• 麦克斯韦转过身,双手纸张写着股票行情的纸带。

    Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.


  • 喜宴期间,爱闹的朋友薄纸写着新婚”的标牌来“装饰新人小汽车

    During the reception, playful friends "decorate" the couple's car with tissue paper, tin cans and a "Just Married" sign.


  • 麦克斯韦转过身,双手纸张写着股票行情的纸带。“什么职位?”眉头问道

    Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape. "What position?" he asked, with a frown.


  • 巴黎圣母院旁边个书摊,摊位摆了一小,其余是成排成排埃菲尔铁塔钥匙扣烟缸甚至还有门牌号码板写着“有危险”的标示牌

    One bouquiniste near Notre Dame presided over a stall with only a handful of books, but rows of paintings of Eiffel towers, key-rings, ashtrays and even house number plaques and "dangerous dog" signs.


  • 漏掉写着!”!”的泡状框。

    All that was missing were speech bubbles saying, "Golly!" and "Wow!"


  • 打开盒子看见白纸有一水晶雪花一张生日快乐贺卡

    I opened the box and saw a piece of crystal snowflake and a greeting card with "Happy Birthday" in the blank paper.


  • 瓶子纸条写着:“拿到海洋419号,就能比奇科默汽车旅馆老板理查德蒂娜·皮尔斯那里获得150美元的奖励。”

    The note inside the bottle said, "Return to 419 Ocean Street and receive a reward of $150 from Richard and Tina Pierce, owners of the Beachcomber Motel."


  • 圣诞饼干上糖霜糖屑,托盘红色绿色写着节日快乐”。

    Christmas cookies with frosting and sprinkles, and "Happy Holidays" written in red and green across the tray itself.


  • 只是寄来了钱一张小纸条,写着他的花园现在看起来多么漂亮,因为我不在里面踢足球了。

    He just sent money and a little note about how great his garden looked now because I wasn't playing football in it.


  • 一天都在自己故事里字词段落篇章同样如此

    Every day I'm writing the words, paragraphs, and chapters of my story, and you are, too.


  • 打开装有写着胜出城市名字信封之前罗格:“所有四份计划的质量都是最高的——感谢你们辛勤工作干劲承诺。”

    Before opening the envelope containing the name of the winning city, Rogge said: "All four projects are of the highest quality - thank you for your hard work, energy and commitment."


  • 其中还有一张“公司”的名片,上面名字职位特别联络员”,还有信息,“就是回来得到的好处。”

    There's also a Company business card with his name and the title "Special Liaison," with the message, "This is what's waiting for you when you get back.


  • 其中一张信息墨水笔迹丝苔收到的一一样。

    On one was a penned message, the ink and writing the same as Stephanie had received.


  • 一张纸孩子姓名有时候还有照片,简历

    Written on each is the child's name, sometimes a photo, and a brief resume.


  • 基地外面,许多旗子写着要求美国说出他们使用橙剂这类有毒化学物补偿受害者有关真相

    Outside the base, banners call on the United States to tell the truth about the use of toxic chemicals such as Agent Orange and to compensate victims for damages.


  • 大部分时间只是不停地握手,在人群里到处走动衬衫写着对不起,我无法说话”你们的工作棒极了”。

    I spent most of the time shaking hands and walking around with signs on my shirt that said, Sorry, I can't talk, and You did a good job.


  • 卡特尼时装秀里面嘉宾节目说明,在封面上有亲笔献词几乎总是写着给“妈妈爸爸”,还有丈夫孩子

    At Stella McCartney fashion shows, the show notes given to guests are prefaced with a page of dedications in her handwriting, almost always to "mum and dad", as well as her husband and children.


  • 得到个护照号码,一个贴衣服领子上的标签,上面写着旅客信息——船上旅客名单一致。

    She was given a transport number, a label pinnedon her lapel that corresponded with the details on the ship's passenger list.


  • 令人想念就是一个心形里面写着约翰珍妮特名字

    All that was missing was a drawing of a heart with the names John and Janet written in it.


  • 报告写着:“普遍过分随意体罚造就一个恐惧氛围,这绝大部分学校里很普遍”。

    "A climate of fear, created by pervasive, excessive and arbitrary punishment, permeated most of the institutions," the report says.


  • 箱把上标签, 上面姓名住址

    There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it.


  • 某位班克罗夫特了顶棒球出现一次至关重要会议上棒球帽上绑着鱼饵一张写着”纸条。

    One turns up to a crucial meeting wearing a baseball cap bearing a fishing lure and a message: “Bite me”.


  • 这个公司之前发布过一些文胸包括太阳能文胸一个用三国语言写着欢迎日本”的问候语的特色文胸。

    Previous efforts from the company have included a solar-powered bra and a "Welcome to Japan" bra, which featured greetings in three different languages.


  • 上面写着即将发生重要事件,互相需要提醒的事情。

    We use it to list important upcoming events and reminders to one another.


  • 同学们着大号,有海报纸那么各种各样东西教室走廊上。

    My classmates and I would get big sheets of paper, poster size, and write all sorts of things and put them up in the classrooms and hallways.


  • 铅笔刻度外包装不仅标注着道菜需要削掉多少铅笔,甚至写着削下来铅笔屑有多少卡路里

    A scale on the pencils and on the back of the packaging doesn't just simply list how much of the Cheese pencil is needed for each dish, but even how many calories the portion contains.


  • 军政部指挥官两三,信封上彭眉胥队长先生”。

    Two or three times the Minister of War and the general in command of the department wrote to him with the following address: A Monsieur le Commandant Pontmercy.


  • 这间公司网站上写着:“富含维生素现在可以孩子们学校午餐中享受如此美味小吃不用担心他们把它拿回来!”

    The company's website says: "Fortified with vitamins, iron and calcium, now you can give your kids a great tasting snack that you can be sure won't come back from school in the lunchbox!"


  • 不过很多T恤衫保险杠写着反对幼犬滥育的爱人士,也根本知道大多数宠物店里出售幼犬也同样来自那里

    But many of these same dog aficionados, who have t-shirts and bumper stickers denouncing puppy mills, don't know that most puppies sold at pet stores come from there.


  • 不过很多T恤衫保险杠写着反对幼犬滥育的爱人士,也根本知道大多数宠物店里出售幼犬也同样来自那里

    But many of these same dog aficionados, who have t-shirts and bumper stickers denouncing puppy mills, don't know that most puppies sold at pet stores come from there.


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