• 权衡这些证据我们可以意大利面当作健康饮食模式一部分来食用时,不会体重产生不利影响

    In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern.


  • 全起见,研究人员建议,我们应该比以前更少使用电脑,或者睡觉前尽可能屏幕亮度调低。

    To be on the safe side, the researchers suggest that we should use computers less than before, or turn down our screens as much as possible before sleeping.


  • 我们有意无意它们建立真人基础上,或者几个特点他们属性混合一个角色

    We base them, consciously or unconsciously, on real people, or we blend several people's traits, their attributes into one character.


  • 看到我们女儿时间课堂上罚站的肺都气了。

    It makes my blood boil to see our daughter standing in class for a long time.


  • 因此我们不是处理个别系统相反我们那些系统交互的人或系统细节封装到抽象实体中,我们称它参与者

    As such, we are not dealing with individual people or systems; rather, we have encapsulated the details of those who interact with the system in an abstract entity that we call the actor.


  • 我们他们带大的过程中坚定界限因为如果不限制小孩子不由自主得寸进尺要求你回应他们。

    We brought them both up with firm boundaries because we had seen that, without set limits, children felt compelled to push and push to achieve a reaction.


  • 理所当然我们引到了“间隙“问题上“,以及伊瑟尔理解,间隙阅读起到作用

    This of course brings us to the issue of "gaps" and the role that they play in the act of reading as Iser understands it.


  • 他们成功我们所有都保持货梯入口附近

    They've managed to keep all of our people around back at the freight entrance.


  • 他们很高兴接受了,食物回到屋子里去。我们可拉斯从车上拿下来的折叠桌上用餐

    They happily accepted and took the food back to their shack; we ate at a folding table Nicolas carries in the car.


  • 诺贝尔大会份声明中说:“我们真诚决定诺贝尔授予拉尔夫·斯坦曼,是建立我们认为他本人前提上。”

    "The decision to award the Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on the assumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive," the assembly explained in a statement.


  • 我们喜欢雅典想象成穿着长袍公民神庙集市若有所思徘徊着,思考着深奥的哲学问题。

    We like to think of Athens as a place where robed citizens wandered thoughtfully through the Parthenon and agora.


  • 如果我们平民正确理解这种复杂性我们就不能战士带回家他们我们社会找到位置。

    If we civilians don't understand that complexity, we won't do a very good job of bringing these people home and making a place for them in our society.


  • 没法我们友谊量化,也不能确切知道我们闪光而易的骨头断裂之前我们到底能承受多大压力

    I cannot quantify the physics of friendships and do not know exactly how much intense pressure can be applied before these glittery, brittle bonds break.


  • 蝗虫….所那些补还」(珥二:25,直译);我们环境自己完全用信心丝毫不留手里的时候,祂必补还我们以前失败的那些年日。

    God can "restore the years that the locust hath eaten" (Joel 2:25); and He will do this when we put the whole situation and ourselves unreservedly and believingly into His hands.


  • 一旁玩耍,而一边辛苦捡着树叶,一边咒骂这些我们的院子搞得这么

    As he played nearby, I was overexerting myself and practically cursing all the trees for having made such a mess.


  • 我们情况房间入手,检查上的东西,它们分门别类标有“保留”、“垃圾”、“回收”、“捐赠卖掉”的盒子里

    We started in the worst room in the house and first went through every item that was stacked in piles on the floor, sorting them into different “Keep”, “Trash”, Recycle”, “Goodwill”, andSellboxes.


  • 我们差不多小时的那辆白色面包车才开过来,后面跟着一些小卡车敞开的车厢里架着高音喇叭,不停播着音乐我们条街吵得鸡犬不宁。

    We'd been talking for almost an hour when his big white van, followed by pickup trucks with speakers on the flatbeds blasting music, rumbled up our street.


  • 我们钱迅速投向最需要的方。尽管世界银行集团历来一个长期项目贷款机构,但我们支付开发款项已经超过了国际货币基金组织危机方面的支出

    Even though the World Bank Group has traditionally been a lender on long-term projects, our development disbursements have exceeded the IMF's crisis payments.


  • 我们科学家区别开来科学家具有不仅理解数据而且能够获得数据的能力——有点像是跑过95后触得分和出局区别有点类似。

    What distinguishes scientists from the rest of us is their ability not just to understand the data but to derive the data - which is a bit like the difference between being able to graph a 95-yd.


  • 为了最好使读者满意我们FacebookTwitter上的问题贴到这里来:“最喜欢店里一种冰淇淋三明治?”

    To best satisfy our readers this time around, we posted the question on Facebook and Twitter: "What is your favorite store-bought ice cream sandwich?"


  • 接收到响应之后,SOAPpy可以方便这种格式页面解码html——然后我们保存文件系统中,这样就可以通过浏览器进行查看了。

    SOAPpy does a very handy job of decoding this into HTML upon receiving the responsewhich we then save to the filesystem and can view with a browser.


  • 相反知道事情面向公众公开,因此我们所有可以光天化日之下讨论影响着我们所有人的事情,我向这个世界寻求的,是正义。

    Instead, I took what I knew to the public, so what affects all of us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day, and I asked the world for justice.


  • 最后组训练中实验对象丝毫不休息,只是一一遍重复练习这个需要听力分辨任务我们叫做”什么都做,只管练习组。

    In the final regimen, subjects didn't get a break, but instead practiced the same auditory discrimination exercise over and over again. We'll call this the nothing-but-practice group.


  • Yva说道:“我们遇到只带着袋鼠妈妈当时他们草丛中吃短暂休息,袋鼠宝宝们不断脑袋伸出育儿袋。”

    Yva said: "This was one of two females with young joeys. The mothers were grazing in short grass and periodically resting, while the babies kept sticking their heads and legs out of the pouches."


  • 2011年3月16日日本北部宫城县,南三陆区的村庄里,一名当居民海啸过后废墟走过,海啸废墟冲向了树林我们看出当时的海啸的海浪的确很高。

    A resident walks in an area damaged by tsunami as the debris among the trees shows the height of the tsunami at a village in Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan on March 16, 2011.


  • 张照片贴他们房间我们吃完早餐我们一个一个下来

    I’ve posted these 4 pictures in their room (courtesy of LivingLocurto.com – a great website by the way!) and each morning after we’ve tidied up from breakfast we read them one by one.


  • 苹果电视(我们回到这里)拐弯抹角iTunes网络商店购买节目传到的电视。

    Apple TV indirectly feeds (we'll come back to this) a show you bought on the iTunes Web store into your TV.


  • 既然我们讨论这个问题,何不提高赌注日历往前几个世纪:1752年一天英格兰美洲殖民又是星期几?

    While we're at it, why don't we raise the stakes further by rolling back the calendar a couple centuries: What day of the week was September 6, 1752, in England and its American colonies?


  • 既然我们讨论这个问题,何不提高赌注日历往前几个世纪:1752年一天英格兰美洲殖民又是星期几?

    While we're at it, why don't we raise the stakes further by rolling back the calendar a couple centuries: What day of the week was September 6, 1752, in England and its American colonies?


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