• 科学千百失败最后一次成功

    Science eis often the last time in one thousand after a failed of success.


  • 使用图片精灵尽可能地使用其他优化策略最后

    Using image sprites is sort of a last resort after you have done as much as you can with other optimization techniques.


  • 公主Kaiulani经过长时间海外漂泊最后回到夏威夷阿姨其它家庭成员朋友陪伴下静静地度过了失去家园、美国吞并那段阴郁时光

    Ka 'iulani, who by then had returned to Hawaii from her long exile abroad, spent the day of annexation quietly, in the somber company of her aunt and other members and friends of the royal family.


  • 莫扎特创作出最后一部歌剧不久便去世了

    Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.


  • 赛跑者绕过最后一个弯道开始加速,以图超越同组其他选手。

    Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.


  • 枚炸弹导火线点燃最后一刻解除

    A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.


  • 昨天广场剧院最后一部电影结束几分钟员工忙着清扫爆米花收集可乐

    Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theatre, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups.


  • 那些得很好大学毕业华盛顿特区做次实习最后成为萨克拉门托一名技术助理

    He had spent those years well , graduating from college, completing two internships in Washington, D.C, and finally becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.


  • 最后如果一整天长途跋涉饿了,推荐我们当地的咖啡馆。

    Last but not least, if you're hungry after a long day's trek I can recommend our local café.


  • 最后项实验那些鼓励预测看到令人不快的图片自己何感受”的参与者选择这种图片可能性更小

    In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to predict how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to choose to see such an image.


  • 1641年,最后回到家乡不久他就去世了。

    He died in 1641, soon after returning to his hometown for the last time.


  • 最后一场考试星期四所有的学生在考试都会离开

    The last exam is on Thursday and all students leave after their exam.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是视野在在行进了近5万公里最后一刻变得模糊起来,非常令人沮丧经历

    Ironically after travelling nearly 50,000 kilometres, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.


  • 最后根香烟身体马上开始清除烟草毒素

    Right after your last cigarette, your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.


  • 这些最后都被当作童话故事出版但是是在经历了改革浪潮出版的。

    These were eventually published as fairy tales, but not before undergoing a process of evolution.


  • 问题的摘要制定好把计划书发给顾客他们最后期限

    Once the interviewers have been briefed, I send the client a schedule and then they get back to me with deadlines.


  • 二部分跳到了20年最后一部分发生在1948年。

    The second part jumps forward 20 years and the final part takes place in 1948.


  • 走进教室,在最后面的一个座位上坐下,等待我的新老师。

    After I entered the room, I took a seat in the very back and waited for my new teacher.


  • 很多人帮忙告诉其他人关于派对的事情,布置派对,最后在派对结束打扫卫生。

    Get plenty of people to help tell others about the party, set up the party, and finally clean up after the party.


  • 最后一节课结束,学生们把这些照片发到学校的公共微信上。

    After the last class of every day, the students sent these photos to the school's public WeChat.


  • ,现在的学生把看电视作为完成作业的奖励。

    Lastly, today's students use TV watching as a prize for finishing their homework.


  • 然,我非常有信心,四十分钟我完成了所有的问题,除了最后一个问题:那个打扫讲堂的女人叫什么名字?

    Sure enough, I was so confident that I finished all the questions after forty minutes except the very last one: What is the name of the woman, who cleans the lecture hall?


  • 们试图修理它,但在经过了几个小时的失败尝试,我们很沮丧,我的丈夫建议看迈克尔·乔丹的系列纪录片《最后之舞》。

    After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance.


  • 范围线宽和用户提供的颜色最后可以处理所有几何图形,将它们转换SVG表示

    With the extent, the line width, and the user-provided color, you can now finally process all geometries and convert them to their SVG representation.


  • 安装代理组件最后也是重要步骤配置适当数据收集器

    After installing the agent component, the final and most important step is configuring the appropriate data collector.


  • 在获得所需关于捕获抛出异常信息最后一步汇总这些信息。

    Now that you have the information you need about caught and thrown exceptions, the last step is to put it together.


  • 个人统计——可以了解使用Tawkon最后一次(半年)通话避免多少辐射

    Personal Stats - Find out how much radiation you avoided by using Tawkon during the last call, day, week, month and six months.


  • 创建所需全部Web服务部署描述最后一步每个目标平台上部署应用程序

    The final step, after all of the required web service deployment descriptors are created, is to deploy the application on each of the target platforms.


  • 创建所需全部Web服务部署描述最后一步每个目标平台上部署应用程序

    The final step, after all of the required web service deployment descriptors are created, is to deploy the application on each of the target platforms.


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