• 学生们申请学院入学许可。

    Students apply for admission to a particular college.


  • 我们学院小教堂里结的

    We married in the college chapel.


  • 发言人宣布学院成立

    The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.


  • 没有达到进入学院全部要求

    She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.


  • 西雅图文理学院一名英语老师

    He is an English teacher at the Seattle Academy for Arts and Sciences.


  • 取得了学院学籍

    He secured himself a place at law school.


  • 研究绝对无意损害学院未来发展

    Her study was not in any way intended to prejudice the future development of the college.


  • 近年来,这个学院男女学生比例出现了剧变。

    The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years.


  • 人们可以报名参加所大学语言学院自学课程

    Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university's language institute.


  • 一部关于基洛夫芭蕾舞学院记录片作过解说

    She also narrated a documentary about the Kirov Ballet School.


  • 许多学生没有足够的科学数学知识背景得到进入工程学院许可。

    Many students have insufficient science and mathematics background to gain entrance to engineering school.


  • 这些书籍学院遗赠

    These books are his legacy to the college.


  • 玩耍不是愚蠢行为。”学院报告称。

    "Play is not silly behavior," the academy's report declares.


  • 很多方面学院情况已经变得更了。

    In many ways, things have got a lot worse at business schools.


  • 课程国王学院纽约其他学院教师教授

    Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York.


  • 学院所有新生第一学期必须上大学写作

    All incoming students at the academy are required to take a college writing class in their first term.


  • 个月有人学院派对上提供可卡因

    Two months ago he had been offered cocaine at a law school party.


  • 学院医生喜欢亚当斯因为与众不同

    The doctors at the medical school didn't like Adams very much because he was too different.


  • 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院运作

    We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.


  • 哈佛大学学院刑法教授

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school.


  • 大学学院创建人之一

    He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty.


  • 历史系文理学院一部分

    The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences.


  • 得到了普拉特艺术学院奖学金

    He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.


  • 获得了达特茅斯学院化学理学学士学位。

    I received a BS in chemistry at Dartmouth.


  • 那场战争之后恢复了韦尔斯利学院的任职。

    After the war he resumed his duties at Wellesley College.


  • 他们抗议说,他们尊崇学术殿堂里没有商业学院位置

    They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning.


  • 1990年芝加哥的时候,一个朋友弄到了一张城里抢手展览门票:艺术学院莫奈画展。

    When I was in Chicago in 1990 a friend got me a ticket for the hottest show in town: the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.


  • 为什么学院医生不喜欢亚当斯

    Why did the doctors at the medical school dislike Adams?


  • 德林学院的钟楼和花园是牛津的著名景点。

    Magdalen College's bell tower and gardens are famous sights in Oxford.


  • 还认为麻省理工学院项目很棒

    The other thing I thought was great was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology project.


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