• 这种胸罩平胸女孩青睐,并且她们完全想要的。

    This bra will take flat-chested girls and give them exactly what they want.


  • 方面来讲,比赛刚一开始时候,我施加了很大压力,这样出现了很多不该有的失误

    Especially at the beginning of the match, I did put on her a lot of pressure, and then she started to do a lot of unforced errors.


  • 打电话医院组织激光治疗,难懂希望继续这样煎熬吗?

    Ring the hospital to organize some laser treatment, or do you wish me to continue to languish like this?


  • 乙肝病毒能够分娩通过感染母亲传播婴儿通过家庭成员传染处于儿童早期的婴儿。

    HBV can be transmitted from infected mothers to infants at the time of birth or from family member to infant in early childhood.


  • 研究中,研究人员扫描测者看黄色图片他们发现此时大脑中的下丘脑杏仁核区域变得活跃。

    In studies when researchers showed erotic photos to people as they underwent brain scans, they found activity in the hypothalamus and amygdala areas of the brain.


  • 只有降落伞,都保护部门的,一只卫生部,一只国际发展署

    There are only two parachutes, one for each of the protected departments, Health and International Development.


  • 可是,可不是为了希刺克厉夫先生凑趣的;不管什么理由命令林惇这个

    But I'm hardly going to come to give Mr Heathcliff pleasure; whatever reason he may have for ordering Linton to undergo this penance.


  • 乙肝病毒能够分娩通过感染母亲传播婴儿通过家庭成员传染处于儿童早期的婴儿1。

    HBV can be transmitted from infected mothers to infants at the time of birth or from family member to infant in early childhood1.


  • 他们保护小鼠两种抗生素药物治疗剂量改变各种微生物丰富性不是杀死这些微生物。

    They gave protected mice one of two antibiotic drugs in low doses that altered the abundance of various microbes but didn't kill the bugs.


  • 通过艾滋病毒感染的母亲妊娠分娩哺乳期间传播婴儿

    It may also be transmitted between a mother and her infant during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.


  • 可以保护别人所想所说所为的影响,因此极力推荐大家

    It protects you against being too affected by what people think, say or do, and is therefore highly recommended.


  • 一般来说,网络营销公司小企业亲睐,51%访者他们每周至少一次冷不防地打电话在线营销服务商谈事情

    Web marketing companies in general have also been courting local businesses, about 51% of whom say that they're cold-called about online marketing services at least once per week.


  • 抱歉伤了林惇,”终于了,折磨得不住了。

    I'm sorry I hurt you, Linton, 'she said at length, racked beyond endurance.


  • 默克尔不是责任推卸欧元危机处在欧元危机中时似乎不知所措,寄希望希腊其他困国家的援助计划能够北威州选举再推行。

    Mrs Merkel is not to blame for the euro crisis but she dithered when it came, hoping that bail-outs of Greece and other shaky euro-zone members could be put off until after NRW’s election.


  • 本可以全世界观看比赛观众包括上百万感染的年轻人的面前树立一个正面道德榜样

    He could have set a positive ethical example to people watching all over the world, including the many millions who are young and impressionable.


  • 但是由于虫子侵扰害者急切地清除害虫,许多人自身造成了更大伤害

    But as victims of infestation have become increasingly desperate to rid their homes of the bedeviling pests, many have only done themselves more harm.


  • 扮演其他人确实当事人造成了长期心灵折磨,本文访女士其中位都提到了这个问题。

    Six of the eight women interviewed for this article mentioned the longer-term psychological toll of pretending to be someone else.


  • 然后信者倍于第一次信者此后得到电脑提示返还予者一部分钱。

    This amount would then be tripled and credited to the trustee, who was subsequently prompted by the computer to sacrifice a part of his stash by returning some to the giver.


  • 欧元核心国家领导们把他们大幅度财政削减当做是借出救命贷款经济体代价。

    The leaders of the euro's core countries have demanded draconian budget cuts as the price of rescue loans to troubled economies.


  • 正如隔天卫报信中所说和1998年国务大臣委托而进行调查报告中的结果完全吻合

    As a letter to the Guardian the following day pointed out, these were exactly the findings of a report commissioned by the secretary of state for health in 1998.


  • 这些测试者5分钟时间长度约为一文章,让他们找出更正文内的拼写语法错误

    The students were given 5 minutes to read a one-page news story, and needed to identify and correct as many spelling and grammatical mistakes as they found in that time.


  • 意味着尊敬的、要供奉东西

    It was something worshiped or venerated and offered to the gods.


  • 我们寄信囚犯他们家属以及他们机构

    We would send letters to the prisoners, their families, and to the institutions where they were incarcerated.


  • 朱利安贾斯格当时模特经纪公司所雇这位默默无名的诺尔玛·简妮·朵儿蒂拍照。

    Julien said Jasgur was hired by the Blue Book modeling agency to shoot the then-unknown Norma Jeane.


  • 船刑而刑人带来的无尽的痛苦羞辱.

    Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted.


  • 只是我们不能自己女儿他们因为以色列人起誓说:‘有将女儿便雅人为的,必诅。’

    We can't give them our daughters as wives, since we Israelites have taken this oath: 'Cursed be anyone who gives a wife to a Benjamite.'


  • 例如:en_us支持的语言,而“English-UnitedStates则可能显示用户的转换后字符串

    Example: en_US would be the supported language, "English - United States" might be the translated string displayed to the user.


  • 例如:en_us支持的语言,而“English-UnitedStates则可能显示用户的转换后字符串

    Example: en_US would be the supported language, "English - United States" might be the translated string displayed to the user.


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