,刚门口,松鼠就阿嚏阿嚏地打起喷嚏

    In her constant crying, little squirrel shuffles only beginning to go home. However, the front door, a small squirrel on Ati Ati playing the sneeze.


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