• 只有尖叫着塞巴斯蒂安时,才能听到声音

    Only when she shrieked for Sebastian could her voice be heard.


  • 收养5岁大儿子达米,王和丈夫必须接到通知后立刻请假前往法院

    When he and his husband adopted their five-year old son, Damien, they had to appear in court and take time away from work at short notice.


  • 扇动四个翅膀起飞飞行,并之前,90安时电池需要补足空中停留2.5分钟

    It flaps its four wings for take off and flight and is able to stay aloft for about 2.5 minutes before its 90 mAh battery needs topping up.


  • 平面能源正在研发种不同的电池化学配方。 其中之一是把氧化物其他离子化合,充电电压伏,容量200安时

    One of them combines lithium manganese oxide with other ions, and operates at about three to five volts with a charge capacity of 200 milliamp hours per gram.


  • 想下这些数字(来自ARM),颗1000容量电池IntelAtomZ500处理器频率800MHz运行能支持19休眠7的正常使用间;

    For a 1000 mAH battery, the Intel Atom Z500 Atom processor running at 800 MHz offers 19 hours of sleep time and overall battery life of 7 hours.


  • 伸手去吉他莫利感到局促不

    Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.


  • 那天晚上到家发现布赖恩正在屋里电视

    When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV.


  • 阿德里更喜欢上网写信碰运气

    When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.


  • 然而思考问题,我确定我们还能排除多少可能性。

    Yet, as I thought about Juan's question, I was not sure how much more we could really rule out.


  • 见到英国喜剧演员朱利·克莱害羞谨慎电视表演却十分出色。

    When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect.


  • 塞巴斯蒂医生开门低低地一躬,因为医生到哪儿都结交朋友。

    When Sebastian opened the door to the physician he bowed very low, for the doctor made friends wherever he went.


  • 需要多久才能完成她的作业? ——一小以后。

    How soon will Ann finish her homework? —In an hour.


  • 幕降临赛场,比赛结束,守门员胡走到我身边,面不改色地问我:“你家也有月亮吗?”

    As darkness came over the field and the match ended, the goal keeper, Juan, walked over to me and said in a matter of fact way, "In your home, do you have a moon too?"


  • 灯光再次塞巴斯蒂注意约翰脸色像死一般惨白,片白杨树叶子一样在颤抖

    When the light was lit again, Sebastian noticed that John was deadly pale and trembling like an aspen leaf.


  • 终,在2月20日,经过70天2小48分钟,她到达了旅程的终点提瓜。

    Finally, on February 20, after 70 days, 3 hours and 48 minutes, she reached Antigua—the end of the journey.


  • 回到刚刚公园长椅其他母亲都围了过来,称赞能够表明自己的立场

    As Bianchi approached the park bench where she'd been sitting, other mums came up to her and congratulated her on taking a stand.


  • 应该听说过去年四月份一则新闻·海德因为条狗带去澳大利亚没有海关申报面临诉讼

    You may have heard the news last April about how Amber Heard was facing lawsuits for taking her two dogs into Australia without declaring them to customs officials.


  • 谷物其他固体货物被装黏土以外的材料所制成的集装箱里,通过拉米海运输。

    During the period, grain and other solid cargo was shipped across the Ramian Sea in containers made from material other than clay.


  • 卷起进行批量固化之前要进行蒸发使用普MX染料处理限制4以内,从而可以保持清晰明快的线条。

    Evaporating before rolling up for batch curing and limiting processing time to 4 hours with Procion MX dyes, clear, crisper lines are maintained.


  • 琪尔还是同一个女人;不错,完全是同一个女人呀!

    I am the same woman, Angel, as you fell in love with; yes, the very same!


  • 这本选举策略失误,变装形象依然成了替罪羊:朱利尼后来再上“周六现场当年最大错误就是主持这个节目穿裙子。”

    But it was still the drag outfit that was blamed: Giuilani later reappeared on Saturday Night Live saying "one of my key mistakes, years ago, was when I hosted this show, I wore a dress."


  • 通知几乎所有系统收集都会有LED闪烁。

    On nearly all Android phones, there’s an LED that blinks when you have unread notifications.


  • 1829年第一德特人残骸比利被发现起,人类学家至今也未他们灭绝提出任何有力的解释说明。

    Since the discovery of the first Neanderthal bones in Belgium in 1829, anthropologists have proposed any number of explanations for their extinction.


  • 坦白地说玛丽感到发烧脸颊眼睛脉搏很有趣吗?

    Confess, Marianne, is not there something interesting to you in the flushed cheek, hollow eye, and quick pulse of a fever?


  • 拉走来找,他正处在这种紧张状态顶点。

    It was at the most intense point of this preoccupation that Enjolras accosted him.


  • 离圣诞节还有一个星期凯蒂甩了。但没法告诉玛丽

    When Katie broke up with me a week before Christmas, I couldn't bring myself to tell Mary Ann.


  • 结果,我们附近进行扫荡巡逻,在一条丛林小路上一支越共游击小分队伏击

    While on a search-and-destroy patrol, near the village Di an, we were ambushed on a jungle trail by a small band of Vietcong guerillas.


  • 有一些甚至电子产品有过敏反应,当他周边发出很大磁场或者电荷的电子设备就会坐立

    Some people even show allergic reactions to technology, finding it difficult to live around devices that emit too much magnetic and electrical charge.


  • 有一些甚至电子产品有过敏反应,当他周边发出很大磁场或者电荷的电子设备就会坐立

    Some people even show allergic reactions to technology, finding it difficult to live around devices that emit too much magnetic and electrical charge.


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