• 时我认为她是在惊讶和高兴之间,因为这可能是她第一次见到像我这样的顾客。

    At that time I thought she was between surprised and happy, because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me.


  • 画像本身似乎惊讶凝视着

    The portraits themselves seemed to be staring in astonishment.


  • 听说外国媒体已经在惊讶报道日本人面对灾难时表现出来平静首先行为

    I hear that the foreign media has been reporting with amazement the calmness and moral behavior of the Japanese faced with the disaster.


  • 镜头跟踪杰克惊讶好奇中左顾右盼不时拍拍路旁的叶子,看着他们发出闪烁的亮光。

    TRACKING WITH JAKE as he gazes about him in growing wonder.


  • 游客惊讶看到名妇女驾驶着一辆巨大的橙色拖拉机行驶罗马一条主干道上。

    Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Rome's main avenues.


  • 旅游运营商Explore惊讶发现,前往印度不丹尼泊尔高价旅行最后一刻预订量有所增加

    Tour operator Explore has been surprised to see an increase in last-minute bookings of high-priced trips to such places as India, Bhutan and Nepal.


  • 耶鲁大学攻读博士学位时,上了堂表演。你可以想象妈妈惊讶

    Imagine mom's surprise when you, who were on your way to a doctorate at Yale and took a few acting classes.


  • 我们过去一直惊讶选举旋风当中,简化论者会所有复杂琐碎问题都会呼天抢地吵闹一番。

    We are long past being surprised when complicated and nuanced problems are, amid an electoral whirlwind, turned into reductionist rallying cries.


  • 完晚饭,我们惊讶发现妈妈朋友发了饺子照片

    After dinner, we were surprised to find to pictures of dumplings in my mother's friend circle.


  • 2016年里约热内卢奥运会上人们惊讶看到美国著名游泳运动员迈克尔·菲尔普斯身上圆圆的紫色印记

    During the 2016 Rio Olympics, people were surprised to see the round, purple marks on the body of the famous American swimmer Michael Phelps.


  • 惊讶积极情绪愉悦感相关享乐幸福感研究中的表现远不及现实幸福感。

    It was surprising to her that hedonic well-being, which is associated with positive emotions and pleasure, did so badly in this study compared with eudaimonic well-being.


  • 对怠速过低感到惊讶并且斜坡上,如果离开刹车汽车甚至还会向后遛车。

    I was surprised by the lack of transmission creep and the fact that the car will roll backward if you take your foot off the brake on an incline.


  • 感到惊讶的是,我北方视为理所当然一切事物南美大草原上几乎没有发生

    I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in Savannah.


  • 约翰告诉生气了,你不会感到惊讶因为总是事情出错时感到沮丧

    When John tells you he got mad, you're not surprised, because he always gets frustrated when things go wrong.


  • 令人惊讶其中26%的人,家中至少有一个工作成年人

    What's most surprising is that 26% of them live in households where at least one adult is working.


  • 亲爱的斯科特先生收到隔壁邻居来信想你可能有点惊讶必须提出一个主题,以便容易书面讨论

    Dear Mr. Scott, I expect you may be slightly surprised to receive a letter from your next door neighbor, but I have to raise a theme that it will be easier for me to discuss in writing.


  • 想到件物品太空中停留那么似乎令人惊讶目前轨道上的古老的卫星——先锋1号——2018已年满60岁。

    It might seem surprising to think about an item staying in space for that long, but the oldest satellite still in orbit—Vanguard 1turned 60 in 2018.


  • 它们我们这些当地岛民水下时间长,这让我们感到非常惊讶。”朱拉多博士

    "We were so amazed that they could stay underwater much longer than us local islanders," Dr. Jubilado said.


  • 令人惊讶是,没有知道多少孩子英国医院接受教育不用说教育的内容质量了。

    Surprisingly, no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals, still less the content or quality of that education.


  • 经济困难时期学生主要目标“经济上富裕”,并不令人惊讶

    Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off."


  • 这个标本连同周围岩石过去50一直波兰一家博物馆陈列,令人惊讶的是,从未有人发现这个脚印

    The specimen, complete with surrounding rock, had been on display for the past 50 years at a museum in Poland, but amazingly no one had spotted the footprint.


  • 消息没有美国成为新闻时,并不感到惊讶——我们唯一一个没有这样政策富裕国家

    I wasn't surprised when this didn't make the news here in the United Stateswe're now the only wealthy country without such a policy.


  • 令人惊讶的是这样问题标准历史很少受到关注标准的历史中欧洲探险家通常英雄有时恶棍

    Such questions have received surprisingly little attention in standard histories, where European explorers are usually the heroes, sometimes the villains.


  • 看到人们排电话电脑的长队,很惊讶儿子2004年的时候如此耐心排队等着我们联系。

    I see the lines for phones and computers and marvel that my son would be so patient to wait in a line like that to connect with us when he was here in 2004.


  • 我的童年早期,我经常惊讶于我的父亲工作艰辛却赚钱很少。

    In my early childhood, I was often surprised when I saw my father making a small number of money with difficulty.


  • 昨晚的聚会上看到她时,每个人都很惊讶

    Everyone was surprised to see her at the party last night.


  • 我们第一个无屏幕日之后,学生们提到他们惊讶于自己很享受这一天。

    After our first screen-free day, students mentioned that they were surprised they enjoyed it.


  • 我们考虑生物死亡完全摧毁许多方式时,化石能够和生物本身一样常见这一事实是很令人惊讶的。

    When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are.


  • 令人惊讶的是潮汐的地方,幼年马蹄藤壶数量并不多,尽管它们很少洞里活动

    Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow.


  • 令人惊讶的是潮汐的地方,幼年马蹄藤壶数量并不多,尽管它们很少洞里活动

    Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow.


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