• 国家大量管理儿童福利家庭法律承认一点,履行社会强加改变生活的义务方面,家长得到帮助很少

    The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children's welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes.


  • 日本陈旧家庭法律引起事情纠纷。

    Japan's antiquated family law complicates matters.


  • 婚姻辅导家庭法律专家并不一定是这样

    But this is not necessarily so, experts in marriage counseling and family law say.


  • 形式的时候,家庭法律调解员解释如何完成诉本服务

    The Family Law Facilitator will explain how to complete proper service in your case when you have your forms screened.


  • 如果朋友律师(专业家庭法律),你觉得回答劳动法问题吗?

    When you have a friend that is a lawyer (who specializes in family law) do you expect him to know the answer to an employment law question?


  • 法律资格不是必须的尽管有一些家庭法律法律从业者选择作为调解员培训自己或参加实习

    Law qualifications are not essential, although some family law solicitors and legal executives choose to train and practise as mediators.


  • 托马斯伦敦一家律师事务所国际家庭法律合伙人她说过去左右时间里儿童诱拐戏剧性地增加了

    Ann Thomas, a partner with the International Family law Group, a London law firm, says child abduction has increased "dramatically" in the past three years or so.


  • 霍德森(Hodson)抱怨道,可能意味着“本国国民发现自己家庭法律没有了,取而代之其它国家法律。”

    Mr Hodson complains that it would mean that "the essence of a country's community life found in its family laws is removed and replaced by the laws of another country."


  • 位于劳德代尔堡的布林克利·摩根婚姻家庭法律团体律师Jodi Furr Colton,一对夫妇来办公室时说道:“他们生活两个不同世界。”

    Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."


  • 法律不是处理家庭问题最佳方法

    The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters.


  • 任何地方,妻子家庭暴力中没有得到法律保护

    Nowhere did a wife have legal protection against family violence.


  • 一点对于那些虐待家庭中长大孩子来说尤其如此,法律盲目偏袒他们亲生父母让他们感到困惑。

    That's especially true of children who remain in abusive homes bemuse the law blindly favors biological parents.


  • 另外一些人认为这会破坏家庭关系愤世嫉俗者称之为起诉儿子” 的法律

    Others believe it will subvert relations within the family; cynics dubbed it the "Sue Your Son" law.


  • 虽然各州可以通过关于网上分享儿童信息法律但斯坦伯格认为父母通常适合家庭做出这些决定

    While states could pass laws related to sharing information about children online, Steinberg feels parents themselves are generally best suited to make these decisions for their families.


  • 法律使家庭经济宽裕一些。

    Families will be better off under the new law.


  • 航空公司投保的保险公司为遇难者家庭损失法律责任。

    The airline's insurer is liable for damages to the victims' families.


  • 她们行会不是家庭成员组成而是享有特殊法律经济特权女性组成。

    Their guild was composed not of family units but of individual women who enjoyed unusual legal and economic privileges.


  • 一点对于那些虐待家庭中长大孩子来说尤其如此因为法律盲目偏袒他们亲生父母

    That's especially true of children who remain in abusive homes because the law blindly favors biological parents.


  • 一共有1260条,是一部关于包括财产、婚姻、家庭、人格权和继承等个人问题的法律汇编。

    With 1,260 articles, it is a collection of laws that is about personal issues, including property, marriage, family, personality rights, and inheritances.


  • 我们法律应当尊重循规蹈矩的家庭拆散他们。

    Our laws should respect families following the rules -– instead of splitting them apart.


  • 母乳喂养不仅需要来自卫生部门支持需要家庭社区工作场所的支持,以及获得合理政策法律支持。

    Support for breastfeeding is needed not only from the health sector, but also within families, communities and the workplace, backed up by appropriate policies and legislation.


  • 关于荣誉取代法律工作家庭安危等其它一切事物最佳案例之一出现约翰·库萨克主演的《终极猎杀》(1999)中。

    One of the best examples, where honor supersedes everything else, including the law, work, and family with disastrous results, occurs in The Jack Bull (1999) starring John Cusack.


  • 但是她们需要一部好的法律——家庭

    But all these girls need a good law - a family law.


  • 家庭房产救济债务雇佣纠纷移民以及医疗事故索赔方面的法律援助大部分取消

    Legal aid would be largely withdrawn from family law, housing, welfare, debt and employment disputes, as well as from immigration work and clinical-negligence claims.


  • 但是老龄法律建议,这样的家庭应该签署一份正式个人照看合同

    But elder law attorneys say families should draw up a formal personal care contract.


  • 舒阿佛成为时间令人伤感医学法律家庭争端之一中心人物,而她本人并不知道。

    Unwittingly, Mrs Schiavo has become the central figure in one of the most grievous medical, legal and family disputes of recent times.


  • 仍然需要知道创建家庭事业有哪些法律限制要求计划如何处理现金流量问题税务问题

    You still need to know what legal restrictions or requirements are in place for your home business idea and you need to plan for how you will handle cash flow and taxes.


  • 正因为此,我们95%劳工家庭减轻了赋税,并且通过了一项法律确保在美利坚,女性能够享受到同工同酬的待遇。

    And that's why we cut taxes for 95 percent of working families, and passed a law to help make sure women earn equal pay for equal work in the United States of America.


  • 正因为此,我们95%劳工家庭减轻了赋税,并且通过了一项法律确保在美利坚,女性能够享受到同工同酬的待遇。

    And that's why we cut taxes for 95 percent of working families, and passed a law to help make sure women earn equal pay for equal work in the United States of America.


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