• 其中之一仅仅因为保守党反对

    One is simply that the Tories are against it.


  • 成千上万因为保守党削减即将失业时候,鼓吹场引人注目婚礼就很可憎了。

    But it's obscene to boast about a splashy wedding at a time when hundreds of thousands of people will be losing their jobs thanks to Tory cuts.


  • 尽管具体情况现在都还不明确因为保守党内部现在是混乱,但是这样做法也保守党日后部门工作打开条道路

    This might open the way for a ministerial job in a future Tory government, although the details were not immediately clear, not least because of the muddle among the Tories.


  • 欧洲外交官们表示希拉里认为保守党如果试图拒绝《里斯本条约不明智的,因为保守党上台时,这项条约很可能已经签署

    European diplomats said Clinton believed it would be unwise to try to overturn the Lisbon treaty in the unlikely event that it has not been ratified by the time the Tories come to power.


  • 为数不少选民怀疑气候变化危言耸听,因而质疑为之花费巨资是否明智。他们可能一边倒地投票给保守党因为保守党活动家在他们的博客中流露出强烈的气候怀疑论倾向。

    A significant number of voters are sceptical enough about climate change to doubt the wisdom of any costly action, and they probably vote disproportionately Conservative.


  • 奈特先生非常清楚自己的暗有所指,尽管作为一个老牌保守党人,还是因为投票赞成银行援助而在去年犹他州共和党给活活抛弃了。

    Mr Bennett knows whereof he speaks about those: despite a strong conservative record, he was dumped by Utah's Republicans last year for having voted for the banking bail-out.


  • 美国人共和党不放心部分因为一些保守党查出收受贿赂滥用。

    Americans stopped trusting Republicans with their money in part because some conservatives were caught trousering bribes or peddling influence.


  • 英国保守党惧怕布莱尔影响力反对就任该职;还有很多反对他,因为伊拉克战争中的表现,以及担任首相期间未能英国走近欧盟的事实。

    Mr Blair is also opposed by the Tories, who fear his clout; and by many others because of his role in the Iraq war and his perceived failure as prime minister to push his country closer to the EU.


  • 保守党上台部分因为公众认为他们强硬对待犯罪问题,然而他们的提议绝不支持者所期待的。

    The Tories came to power in part on the perception that they would be tough on crime; these proposals are definitely not what their fans were expecting.


  • 相比之下,保守党希望今年开始因为他们害怕拖延危机英国信用评级进而高利率

    By contrast, the Conservatives want to get going this year since they fear that delay could imperil Britain's credit rating and thus push up interest rates.


  • 如果西装革履,我根本搞不清楚女人投来的目光因为我真的迷人呢还是她们保守党

    If I put on a suit and tie, I never know if women look at me because I'm attractive or because they hate the conservatives.


  • 他们藐视保守党,认为该党是“目光短浅无知自大英国佬”,仅仅因为他们害怕大卫卡梅隆所领导的党派会竭尽全力摧毁欧盟

    Their contempt for the Tories as “myopic, ignorant little Englanders” was matched only by their fear that David Cameron's party was hellbent on destroying the European Union.


  • 如果保守党取得胜利尤其是现任议员大多数即将自愿因为其他原因退休情况下,他们威斯敏斯特派出令人吃惊的议员。

    If the Tories win, they will send a startling number of new MPs to Westminster, especially given the large number of impending retirements by sitting ones, voluntary and otherwise.


  • 并不因为保守党的票而有看法。

    I don't hold it against him that he votes Conservative.


  • 意味着英国2017年前就是否欧盟举行全民公投,因为保守党竞选时最为关键承诺。 。

    Thee Tories will have to deliver a referendum by 2017 over whether Britain will stay part of the EU or not, since it was a linchpin pledge during the campaign.


  • 并不因为保守党的票而另有看法。

    I don "t hold it against him that he votes Conservative."


  • 意味着英国2017年前就是否欧盟举行全民公投,因为保守党竞选时最为关键承诺

    The Tories will have to deliver a referendum by 2017 over whether Britain will stay part of the EU or not, since it was a linchpin pledge during the campaign.


  • 意味着英国2017年前就是否欧盟举行全民公投,因为保守党竞选时最为关键承诺

    The Tories will have to deliver a referendum by 2017 over whether Britain will stay part of the EU or not, since it was a linchpin pledge during the campaign.


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