• 如果工作使用油漆,上防毒面具会明智之举

    It's smart to use a respirator if you're working with paint.


  • 如果工作雪豹上,为了使运行需要

    If you are on Snow Leopard, to get it running, you need to.


  • 如果工作就是为了追求爱好毫无缘由整天怀疑自己

    You'll have no reason to doubt yourself throughout the day if your job is to pursue your passions.


  • 如果工作开心是因为没有满足自己需要

    If you aren't happy at work then you aren't getting your needs met.


  • 如果工作的地方合适卫生间可以在那儿更新装备。

    If you have access to a suitable bathroom at work, freshen up there.


  • 如果工作时间周围的人都,我保证他们很懊恼

    If you work fewer hours than everyone around you, I can promise you that they are annoyed.


  • 休息——如果工作时间太长的话,工作效率就不会很高了。

    Take breaks - If you push on one task for too long you your work starts to suffer.


  • 如果工作少些是否足够中获得快乐然后其他事情中获得更多快乐

    If you worked less, could you be happy with enough, and happier doing other things?


  • 如果工作生活方面基础都做得很好优先顺序发生变化时,就可以避免混乱

    If you build a strong foundation for both your romantic and work life, you can prevent disruption when priorities shift.


  • 配件同样可以应用工作中,尤其是如果工作地方每个人穿的都是大同小异的衣服

    This can be applied at work, too, especially if you work somewhere where everyone wears a different variation of the same outfit.


  • 另外如果工作15的话,公司还能为提供四周带薪年假(并且之后年就有一次机会)。

    Plus, if you clock in for 15 years in a row, you're entitled to a four-week paid sabbatical (and one every five years after that).


  • 如果工作好,客户/同事/老板希望更多完成惊奇的工作因为他们看到美好结果

    If you do a great job, your clients/co-workers/boss will want you to do more of this amazing work because they see great results.


  • 有隐私规章方面忧虑:如果工作公司是那种一公开说话就会进局子的公司。 要倍加小心使用社交媒体。

    Privacy and regulatory concerns: If you work for a company where what you say in public could send you to jail, proceed with caution.


  • 例如也许雇主雇员口头上说或者建议过如果工作努力,我们提升的职位,并且将来很多优势

    For example he employer may have said verbally or suggested to an employee that if you do well we'll promote you up and you will have various advantages in the future.


  • 如果工作地方离步行或者骑车能到的距离的话,可以来回上下班时候活动——一天结束时候极好的减压方式

    If your workplace is within walking or cycling distance of your home, you could even have an active commute to and from work - a great way to de-stress at the end of the day.


  • 如果还有什么工作方面问题就给打电话

    Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.


  • 如果带走工作,那就再也高兴不起来了。

    If you take my work away I can't be happy anymore.


  • 如果来说一样宁愿在家工作

    If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home.


  • 如果海外居留超过3个月工作持有效期10年护照

    If you're staying for more than three months or working overseas, a full 10-year passport is required.


  • 如果真的工作做好忘了睡眠的重要性。

    If you really want to do your job well, don't forget to get some sleep.


  • 所以如果真的工作做好忘了会儿觉。

    So if you really want to do your job well, don't forget to get some sleep.


  • 如果工作经营一家小公司或者一家公司里管理个独立的部门,那么应该寻找办事高效的人。

    If the job is running a small business or an autonomous unit within a larger business, high achievers should be sought.


  • 而且如果碰巧正在工作或者希望现在工作可能尤其令人沮丧

    And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now.


  • 如果工作那么就会成堆

    If the job's that good, you'll have stacks of money.


  • 如果忙忙碌碌工作,就要坚持做下去。

    If you're in a job that keeps you busy, stick with it.


  • 如果以为这项工作容易,那就会大吃一惊

    If you think the job will be easy, you're in for a shock.


  • 如果不得不一个团队工作必须学会领会别人的意图。

    If you have to work as part of a team, you must learn to read people.


  • 如果上了一个认可学校就会找不到工作

    If you went to the wrong school, you won't get the job.


  • 如果丢掉了工作只能责怪自己

    If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame.


  • 如果丢掉了工作只能责怪自己

    If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame.


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