• 根据摩根大通公司的分析信用评级的下降意味着美国国库券利率可能提高60至70个基点

    According to analysis from JP Morgan, the downgrading means interest rates for US Treasury bonds could increase by 60 to 70 basis points.


  • 信贷紧缩苦头的很多人可能会选择购买美国国库券以作稳妥之计。

    Having been burned by the credit crunch, many have opted for the safe haven of US Treasury bills.


  • 摩根·士丹利美联储的口径相似,预计出现债券狂跌美国国库券收益率骤升至5.5%。

    Morgan Stanley expects bond carnage as this catches up with the Fed, predicting that yields on US Treasuries will rocket to 5.5pc.


  • 美国财政部,卖出国库券票据债券时,他们几乎是私下交易,或者说首先经纪自营商交易,而不是大众市场。

    When the Treasury in the United States sells Treasury bills notes and bonds they deal almost exclusively or we say primarily--with broker-dealers not the general public.


  • 如果中国突然不再购买美国国库券美国陷入财政危机

    If China were suddenly to stop buying US Treasury bills, it would plunge America into a fiscal crisis.


  • 他们知道如果他们继续累积外汇储备的话,他们将不得不更多美国国库券

    They know they have to buy lots more U.S. Treasuries if they continue accumulating foreign exchange reserves.


  • 在这种情况下,持有收益率4%左右的美国国库券规避经济大幅衰退仍然值得的。

    It may still be worth holding Treasury bonds yielding around 4% as a hedge against a sharp economic downturn.


  • 美元美国长期国债美国短期国库券一直世界货币体系关键作用

    The dollar and treasury bonds and bills play a central role in the world monetary system.


  • 3月份经济数据恶化,10年期美国国库券收益率为3.58%。相形之下,现在收益率至3.18%。

    The 10-year Treasury recently yielded 3.18%, down from 3.58% in March before economic data turned sour.


  • 结果被愚弄投资者买入美国国库券,而他们所期望获得的真实(去除通胀之后的)收益率根本是不现实的。

    The result may be that investors have been fooled into buying Treasury bonds on unrealistic expectations of real (after-inflation) yields.


  • 美国国库券收益下降股票则上涨——但此景8月10日股市再次下跌

    In America Treasury yields fell and stocks rose-but not for long, as equity markets fell again on August 10th.


  • 另外一种形式荷兰拍卖,它是十七世纪荷兰郁金香商人以及今天竞拍美国国库券竞标人所熟悉的一种拍卖形式。

    At the other extreme is the Dutch auction, familiar to 17th-century tulip-traders in the Netherlands as well as to bidders for American Treasury bonds.


  • 顾问公司Macroeconomic Advisers估计由于美联储资产购买美国抵押贷款利率国库券票面利率之间的息差降低了1个百分点。

    Macroeconomic Advisers, a consultancy, estimates that American mortgage rates are a percentage point lower relative to Treasuries as a result of the Fed's asset purchases.


  • 年长投资者可能会记起1962年情形,当时美国国库券收益率还不到4%,其持有者在此后的5年、1020年内承受了的实际回报率

    Veteran investors may recall 1962, when the Treasury-bond yield was less than 4%. Those who bought bonds then earned negative real returns over the succeeding five-, ten- and 20-year periods.


  • “事实表明只有两个市场真的流动的:德国债券美国国库券期货市场,”摩根斯坦利收益分析师ManojPradhan如是说

    “It turned out that only two markets were truly liquid: German-bond and US-Treasury futures,” says Manoj Pradhan, a fixed-income analyst at Morgan Stanley.


  • “事实表明只有两个市场真的流动的:德国债券美国国库券期货市场,”摩根斯坦利收益分析师ManojPradhan如是说

    “It turned out that only two markets were truly liquid: German-bond and US-Treasury futures, ” says Manoj Pradhan, a fixed-income analyst at Morgan Stanley.


  • 欧洲央行通胀论调美联储坚定的情况下,10年期德国国债收益率超过美国国库券还有实际意义吗?

    Indeed does it make sense for German ten-year bonds to yield more than Treasuries when the inflationary rhetoric of the European Central Bank looks much more hawkish?


  • 布拉德去年7月份就开始警告美国可能面临着日本式通货紧缩风险,并且呼吁购买国库券降低风险

    Bullard has warned since last July about a risk of Japanese-style deflation in the U.S. while calling for purchases of Treasury securities to reduce the threat.


  • 对于句话,我个人的理解是:亚洲各中央银行通过购买数量惊人美国国库券维持美国经常项目赤字以及强势美元方面起到推波助澜的作用,他们当然也不希望看到美元走走弱他们手头所持的资产就会大幅缩水)。 后一句的extra revenue 我觉得翻成:“过多的收入”可能会好一点

    Asian central banks, which have helped sustain both the current-account deficit and the dollar by buying Treasury bonds in startlingly large quantities, have little interest in a weaker greenback.


  • 考虑美国国库券价格用作大多数其他信贷市场价格参照这么说一点都令人奇怪

    That is hardly surprising, given that Treasury prices are used as the reference rate for most other credit markets.


  • 为了维持汇率中国海湾石油出口国大量买入美国国库券,压低了美国国库券收益率助长房市繁荣

    As China and Gulf oil exporters purchased American Treasury bonds in order to hold down their currencies, this pushed down bond yields and helped to fuel the housing boom.


  • 原油价格急剧变化会导致美国利率下降因为沙特阿拉伯俄罗斯原油购买了美国的长期国库券

    Or when steep prices for oil lead, curiously enough, to lower American interest rates, because the money the Saudis and the Russians make from crude is spent on American Treasury bonds.


  • 假如这些国家不再这些资产转换成美国国库券抵押债券或是其他美国资产,加以时日美元地位就一定会被削弱

    If they cease to rotate this wealth into us Treasuries, mortgage bonds, and other us assets, the dollar must weaken over time.


  • 美国国库券收益率无疑重要金融市场指标

    THE yield of Treasury bonds is arguably the single most important indicator in financial markets.


  • 美元隔夜同业拆借利率翻番三个月美国国库券利率50多年来最低点

    Overnight dollar rates doubled in the interbank market while the rate paid by the American government for three-month money fell to its lowest in more than 50 years.


  • 美国短期国库券最长,也是名字由来

    Treasury bills in the United States are limited to one year out; well, that's the name of it.


  • 相比之下,中期国库券回报率为95.3%,收益率的美国债券回报率为102.2%。

    By contrast medium-dated Treasury bonds returned 95.3% and high-yield American bonds 102.2%.


  • 收益债券和美国国库券之间利差危机期间高点大约0.5个百分点。

    The spread (excess interest rate) paid by high-yield borrowers is only around half a percentage point lower than it was at the height of the crunch.


  • 以往的经济衰退期美国股票平均回报率为负15.3%,国库券年平均回报率为10.4%。

    In previous recessions, American equities have delivered an average negative return of 15.3% while ten-year Treasury bonds have delivered a positive return of 10.4%.


  • 以往的经济衰退期美国股票平均回报率为负15.3%,国库券年平均回报率为10.4%。

    In previous recessions, American equities have delivered an average negative return of 15.3% while ten-year Treasury bonds have delivered a positive return of 10.4%.


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