• 还有他们来了个转弯,却发现自己不偏不歪地挡商业广场大道中间

    But it gets better: they make another turn and find themselves smack-dab in the middle of the thoroughfare of a mall.


  • 或者如果为了自己心爱,奋不顾身地挡魔杖……此刻甚至嫉妒父母死了

    Or if he could have launched himself in front of a wand to save someone he loved... he envied even his parents' deaths now.


  • 公务员录用体检办法和体检标准因存在许多合理体格归类,而使相当多的具有一定生理缺陷的人无情地挡了公务员门槛之外,难以获得公正救济

    The physique classification in the employment standards used in different places is so unreasonable that many physical disabled persons are disqualified from office and cannot get a just remedy.


  • 既耐心坚定作出努力拆除儿子其他孩子们之间堵墙。

    She has made patient and firm effort to break down the wall between her son and other children.


  • 其实不然,一旦触及移民问题,他们便齐齐反向用力—最大限度世界上优秀具才智的人美国门外

    But when it comes to immigration they are doing exactly the opposite-trying their best to keep the world's best and brightest from darkening America's doors.


  • 或者说只是用书在眼前遮光,以便更好饱览海滩美景呢?

    Or do you merely hold a book before your face as a blind for better beach-watching?


  • 所能恐惧工作室之外

    Wherever you can whenever you can always drive fear out of the workplace.


  • 所能恐惧工作室之外

    Wherever you can, whenever you can, always drive fear out of the workplace.


  • 一次岩石放进他挖开的窟窿里,岩石稳稳里面,慢慢形成了一面土石壁。

    Only this time, he placed rocks in the holes he dug.


  • 这个无人女人不仅自强自立竭尽全力帮助别人。

    The unstoppable young woman not only helps herself, but also pushes those around her to be the best they can be.


  • 改进后的液压其它低速运行的单作用液压研制提供借鉴作用

    This new hydraulic cylinder may also provide reference for other single-acting cylinders with low speed.


  • 结果表明,喷涂弹性体有效防止潮闸闸门腐蚀,具有较长期经济效益

    It was found that the sprayed polyurea elastomer could be used to efficiently prevent the steel gate from corrosion, and the technology could have enormous long-term economic benefit.


  • 一旦达到已经完成驾驶手动汽车一半工作。

    Once you get this step, you are more than halfway through being able to fully drive a car with a manual transmission.


  • 这时驾驶员必须根据动力转弯时车速需要综合路况选择适当位安全通过弯道

    At this time the driver must be based on the power and the need to turn the speed of the vehicle, the integrated traffic conditions to choose the appropriate gear through the curve.


  • 我们可以看到怎样通过陈述紧密联系在一起像是图书馆书架上的两个书板一样。

    We can see how these nine chapters are tied together by two statements, which are like two bookends at the end of a library shelf.


  • 研制推力火箭发动机过程工况时遇到了燃烧振荡问题我们采用横向流板很好解决了这个问题。

    On the development process of the variable thrust rocket engine combustion vibra ions are encountered in the low working conditions, we solved this problem finely by lateral baffle.


  • 别人旁边兜来转去,设法跳起投篮,“嗖——”,球恰好越过那些孩子头顶飞入篮筐,竟无人

    Running circles around the other kids, she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net with on one to stop her.


  • 它们精确控制着除驾驶以外的一切功能引擎性能刹车压力变化传动管理空调以及GPS精确定位器等

    They control pretty well every function in the vehicle other than driving it: engine performance, brake pressure, gear changes and transmission management, air conditioning, and GPS-enabled locators.


  • 头脑清醒瞬间里,温斯顿觉出他正旁人一样大喊大叫,用脚后跟暴烈椅子

    In a lucid moment Winston found that he was Shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair.


  • 小马走到河边看见河水前边哗啦哗啦响着,心里有点了。

    Pony was a little scared as he saw a small river in front of him.


  • 预应力锚索钢筋混凝土结合使用较好传递锚索强大作用力提供较大的

    The combination of prestressed anchorage cable and reinforced concrete beam and slab can well transmit the powerful action force of the cable, which can provide strong blocking and protecting force.


  • 站台中部发生火灾时,只有机械排烟装置配合使用才可以有效控制烟气

    When a fire occurs at the center of the platform, both the smoke evacuation fan and the smoke blocking wall can effectively control the smoke.


  • 桥墩处理上,改变传统的网格贴合水物的方法直接将桥墩作为边界生成无结构网格。

    The piers are processed as land boundary directly, comparing to the method that mesh is used to fit impediment.


  • 钉支护经济基坑支护方式之一,广泛应用各类基坑支结构中。

    Soil nailing is the most economic way for support of foundation excavation, and it is widely applied to all kinds of foundation excavation.


  • 还有数以十亿计的人们全球市场的大门之外,霍布斯那些残酷用语仍然可以准确描述他们的的生活

    There are billions of people, locked outside global markets, whose lives are still accurately described by Hobbes's cruel phrase.


  • 站住回头越走越远终于,我过去面前羞涩,你爱上你了。

    I stopped and look back to see if you are farther and farther, and finally, I ran past, the block in front of you, shy to say, do you think I fell in love with you.


  • 作出掩护让很多射手都可以很好完成投射,而且位置上知道如何组织进攻

    He sets the type of screens that give knockdown shooters wet dreams, and knows how to run the offense through his position.


  • 到转弯时不停喇叭想没有任何人或车

    In the approach to and through each turn, I lean on the horn to make all who might come my way disappear from the earth.


  • 到转弯时不停喇叭想没有任何人或车

    In the approach to and through each turn, I lean on the horn to make all who might come my way disappear from the earth.


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