• 一定程度是因为盗版与民众拥有其他娱乐选择所以好莱坞正向商业模式迈进,定位于拍摄那些必看无疑、场景宏大壮观影片---影视业俗称为“大片”。

    In part because of piracy, in part because people have so many other entertainment choices, Hollywood is moving towards a business model based on must-see spectaculars—“event movies” in the jargon.


  • 该航空公司发言人接受记者采访时称段视频只花了天时间拍摄费用仅占大型品牌商业广告10%到15%。

    Each clip took one day to shoot and cost about 10 to 15 per cent of the cost of a major brand commercial, an airline spokesman told the reporters.


  • 公司代表告诉,在没有确认之前,不要拍摄关于机器照片。 关于商业泄秘,,公司非常注意这点

    The company representative tells me not to photograph any of the machinery without checking with her first; industrial espionage, she says, is something the company is very aware of.


  • 由于拍摄成本过于高昂,这部电影商业注定是失败至少导演敢起用位天后级女演员出演动作片,这种胆识值得肯定。

    Plagued by on-set accidents, Aeon Flux fizzled commercially, but at least the filmmakers took a stab at casting an A-list actress smack in the middle of the action.


  • 王小帅毕业于著名北京电影学院,他以拍摄反映中国值得关注的问题的影片脱颍而。中国的电影市场其它国家一样,商业影片其中占有主导地位。

    A graduate of the prestigious Beijing film Academy, Mr. Wang stands out as a noteworthy voice from China, whose film market, as in other countries, is dominated by commercial fare.


  • 搭档克里斯汀·阿瑟曼(Christine Ascherman)是一位商业摄影师,在拍摄拍摄期间都会自己念叨曝光光圈的问题。

    His partner, Christine Ascherman, a commercial photographer, talks to herself about exposure and aperture before and during her shoots.


  • 一定程度是因为盗版与民众拥有其他娱乐选择所以好莱坞正向商业模式迈进,定位于拍摄那些必看无疑、场景宏大壮观影片---影视业俗称为“大片”。

    In part because of piracy, in part because people have so many other entertainment choices, Hollywood is moving towards a business model based on must-see spectaculars—"event movies" in the jargon.


  • 31岁的肖央表示:“之前根本没想到这部片子会如此受欢迎。”拍摄商业广告为生一直都想着要一部电影。

    "I didn't see that coming," said Xiao, 31, who makes a living shooting commercials but who had long considered shooting a film.


  • 著名摄影师摄影事业大师左右库尼向您展示了如何建立一个成功精品商业拍摄新生儿

    Acclaimed photographer and photography-business guru Mimika Cooney shows you how to build a successful boutique business photographing newborns.


  • 新闻行业全职商业拍摄工作削减自由职业者需求的。

    For example in the news industry, full-time commercial filming jobs have been cut and freelancers are in demand.


  • 本站所展示摄影作品优卡摄影机构拍摄未经允许不得用于任何商业用途

    This site shows photography are AVIVA shooting, without permission shall not be used for any commercial purpose.


  • 拍摄大量商业摄影作品展现商家独特的卖点突显产品价值内涵

    Was also shot a large number of commercial photography, show business unique selling points, highlight the product 's value connotation.


  • 一开始十年时间从事专业商业广告拍摄

    He spent the first decade of his professional career in the field of commercial and advertising photography.


  • 动物星球频道的“爱狗101”节目表现突出,此外参与拍摄众多商业广告电视节目

    She also starred in Animal Planets Dog 101 and was featured in numerous commercials and television programs.


  • 园区景点形象景区动物形象版权归本园所有未经本园同意,禁止园区内以商业为目的拍摄影视资料。

    The Park reserves all copyrights concerning its own images and those of the animals in it. For-profit photographing or filming is not allowed inside the park without the permission of the management.


  • 最近听到关于一些置疑小马拍摄夏威夷视频是否为基地原创视频,以及新浪新闻商业行为之说。

    Recently, we've heard of that some people doubt the originality of JunKiChina's videos of Hawaii captured by Cindy Ma, and also that they identify our cooperation with as commercial activities.


  • 感谢上帝,那种日子去不复返了那时拍摄一次商业图片、甚至报纸上刊登一副照片就丧失进入美术馆展览机会

    Gone are the days, thankfully, when a commercial assignment, or even a picture in a newspaper, can damage the chance of gallery representation.


  • 经过辛勤耕耘我们积累丰富商业拍摄经验众多广告公司知名企业建立良好的合作关系

    After seven years of hard work, we have accumulated a wealth of shooting experience and have established good relations of cooperation with large advertising companies and famous enterprises.


  • 经过辛勤耕耘我们积累丰富商业拍摄经验众多广告公司知名企业建立良好的合作关系

    After seven years of hard work, we have accumulated a wealth of shooting experience and have established good relations of cooperation with large advertising companies and famous enterprises.


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