• 本文根据不同客户区间提出客户组合管理增值策略,对提高营销管理效能有借鉴意义。

    The value increment measures of customer combination management according to different spectrums of customers could be the good reference for enhancing the efficiency of marketing management.


  • 最后,运用本文提出客户价值评价客户组合方法对某制药企业客户进行评价分析,企业一种方法上的指导

    Finally, the customers of the pharmacy enterprise is evaluated and analyzed by the indexes system of evaluation and method of customer portfolio, which offers the enterprise a guide method.


  • 每一客户投资组合都是个别设计的。

    Each client's portfolio is tailor-made.


  • 运行应用程序您将从该应用程序首页列表中的更多可用供应商客户组合中察觉修改

    You will note this change when you run the application in that you will have more combinations of suppliers and customers available in the drop-down list on the first page of the application.


  • 这种业务通过复杂数据构架基准算法大量分析组合设置使用门槛,帮助客户自己认可的形式消费数据。

    These businesses create barriers through a combination of complex data architectures, proprietary algorithms and rich analytics to help customers consume data in whatever form they please.


  • 因此可以现有应用程序中的组件组合新的解决方案,向客户提供业务数据工作流综合视图

    As a result, you can combine components from your applications into new solutions that provide your customers with an integrated view of business data and workflow.


  • 我们认为测试组合这些增强极大地提高客户有效解决其中某些问题的能力。

    And we think that these enhancements to the testing portfolio will greatly enable customers to solve some of these problems in a much more effective manner.


  • 他们生存周期框架组合过程形成客户约定初始信息如图2所描绘的那样。

    They combine processes within the lifecycle framework to form client engagement initiatives, as depicted in Figure 2.


  • 在全球市场希望扩大可供客户交易金融产品组合提高交易能力,这个过程需要资金投入

    Globally, Nomura wants to enhance its trading capacity by building up an inventory of financial products for clients to trade, a process that also costs money.


  • 比如许多客户计算系统,这些计算系统再组合系统。

    For example, a large number of customers will buy compute systems that can be assembled into larger-scale systems.


  • 传统收益管理注重寻找商务客户短住客人优化组合以便实现客房收益的最大化。

    Traditional yield management techniques focus on finding the optimal customer mix of business and transient travelers that maximizes room revenues.


  • 通过WAS ce添加WebSphere组合中,我们客户合作伙伴可以选择适用于他们正在解决问题应用服务器技术

    By adding WAS CE to the WebSphere portfolio, our customers and partners can choose the application server technology appropriate to the problem they are trying to solve.


  • 我们示例中,SellAfterBuy策略使用上下文ID客户ID股票ID的组合

    In our example, the SellAfterBuy policy USES a context ID that is a combination of the customer ID and the stock ID.


  • References指定异步调用可靠性以及一个目标组件方法是否应该组合客户事务一部分。

    References: These specify the reliability for asynchronous invocations and whether a target component's methods should be federated as part of any client transaction.


  • 为了强调一点,本文使用TAGXML实现与SHREDXML正好相反功能(换话说,关系表中的详细客户联系信息组合xml元素)。

    To emphasize this, this articles USES TAGXML to perform the exact opposite function from SHREDXML, (in other words, it composes an XML element with customer contact details from a relational table).


  • 实现客户场景与其解决方案组合在一起

    Realizations combine a customer scenario along with its solutions.


  • 外部客户企业可以得益于it组合中的多个应用程序重用

    Both external customers and the enterprise can benefit from reuse across multiple applications in the it portfolio.


  • 我们发现很多客户希望这两个产品的特性组合起来使用,因此合作是非常有必要的。

    We have both seen the need for the combined feature set we offer in a number of customer engagements, so working together made a lot of sense.


  • 可以特定客户目标,按照某种可用性能力组合构建系统

    You target a certain client with a blend of usability and power and build your system.


  • 一方面,如果系统使用任意客户服务器组合,请开始传送对象指定XML模式

    On the other hand, if you want your system to work with any combination of client and server, start off by specifying XML schemas for the objects that you wish to send.


  • 绝大多数客户期望对冲基金组合基金费用能够降低

    An overwhelming majority expect fees to fall, for hedge funds and funds of funds.


  • 通过使用复合过程客户可以LOOKUPOPENREAD操作组合RPC请求,这样客户机只需次请求就可以文件读取数据

    By using compound procedures, clients can read data from a file in one request by combining LOOKUP, OPEN, and read operations in a single RPC request.


  • 根据客户需求可以通过一系列步骤构建新的组合服务

    This sequence of steps constitutes a new composite service that should be created based on users requirements.


  • 服务器代码使用回调检验客户请求提供用户名和密码组合

    The callback is how your server code can verify the username-and-password combination supplied by the client on a request.


  • 除了显示服务器获得报表客户轻松使用例如组合客户直接选择报表视图类型

    In addition to presenting reports from the server, the client also includes ease of use features such as a drop down combo box to select report view types directly in the client.


  • 默认STRONG意味着CICS可以使用所有密码组合客户协商

    The default is STRONG, which means that CICS can use all of the cipher suites to negotiate with clients.


  • 已经导入了多个公共策略可供附加服务客户组合单元

    Several common policy sets are already imported and ready for you to attach to your service and client composition unit.


  • 客户重新询问他们公司生产组合建筑估价

    Customers are asking for estimates again for the modular buildings his company manufactures.


  • 客户重新询问他们公司生产组合建筑估价

    Customers are asking for estimates again for the modular buildings his company manufactures.


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