• 太多学生需要特别关注

    There are too many students requiring special attention.


  • 太多学校争抢太少学生

    There are too many schools chasing after too few students.


  • 也许许多教师可以用来学生形成追求他们自己的问题时间太少了,课程太多内容涉及

    Perhaps many teachers have too little time to allow students to form and pursue their own questions and too much ground to cover in the curriculum.


  • 坐在后排的学生可能不会太多教室里,可能很难看到黑板,也很难听到老师在说什么

    At the back, students probably won't speak much, but in big classrooms, it can be hard to see the board and hear what the teacher is saying.


  • 老师学生这样奇特矛盾经历一般来说初学者往往自己正在事情(的本质)太少,因为他们对自己正在做的事情(的细节)想得太多了。

    Teachers and students alike have experienced the curious paradox that beginners, as a rule, tend to think too little about what they are doing because they think too much about what they are doing.


  • 一方面参加课外活动可以让学生发展自己兴趣一方面,太多课外活动可能会增加学生负担

    On the one hand, participating in extra-curricular activities allows children to develop their hobbies while on the other hand, too many such activities can increase children's burden.


  • 认为老师不应该布置太多作业来占用学生的空余时间。

    I don't think teachers should give too much homework to take up the free time of students.


  • 们会失去太多的自信,以至于他们开始停止参加学校的课堂活动。

    Students can lose so much confidence that they start to stop taking part in classroom activities at school.


  • 学生太多的时间使用他们的手机听音乐,看电影或玩网络游戏,这将占用他们的空闲时间。

    Some students spend too much time using their cell phones to listen to music, watch movies or play online games and this will take much of their spare time.


  • 仍然需要在书中查找信息,做作业的时候把它写下来,这不会花费他们太多时间。

    Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework, which doesn't take them too much time.


  • 如果学生因为缺课太多使某个科目考得很差必须接受后果自己错误中吸取教训

    If a student misses too many classes and so does poorly in a course, he will have to accept the consequences and learn from his mistake.


  • 提供并未含有太多价值同样课程只是为了获得利润并且学生带来了巨额债务

    Likewise courses that offer poor value for money and students with too much debt.


  • 这样做法对有那么一点点太多帮助,因为学生们发起游行时,所强调的原因是有广泛共识的:在智利接受教育贵,基本上都是由父母买单

    Doing so may help him a bit, but not much. The students' underlying cause remains popular. Education is expensive, and parents pick up most of the bill.


  • 学生1曾经认为Eclipse这样的工具太多使你成为懒惰程序员

    Student 1: I used to believe that tools like Eclipse did too much work for you and made you a lazy programmer.


  • ,我资助了一些学生学费,对这些大学生来说,这学费他们没有过的那样,太多了。

    I have often gone on imagining that I was assisting with their school fees students to whom fees were as superfluous as their unread books.


  • 太多匹兹堡大学以及全国各地大学学生还在为不断上涨学费积累债务担忧

    Too many college students here at the University of Pittsburgh and elsewhere are worrying about the rising cost of their tuition, and the increasing accumulation of debt.


  • 社会公正研究中心的报告:“许多雇主告诉我们说,他们认为学生在离开学校时就应该‘为工作做好准备’,现在太多学生都无法满足要求。

    The CSJ report said: 'Many employers told us that they believe students should leave education 'work ready' and that currently too many students fall short .


  • 该项调查指出,有太多学生毕业失业他们选择回到大学继续修读那些对他们今后职业生涯没有意义研究生课程

    Too many unemployed graduates are returning to university to do pointless postgraduate courses that will not help their career, the findings indicate.


  • 许多学生太多时间网络游戏

    But many students spend too much time playing Internet games.


  • 一方面对于年龄比较小学生他们生活没有太多经验知道知识甚少所以他们通常需要老师告诉他们怎么做

    On the one hand, for the young age students, they don't have too much life experience and know little knowledge, so they usually need the teacher tells them what to do.


  • 艺术音乐课程虽然可以拓展我们心智但不感兴趣学生或许无法从中得到太多益处

    Although courses such as art and music can broaden the mind, uninterested students will probably not gain much benefit from them.


  • 艺术音乐课程虽然可以拓展我们心智但不感兴趣学生或许无法从中得到太多益处

    Although courses such as art and music can broaden the mind, uninterested students will probably not gain much benefit from them.


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