• 引导团队通过不同阶段时,那就把他们错误变成值得学习要点吧

    When you guide one of your team through the different stages of leadership, turn their errors into learning points.


  • 如果他们自我引导型的团队运作其实他们事实上还是混乱的状态,那么不久会在条河上像没有桨似的乱窜

    If you run your team as if they were self-leading, but in reality they're chaos, then before long you'll be heading up a certain creek without a paddle.


  • 学习过程中犯错正常引导你的团队通过不同阶段时,那就把他们错误变成值得学习的要点吧。

    Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. When you guide one of your team through the different stages of leadership, turn their errors into learning points.


  • 如果团队成员在有关如何引导需求管理过程不同想法并且有不同文档化组织需求的方式那么谁进行最后发言呢?

    If your team members have different ideas about how to conduct the requirements management process and different ways of documenting and organizing the requirements, who will have the final say?


  • 引导团队情感态度行为反应一项重大任务

    Directing the feelings, attitudes, actions, and behaviors of a team is a big task.


  • 为了一个公司员工关系经理职位面试伊奈兹要突出团队合作引导别人成功能力

    Interviewing for a Manager of Employee Relations position in a large company, Inez emphasized her ability to work in teams and to coach others to success.


  • 它们描述迭代递增的,引导开发团队实现结果过程不是个软件项目指示一个计划-建立-组装的活动序列

    Rather than prescribing a plan-build-assemble sequence of activities for a software project, they describe an iterative, incremental process that steers development teams toward results.


  • 不管他的论据看上去多么充分开发团队必须表现出坚定的原则礼貌地将这些请求引导已建立的变更控制过程中

    No matter what arguments people use, you and your development team have to exhibit strong discipline and politely direct these people to the proper change request process.


  • 引导会议方式个人团队层面培养起信任

    The way you conduct team meetings can allow you to nurture trust at both the individual and corporate level.


  • 个成功领导必须知道什么时候减少回报地方,并引导团队好奇心

    The real talent of the exceptional leader is knowing how to channel the curious team in such a way that they know when to recognize the point of diminishing return.


  • 注意第11如何开始引导团队进行战略思考

    Notice how item 11 begins to lead the team into strategic thinking.


  • Gonzo最大问题就是能够引导团队尝试许多有意思的想法,但是却没有一种可以帮助他们生产出符合Russell要求的产品

    The biggest problem with Gonzo is that he can lead a team to try many interesting ideas, none of which helps them deliver the product Russell wants. 8.


  • 我们可以这么认为,“Nokia测试”的最初目的帮助敏捷教练确定Nokia的哪些团队可能受益于这些引导

    It would seem that the 'Nokia Test' served its original purpose, to help the agile coaches at Nokia determine which teams might be ready to benefit from coaching.


  • 鼓舞团队士气引导他人避免问题解决问题以及主动实践决策能力

    The capacity to motivate people so thatthey are inspired to prevent or solve problems themselves, as well asproactively implementing decisions.


  • 成功公司员工知道怎样引导一个团队然而知道尊重他们工作组织

    Successful corporate employees know how to lead a team while also respecting the organization for whom they work.


  • 引导发掘工作英国团队害怕当前以色列的“管理者可能会一些黑市上,或者更糟——毁掉它们

    The British team leading the work on the discovery fears that the present Israeli 'keeper' may be looking to sell some of the books on to the black market, or worse - destroy them.


  • 这样不但可以引导团队思考流程,同样可以会议结束后折叠起来带走

    Not only does your butcher-paper template guide the group through the process, but you can fold it up and walk away with it at the end of the meeting.


  • 全球团队成员意见调查旨在鼓励团队成员分享反馈想法引导酒店团队成员进行恰当的沟通

    Global team member Survey aims to encourage team members to share their feedback and concerns transparently and guide hotels to have proper communication with team members.


  • 管理引导我们操作团队确保提供公司最好状态的服务,和客户最高满意度

    Manage and guide our whole operation team, make sure the high standard service is provided and client's full satisfaction is met.


  • 引导我们旨在快捷买得起便利医疗的视一个经验丰富管理团队

    Guiding us toward our goal of quick, affordable and convenient health care is a seasoned management team.


  • 人性化服务流程设计要患者中心,以效率效益目标,以信息技术为支撑,以团队精神为引导

    Patient was the core target of the humanistic service process, efficient and benefit were the goals, it was the support platform and team work was the guidance.


  • 专业团队帮助引导满足英语的学习目标

    Professional team will help guide you to meet your English speaking learning goals.


  • 拓展训练培训引导借助一定场地器材特设内容程序方式熔炼团队、提升自我的一种训练方式。

    Expanding training is a training under the guidance of the division, with certain venues, equipment, to the content of the AD hoc procedures and the way melting team, a self-upgrading training.


  • 多通道空间中,利用排布我们引导人们行走方向,在跟着感觉到你去的地方,这也是ZAHA团队想看到的结果。

    In multichannel Spaces, we want to guide people by optimizing lighting configuration. Meeting the expectation of ZAHA's team, lighting now could follow where the travellers intended to go.


  • 多通道空间中,利用排布我们引导人们行走方向,在跟着感觉到你去的地方,这也是ZAHA团队想看到的结果。

    In multichannel Spaces, we want to guide people by optimizing lighting configuration. Meeting the expectation of ZAHA's team, lighting now could follow where the travellers intended to go.


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