• 但是明斯克的西方首脑的严厉,困境能够使人印象更加深刻俄罗斯仍旧处在日益惨淡的阴暗中。

    But his plight can only add to the impression, widely held west of Minsk, that Russia is an increasingly dark place.


  • 丹尼尔·布尔施详细描写他们每天从事工作解释了他们如何安排未来工作比如,下一架航天飞机(俄罗斯货机)的到达

    Daniel Bursch wrote in detail of the tasks he performed each day. He explained how they planned for future jobs such as the arrival of the next space shuttle, or Russian cargo spacecraft.


  • 然而上周这种局面一次显得十分的遥遥无期:8月30日埃克森石油公司Rosneft公司达成了协议。Rosneft公司俄罗斯石油公司。

    Last week, however, it became obvious once more how unlikely such scenario is: on 30th August, Exxon announced a deal with Rosneft, the Russian state oil company.


  • 我们确定早些时候就在西北地区现在乌克兰俄罗斯西部驯养

    We are pretty sure that horses were first domesticated a bit earlier, to the northwest, in the area that is now Ukraine and western Russia.


  • 尼古拉斯及其家族布尔什·维克逮捕当时,布尔什·维克控制第一世界大战期间崩溃之后俄罗斯,正忙于孟什维克白军斗争

    Nicholas and his family were arrested by the Bolsheviks, who were then engaged in a struggle with the Mensheviks, or Whites, for control of Russia following the country's collapse during World War I.


  • 今日会谈口吻以前参与的会议很大不同”,位老外长讲道,“我们谈到同一个问题,现今的俄罗斯与过去不一样了。”

    "The tone of the discussions today was very different from anything I've ever encountered," said one veteran. "we were all saying the same thing: this is a very different Russia."


  • 普京也同样应当加强俄罗斯的“肋”,与邻国修好,与此同时还应当加强与西欧为数不多的盟国的交往,这些都可以理解的。

    That Mr Putin should be so anxious to strengthen Russia's weakening ties with its "near abroad", and with his few remaining Western Allies, is understandable.


  • 但是1998年8月俄罗斯无力偿还债务(中止了国债交易),造成金融市场崩溃。

    But in August 1998 Russia defaulted on its debt, sending financial markets into a frenzy.


  • 新闻自由方面,阿巴·托同意梅德韦杰夫说法因特网给予俄罗斯人民自由获取信息的渠道。

    Regarding press freedom, Arbatov agrees with Mr. Medvedev's claim that the Internet gives Russians free access to information.


  • 金砖六国(BRIICS,巴西俄罗斯印度印度尼西亚中国韩国)引领新兴国家所有全球经济增长占据一半以上的份额。

    The BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, South Korea) will lead the emerging world, accounting for more than half of all global growth.


  • 美国说,俄罗斯行动是“过分的”,呼吁双方停火回到8月6号格鲁吉亚发动进攻状态

    The United States called Russia's actions "disproportionate" and called for a cease-fire and return to the status quo of August 6, before the Georgian offensive began.


  • 俄罗斯央行停止铸造硬币1戈比5戈比已经坚持了许久。

    The Central Bank of Russia has been long insisting on ceasing the minting of small coins, that are one and five copecks.


  • 苏联以及后来俄罗斯拒绝一立场

    The Soviet Union and, subsequently, Russia rejected this position.


  • 世界上第一核电站俄罗斯苏联建成当时称为第一核电站。

    The first nuclear power plant has been built in Russia or Soviet Union as it was called at that times.


  • 为了拉拢中国印度巴西俄罗斯支持肤浅的说法,全球秩序最佳定义是:一场西方其他国家之间的竞赛。

    To lump together China and India, Brazil and Russia is to nourish a facile narrative that the new global order is best defined as a contest between the west and the rest.


  • ICQ拥有4200万活跃用户其中1850万,44%来自俄罗斯

    ICQ has 42m active users, of which 18.5m or 44% are in Russia.


  • 1994年后,俄罗斯教师节改为世界教师节同步,10月5

    Since 1994, the day is observed on the October 5, coinciding with World Teachers Day.


  • 成熟汽车市场可能接近饱和但是巴西俄罗斯印度中国(所谓金砖四国”)新兴汽车市场存在着巨大未满足需求

    Mature vehicle markets may be close to saturation, but there is huge unsatisfied demand in the big emerging car markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China (the so-called BRICs).


  • 期间,这支曾在2002年世界杯闯入半决赛的代表队将会进行热身赛530俄罗斯,6月3欧洲杯冠军西班牙队

    The 2002 World Cup semi-finalists will also play two warm-up matches during their stay in the Alps: on 30 May against Belarus in Kufstein, followed by European champions Spain in Innsbruck on 3 June.


  • 它们不是7集团(G7),西方列强俱乐部加上日本不是G8G 7加上俄罗斯

    They are not the Group of Seven - the club of western powers and Japan - or the G8 (the G7 plus Russia).


  • 这份报告重点关注所谓BRIC国家语言巴西俄罗斯印度中国这些国家通常被认作为世界最大新兴经济体

    The report features languages spoken in the so-called BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China - that are usually perceived as the world's biggest emerging economies.


  • 已经引发了人们对一些俄罗斯公司可能会债务违约无法支付他们的债务)的担心

    This has caused concern that some Russian companies may default or be unable to make their debt payments.


  • 某些专供汽油使用类添加剂包含进来一种普通形式石棉“温石棉”则清单中剔除,因为生产该石棉的国家都对持反对态度,其中便有俄罗斯加拿大

    Certain lead additives for gasoline were included, but a common form of asbestos, chrysotile, was dropped from the list after objections from producing countries, among them Russia and Canada.


  • 某些专供汽油使用类添加剂包含进来一种普通形式石棉“温石棉”则清单中剔除,因为生产该石棉的国家都对持反对态度,其中便有俄罗斯加拿大

    Certain lead additives for gasoline were included, but a common form of asbestos, chrysotile, was dropped from the list after objections from producing countries, among them Russia and Canada.


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