• 然而如果我们认识到人类就是容易怀念习惯生物,就会释然了。

    And yet, it makes a lot of sense when you consider that we humans are creatures of habit.


  • 如果我们认识疾病带给我们信息我们可以立即采取必要措施改变我们身体情志思想精神的状况

    If we recognize the message which the disease brings us, we can take the immediate steps necessary to change our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual states.


  • 如果我们理解这种哲理必须首先认识希腊人而言,音乐不仅仅种娱乐消遣

    If we're going to understand the philosophy, we have to first understand that music for the Greeks was about much more than entertainment.


  • 如果我们认识这样价值我们就会活得更久健康。

    If we all recognize the value of doing this, we will live longer and be healthier.


  • 基于此,认识如果工具能够支持某些可视化以及查询功能那么对于我们处理代码复杂性而言,其效率就能台阶

    At a point, I realized that if the tool would support some visual and querying facilities, it could represent a new step in how we deal with code complexity.


  • 首先我们认识到要求他人批评别人工作非常困难尤其是当事人如果知道设计这个作品的就坐他身旁

    Firstly, we realized asking someone to critique a stranger's work is especially difficult if the user thinks the stranger who designed it is sitting right next to them.


  • 如果这些黯淡日子使我们认识到我们真正使命不是别人侍奉而是要为自己同胞们服务的话,那么我们付出的代价完全值得的。

    These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us, if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to, but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.


  • 如果我们承认程序缺陷不可避免我们同样需要认识到适当有用例行程序重要性

    If we acknowledge that bugs are inevitable, we also need to realize the importance of appropriate serviceability routines.


  • 以上事例中,我们可以认识到如果正在试图戒烟无论是使用处方或者医师给出的治疗方式只要你遵照各项说明,那么成功机会就会大大增加

    The lesson is that if you're trying to quit, whether using an over-the-counter method or a prescribed medication, follow the directions and your chance of success will increase.


  • 如果我们认识到古铜色肌肤意味着什么我们都会拥有更健康皮肤

    If we all realized what tan skin really meant, we'd all have healthier skin.


  • 人们已经认识到如果我们不真的采取什么措施控制气候改变我们遭遇无法避免的气候恶果

    People realize that unless we take steps to arrest climate change, we are heading toward catastrophic consequences that will be irreversible.


  • 如果不是认识美国美国人民安全阿富汗岌岌可危明天就会下令我们队伍回家

    If I did not think that the security of the United States and the safety of the American people were at stake in Afghanistan, I would gladly order every single one of our troops home tomorrow.


  • 如果明天网络崩溃并且故障持续了一个或者足够使人们重新认识到物理媒介重要性我们可能破产

    If the Internet went down tomorrow and stayed down for a month, or long enough that people thought physical media was important again, we would very likely be out of business.


  • 我们认识如果作回应就不会视为一个可信品牌。”洛恩

    'We're getting to a point if you're not responding, you're not being seen as an authentic type of brand,' says Mr. Brown.


  • 如果在9.11恐怖事件之后今天我们得更清楚、更远,我们就会认识人类不可分的。

    If today, after the horror of 11 September, we see better, and we see further — we will realize that humanity is indivisible.


  • 为什么我们不会认识这样个问题,如一辆好——如果我们奢求强劲动力那么我们必须为它注入我们质量极佳的汽油。。。。

    Why do we fail to see that just like with an awesome carif we want awesome engine performance, we must put in the best quality gas we can find…


  • 我们应对气候变化威胁认识如果针对气候变化不采取措施就是我们孩子后代的背叛。

    We will respond to the threat of the climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generation.


  • 人们应该清醒认识到专利有效期20如果Web根据首次发表日期申请专利保护,那么时至今日我们才能免费使用Web。

    It is sobering to think that as patents are valid for 20 years, that had the web been patented and based on this first release date, then it would have only become freely available for use today.


  • 如果我们认识到这个问题严重性会犯错误。

    If we don't recognize the seriousness of the problem, we'll make a mistake.


  • 觉得这次交手算不上至关重要如果最后获得了积极比赛结果我们就能够更好地认识自身潜力实力,”扎卡尔多做出了结论

    "I don't think it's a crucial clash, but if we were to obtain another positive result it would make us even more aware of our potential and our strength," concluded Zaccardo.


  • 如果我们研究尼泊尔历史不难认识加德满都村落中世纪时期就是佛法研究的中心

    If we study Nepalese historical records, we can see that the Kathmandu valley was the center of Buddhist learning in the medieval period.


  • 我们要说如果发现自己很孤单认识到是有目的的。

    Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose.


  • 我们最终认识如果破坏海洋我们毁灭自己只希望这个认识不算

    We are finally learning that if we destroy our seas, we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.


  • 如果我们能够认识这些我们可以敏捷做出反应调整我们行为

    If we could learn to recognize these, we might be more astute in reacting and adjusting our own behavior.


  • 如果当疾病初起时我们认识生病是帮助我们,那么担心病情加重恐惧不会产生。我们许多苦楚正是由这些恐惧造成的。

    If, at the onset of a disease, we realize that it's here to help us, first of all the fear that serious disease engenders won't be there, and it's this fear that causes a lot of the suffering.


  • 欢迎加入我们行列亲爱的巴瑞如果认识更多朋友中文非常感谢

    Welcome aboard, dear Barry! If you want to know more friends? Please speak Chinese, thank you very much!


  • 欢迎加入我们行列亲爱的巴瑞如果认识更多朋友中文非常感谢

    Welcome aboard, dear Barry! If you want to know more friends? Please speak Chinese, thank you very much!


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