• 日本媒体报道其中一家工厂,传出了爆炸声音

    Japanese media reported the sound of an explosion at one of the plants.


  • 大规模裁员工厂关闭多年来经常成为媒体头条和公众争论焦点,现在偶尔也是这样

    Mass layoffs and plant closings have drawn plenty of headlines and public debate over the years, and they still occasionally do.


  • 国内媒体越来越多地报导癌症消息——肮脏工厂附近疾病群体

    The domestic media is increasingly filled with reports of "cancer villages" - clusters of the disease near dirty factories.


  • 鸿许多工厂设在劳动力价格低廉地区中国南方,因此该公司媒体有关工厂工人待遇报道极为敏感

    The fact that many of its production facilities are in areas with cheap labour such as southern China has made Hon Hai sensitive to media coverage of its plants and treatment of its workers.


  • 除了汽车制造商其他生产商裁员公司名单已涉及到百事可乐、律师事务所零售商媒体公司、工厂甚至科技企业

    Apart from carmakers and other manufacturers, the list of those laying people off now includes Pepsi bottlers, law firms, retailers, media companies, chemicals producers and even technology firms.


  • 最近一次媒体技术巨头聚会上,梦工厂动画公司的CEO卡岑伯格(JeffreyKatzeberg)曾问到如果重新开始事业什么

    At a recent gathering of media and technology moguls, Jeffrey Katzenberg, the C.E.O. of DreamWorks Animation, was asked what he would do if he were to start his career over.


  • 相信诸位赞同意见正是“新闻工厂”应当发挥其“灯塔”作用,当代信息空间中的其他各类大众媒体提供导航

    I"ve got no doubts that you are sharing my opinion that "news factories" are to stay some kind of lighthouse guiding other kinds of mass media on the modern information space.


  • 当地媒体劳工组织中国劳动法促使华南地区许多工厂或是关闭或是业务到了越南低成本地区

    China's new labor laws are pushing dozens of factories in southern China to close or shift operations to lower-cost places such as Vietnam, according to local media reports and labor organizations.


  • 中国国家新闻媒体周一透露东部地区一家工厂经理逮捕,原因是从泔水,下水道污水杀虫剂再生工业用油中提取油脂生产食用猪油

    A factory manager in eastern China has been arrested for using grease from swill, sewage, pesticides and recycled industrial oil to make lard for human consumption, the state news media said Monday.


  • 认为容易媒体得出观点除了特殊情况下每个办公室工厂都应该从早上九点工作晚上五点星期工作

    I think it is easy to get the idea from the media that, except in unusual cases, everyone works from nine in the morning to five in the evening, five days a week, in an office or plant of some kind.


  • 中国官方媒体星期一这起事故发生在重庆市工厂

    Chinese state-run news media say the accident occurred Monday at the Jianfang chemical factory in the city of Chongqing.


  • 借助媒体呼吁一下,希望我们这里一个棉花工厂

    Please with media called for cotton, hope we here in a building a cotton factory.


  • 国家媒体报道发生爆炸工厂位于河流上游236英里出,5死亡,10,000被迫迁他处。

    The chemical plant explosion, 236 miles upriver, killed 5 people and forced 10,000 others to evacuate, the state media reported.


  • 耐克外包导致了一个意外结果—90年代变得臭名昭著,因为媒体报导耐克在印尼外包工厂工作环境非常恶劣

    One consequence of outsourcing Nike did not anticipate was the bad publicity it received in the 1990s, following reports of poor working conditions in its outsourced Indonesian factories.


  • 耐克外包导致了一个意外结果—90年代变得臭名昭著,因为媒体报导耐克在印尼外包工厂工作环境非常恶劣

    One consequence of outsourcing Nike did not anticipate was the bad publicity it received in the 1990s, following reports of poor working conditions in its outsourced Indonesian factories.


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